A few hours before the opening of this great rout two days, Mr Macron, expected Wednesday before entrepreneurs gathered on the campus of HEC in Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines), announced to its employees that he would submit his resignation to Hollande. According to several media, he formally presented to the Head of State to 3:00 p.m..
His coming Wednesday for the rest kept time, told AFP a spokesman for the Medef, who was waiting for more information.
The boss of bosses Pierre Gattaz reacted to the RTL antenna to the resignation announced regretting a Minister of the Economy that “ now knew, knew the digital (… ) globalization “and wishing a new minister” with at least these qualities . ”
Mr. Macron, which maintains the doubts about his presidential ambitions, had sparked controversy in the previous edition of the university summer of Medef, criticizing the 35 hours and by scratching the left.
In addition to Mr. Macron, several presidential candidates will rush on the HEC campus to woo entrepreneurs, mostly right. As of Tuesday, the former Prime Minister Francois Fillon, who defends the most liberal program, will speak at a “ Plenary policy .”
Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe will speak Wednesday, without crossing. The former president, who formalized his candidacy for the primary last week, was no longer came to visit MEDEF annual since 2007, the year of his election. The mayor of Bordeaux, this in 2013 and 2014, is itself a regular at the event.
The owners present at Jouy-en-Josas can also hear Bruno Le Maire, Rama Yade, and Jean Lassalle, MP for Pyrénées-Atlantiques. At left, Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, representative of the left wing of the PS, is particularly expected.
– “ Later in the reforms ” –
“ The summer school will be less focused on the news, reforms that are or are not made to focus on the pedagogy of the major issues that we wish to see addressed during the presidential campaign , “explained Mr. Gattaz, in an interview with Echos.
As the country struggles out of economic doldrums, “ the presidential candidates should have a goal and one: being strong growth and full employment “, has Mr. pleaded Gattaz. “ When I say strong, this is a sustainable growth beyond 2%, ideally at 3% and an unemployment rate reduced to 6% ,” he said.
The head of Medef fixed objective the creation of two million jobs in the next five years. He had already promised at the beginning of the mandate of François Hollande to create a million jobs in exchange for the responsibility pact, a wide load relief device for companies to weigh futures EUR 41 billion per year but this goal was not achieved.
“ The responsibility pact starts working, we created 150,000 jobs last year in French companies “, said Tuesday on Europe 1, Mr Gattaz calling to do “ not stay in midstream .”
Income tax, wealth tax, 35 hours, arduous account … The two days of debate will be an opportunity for the contenders for the presidency, to specify the reforms they hear enforce.
The right candidates “ converge to a certain pragmatism and breaking down a series of taboos “, such as the removal of the ISF (wealth tax) or lower loads of companies, welcomed Mr. Gattaz in Les Echos.
But the “ totem ” are also “ fell ” left, he observed. The Five-Year “ has revealed the fundamental role of the company, to assume the importance of supply policy. It is a major ideological moved to the left ” Judge Mr. Gattaz, which however, that Mr Macron “ could go further in reforms for two years .”

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