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After two months of increases, the number of job seekers class a decreased in July, according to figures from the Ministry of job. People with no activity and obliged to seek are 19,100 less than a month earlier, a significant drop of 0.5%.
The improvement long awaited by François Hollande, who had made the condition of his candidacy for president in 2017, seems definitely there. Thus, the number of jobseekers registered in category A has he fallen by 75,000 since January. Less impressive but still significant: it decreased by 44,100 year on year, or less than 1.2%. In July, the number of jobseekers registered in category A in France came in at 3.506 million people. In total, across all categories, the number of unemployed registered at employment center, in France, is 6.182 million people.
Notably, the number of long-term unemployed falling for five consecutive months, a first since 2008. seasonal effect? No, it responds to the Ministry of Labour, pointing out that the number of administrative radiation and registration terminations for non-actualization of the situation has increased but remains in line with the figures recorded in recent months.
the same goes for the number of training in job-seekers (category D): they were more than 5000 in
François Hollande has reacted to the publication of these figures during a company visit:
“It may be months that out to be good and some not so good, but the trend, it is this: since the beginning of the year, unemployment is falling and we can consider that all categories of unemployed are concerned. The trend [...] has even increased since the beginning of the year “.
The impact of growth
labor Department statistics are in the same line as those published by INSEE on 18 August. The latter reported a 0.3% drop in unemployment in the second quarter: according to the National Institute of Statistics, the unemployment rate reached 9.6% in France and 9.9% throughout France <. / p>
for Mathieu Plane, an economist at the OFCE, though sluggish, the recovery in growth has henceforth an impact on employment figures. “the threshold is reached from which the unemployment we start to lower” , he said. In fact, according to figures from INSEE, 24,100 jobs were created by the French economy over the quarter and 143,000 year on year. Add to this, says Plane, “measures that increase the effects of growth: such as the IECC, the pact of responsibility or subsidized jobs”
François Hollande has ended up “bowl” , two years late. “I made this announcement reversing the trend in unemployment because I still believed that growth would be 0.7-0.8, it will finally 0.1 or 0.2. Then I repeated this commitment during the vows on December 31, 2012. I was wrong! I did not get to bowl! “, he had told journalists Antonin Andre and Karim Rissouli in Private conversations with President , a book published on 19 August.
Read also: Unemployment: why different figures between INSEE and employment center?

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