Monday, August 22, 2016

François Asselin: “It would lower the corporate tax for SMEs around 25%” – Les Echos

How do you judge the economic climate of the season?

The overall situation improves for six months, the country is being given to creating jobs. In terms of small and micro businesses, climate, as we were feeling before the summer break is a function of their size. For more than 50 employees, we see emerging signs of hope are at their margins and activities. For those 10 to 50 employees, the climate is rather mixed. As for those with fewer than 10 employees, the concern is very strong. In other words, the more the structure is, the more brittle it is. This spring flagrantly among our members. What worries us is that it is extremely difficult to hire for managers of very small enterprises, which are looking for some to alternative methods … Adding to all this a sector parameter. For our professional members of tourism, the current environment is very mixed. This follows the course of effect attacks but also the period of strikes, during which many companies have opted for the wait, not seeing happen structural reforms. The problem is that at least the beginning of reforms, the country will hang immediately. This is really worrying!

Francois Hollande repeated that “it gets better” …

Since 2008, we lost nearly 500,000 jobs in the market sector : in this context, estimating that “it gets better” is a bit strange. We have big clouds in front of us that we can not rule out that the implementation of structural reforms actually. Excluding security-related needs, the payroll of all staff related to the public sector continues to increase, the company accounts are still strong imbalance. As for our labor market, do not talk! We need an investor state, not the consumer, and a labor market where one can bounce back, instead of being stuck in his status … employee or job seeker. We are far, while the government has benefited from three years of an incredibly strong business environment, with commodity prices and low interest rates. Despite this, no major changes were proposed. The law Macron 1 except liberalize bus companies on road networks, not reshuffling the cards of the country’s economic activity. As for the labor law, it is a réformette who will not lift the obstacles to job creation.

Is there nothing positive in the end, this law work?

Clearly, the worst outweighs the good! Not only this text does not promote the hiring, but devices such personal account activity or increased union delegation hours does not soften relations at work. Anyway, the only goal was to save a government reform. We must make a political reading of the adoption of the labor law, especially not a pragmatic reading.

François Hollande promised a decline in the tax rate on SMEs. What would you

I remain very reserved: we are used to the effects of advertisement whose repercussions are ultimately quite low. On paper, lower the tax rate on SMEs in the right direction. But remember one thing: if the IS fall on companies, it will apply to the balance sheets drawn up in 2017; the actual decline

therefore only take place in 2018. Clearly, the effect will be felt in two years. Nevertheless, I recognize that this decline is the path to take. France is one of the European countries with the highest tax rate, to 33, 3%, where it is 12.5% ​​in Ireland and 15% in other countries. We would see the tax rate close to the average of the euro area, or around 25%. Furthermore, in order to beef especially SMEs undercapitalized, we would like to share the results reassembled in equity has a very corporate tax rates lowered to around 12.5%. This would over time, in three to five years to allow French SMEs and TPE to regain equity in forces and thus a capacity for innovation and investment. But in fact, our hopes are pretty thin. The ads multiply in variety of areas: rising index point officials, bonus for increased salaries of school teachers, extension of the fellowship to research first job … Gifts to electoral referred are many while structural reforms are very rare. These pre-presidential periods are not prone to take courageous decisions. This is unfortunate, moreover in a post-Brexit context. The English will have no other solution than trying to attract market sector. Paris will take advantage of the situation only by establishing a minimum of fiscal orthodoxy and real reforms. Otherwise we risk permanently losing our influence and attractiveness.

The policy pursued since 2012 is favorable to businesses. He has his employers share responsibility for the lack of results

I recognize the merits of responsibility pact: this measure is effective. Without it, whole sections of the economy were strongly pushed around. By cons, we wished that the reform of the Labour Code, the tax, go much further in what is expected of employment and commercial sector. This is crucial in relation to our European counterparts. We can also easily stay with such an imbalance between the public and private spheres. I would also like to remind all the administrative measures that build on the shoulders of entrepreneurs: hardship, DSN, withholding … All this is even heavier than in SMEs and TPE the entrepreneur must drive these changes alone! All these devices are completely uneconomic.

Claire Bauchart, Les Echos

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