Wednesday, August 31, 2016

End of Havre port blocking after a day of protest – The Point

The activity resumed Wednesday night in Le Havre, France’s second largest, blocked all day by the CGT walkout to protest against the arrest of two in the morning dockers, prosecuted for violence during a Paris demonstration.

the two dockers “were released to 7:15 p.m. after an entire day of police custody in Paris and the movement was suspended,” said AFP deputy secretary general the CGT federation for ports and docks Anthony Tétard.

both dockworkers received at the end of police custody for an appointment for November 25 at the Paris court for “abuse of persons vested with the public authority “, told AFP a judicial source.

the arrest of two dock workers to their home Havre, by Parisian police, was experienced by the CGT, unique dockers’ union, as a provocation, occurring on the day of the coming of its secretary general, Philippe Martinez, in the port city.

as soon as the news of the arrest became known, dockers and port workers stopped work, stopping de facto port activity.

the container ships already in port ceased to be loaded or unloaded, and those who arrived were diverted to other ports.

the liaison will ferry Portsmouth-Le Havre has been removed but the 17:00 took place. A ship that had stopped at Le Havre could sail in the evening.

In addition to the Dockers work stoppages were burning tires in different parts of the city, including outside the headquarters of Grand seaport of Le Havre (GPMH)

-. ‘ scandalous’ –

This action of the CGT is a large-scale response to the arrest of two Havre dockers for violence committed on June 14 in Paris, during the national demonstration against the labor law Minister Myriam El Khomri.


government is terror and we resist,” tweeted the trade union center.

“This is outrageous,” responded Mr. Martinez France 3 Normandie, describing the arrest as “vindictive attitude”.

“it’s no coincidence, I think, if my comrades were arrested this morning while everyone knew that If there was a comeback general meeting of the departmental Union (Seine-Maritime, Ed) and I participated, “said the CGT leader.

of the two people arrested face a militant CGT of 33, held by the Paris Criminal court on July 27 for acts of violence.

the dock was acquitted on charges of throwing projectiles at the security forces but condemned one month imprisonment suspended for rebelling during his arrest, June 14

Le Havre had been dubbed by some “the strike of capital” during the series of social movements spring against the labor law, the CGT dockers often being at the forefront of the action.

But the business community deplored the significant losses incurred by industrial and oil companies and the port itself which lost customers both for the transport of goods, as for passenger ships.

the President of the maritime and port Union (UMEP) Michel Segain, representing shipping companies present in the terminals had been . words harsh enough against the CGT

He had requested an interview with Mr. Martinez but the latter refused

01/09/2016 2:39:25. – Le Havre ( AFP) – AFP © 2016


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