Manuel Valls is on all fronts. After an interview with the Express this week in which, in particular, he reminded about all the contenders for the presidency left, and while waiting for NKM, the Prime Minister was the guest of RMC and BFM TV Thursday morning . He answered questions by Jean-Jacques Bourdin. What to remember his address.
STORIES & gt; & gt; Manuel Valls, the dancer on the ledge
Unemployment and growth: “From the results, it’s going in the right direction”
End July 2016 the number of job seekers without activity in France (category a) decreased slightly, according to figures released by the employment center announced Wednesday. Good news for the government.
“It’s down, it’s going in the right direction (…) I am delighted. We must continue the effort to support business competitiveness,” responded Manuel Valls, recalling that ‘there are “74,000 fewer unemployed since the beginning of the year.” For the Socialist prime minister, “all categories are now concerned with the decline in unemployment.” “There are results, it’s going in the right direction, the French economy is performing better,” he insisted.
The French government maintains its growth forecast to 1.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2016 and 2017, despite the zero growth in the second quarter, assured Manuel Valls. “We are on this 1.5% target for 2016, as for 2017,” he said. For this, “we need growth in the third and fourth quarter. But we feel that there are,” he added, noting that “unemployment figures” down, “d a sure way demonstrate “. “A growth of 1.5% allows to reduce unemployment and create jobs,” he has said.
Taxes: “Continue down the income tax”
Prime Minister also confirmed that the government would “continue to decline in ‘income tax “in 2017, stating wanting to” restore purchasing power to the French. ” “My policy speech” during the formation of the government in April 2014, “I had said we would lower five billion in income tax. We are there,” he said.
The “proposals brutality” of Sarkozy
Less than three days after the announcement of the candidacy of Nicolas Sarkozy via a book, Manuel Valls said be “worried about the brutality of the proposals” of the former head of state. “His program is entirely for the wealthy for tax,” he blasted. He added: “This is a profoundly unequal program running back, basically, to a certain conception, that is mine anyway, a social republic.”
Nicolas Sarkozy is it populist? “Ah yes,” said Manuel Valls. According to the prime minister, the presidential candidate of the right “follows the
For the prime minister, Nicolas Sarkozy is “animated by a form of revenge against Francois Hollande, his own friends, perhaps with regard to himself, the French who sanctioned in 2012 “.
Orders anti-Burkini: “The application must be done with discernment”
About women wearing a simple veil verbalized on the beaches of Cannes and Nice, Manuel Valls said that “everything that can appear as a stigma” is “obviously wrong”.
The prime minister also reiterated his support for mayors who take orders “anti-Burkini,” including “the application”, he said, must however be “judiciously”. For the Prime Minister, the burkini is a “religious proselytism sign that encloses the woman.”
“We are not at war against Islam that has its place in the Republic. (…) The Republic is benevolent (with Muslims), we will protect them against discrimination ‘ said the head of government.
Presidential 2017: “Two designs will face”
In the presidential election in 2017, oppose, said Manuel Valls, ” two different models between a reactionary bloc is that of the extreme right and a hard right and a left that should not be talking to itself, which is not to be tacky, which must look at the world and France, as they have evolved, and which must offer this social Republic, right. ”
This, the prime minister added, calls for “equality of opportunity, so the school from this point of view, the project remains in the heart of the project from the left and Republic. both designs will compete in the best sense, during this campaign. ”
Considering that the second round will certainly play between the FN candidate and a PS camp candidate or Republicans (LR), Manuel Valls ruled that the “French political life will be totally upset if it ‘ is this scenario that is needed. ” “How we govern after? Under what conditions? With whom?” Has he asked. “I think our candidate (…) shall together not only the left, but together beyond”.

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