Unemployment started to decline (0.5% or 19 100 persons) in July, according to the Ministry of Labour. In late July, the number of people without activity registered at employment center stood at 3.51 million people.
Even before the publication of these figures, Hollande was welcomed this trend drop. “The trend is there, since the beginning of the year, unemployment is falling and we can consider that all categories of unemployed are concerned,” said the head of state during a business visit Wednesday in Trélazé (Maine-et-Loire). “The trend is the decline in unemployment, it has even accelerated since the beginning of the year,” said one who made unemployment the condition of a new application in 2017.
in three months, the indicator, which reached its lowest level since February 2015, was virtually stable (- 0.1%) but was down sharply from the beginning of the year (- 73.900, – 2.1%) and one year (- 44,100 – 1.2%). On July alone, unemployment also fell 0.5% in cash overseas, to 3.76 million applicants. In contrast, enrollment is up slightly (+ 0.1%) including applicants conduct business, for a total of 5.44 million in France and 5.74 million in the whole of France.
training Plan
in a statement, the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri stressed “two fundamental changes that underscore the magnitude of the turnaround.” On the one hand, and “for the fourth time since the beginning of the year,” the decline benefits all age groups. Young people (- 0.9%) and seniors (- 0.3%) are concerned in July, but these categories are experiencing different fortunes on one year: the “under 25″ are experiencing a clear improvement (- 5 9%) against an increase of 2.8% for the “50 and over”.
on the other hand, the Minister welcomed the fall in long-term unemployment, which fell “for the fifth consecutive quarter. ” In late July, 2.41 million people were registered at employment center for at least a year, small business range, 58 400 less than the end of 2015. “This reflects the effectiveness of our actions for the most vulnerable,” says -she.
This series, however, coincides with the
A drop “credible” in ? 2016
According to INSEE, which calculates the unemployment rate based on ILO (International Labour Office), unemployment dropped significantly in the second quarter (- 0.3) for s’ to 9.6% of the active population in France and 9.9% in France entire, its lowest levels since 2012. the difference between the employment center and INSEE is explained by the fact that they do not measure unemployment in the same way: the first accounts registered on its lists, the second carries a survey of 110,000 people. If the number of unemployed registered at the employment center has increased by about 600,000 people since the election of François Hollande as defined by INSEE, it is almost back to its level of the beginning of term (9.3% in France , with 9.7% overseas).
the head of the state, which has often promised to reverse the curve, conditioned to lower “credible” unemployment in 2016 his possible candidacy for a second term, without specifying on which he would base indicator. The president must announce its decision at the end of the year. François Hollande believes not having “had a bowl” on the unemployment front, according to comments reported in a book journalists Antonin Andre and Karim Rissouli published last Friday. “At the same time, I could have won,” he said.

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