The commission created after the scandal Volkswagen diesel engines rigged to try to restore confidence has delivered an opposite post Friday, not excluding that no other software manufacturers use “cheats”.
in its final report compiling the tests of 86 vehicles taken at random, and of which AFP obtained a copy, this independent commission also noted “numerous exceedances” of the selected thresholds, elements that had filtered in points stage.
But the commission says some vehicles have “significant differences” in conditions of approval and called for new tests “to assess whether they should not be withdrawal of their registration certificate. “
the works, which were based on tests conducted by UTAC-Ceram organization, aimed” to make all the transparency practices of automotive industry and restore consumer confidence, “said Segolene Royal, Minister of the Environment who installed the commission.
While Volkswagen has confessed in September 2015 have installed on diesel vehicles software engine management intended to deceive the certification tests by temporarily reducing emissions, other manufacturers whose forbidden to use this device prohibited by the European and American regulations.
But experts noted in their report that “it was not possible to have access to all the embedded software, and therefore no software analysis was done.”
“the commission can therefore not rule definitively on the presence or absence of software + cheaters + in the tested vehicles, “they add.
Even without access to these programs, tests have” identified a significant number of anomalies “, whether or CO2 emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), vis-à-vis the thresholds that the Commission had set.
Segolene Royal has promised in a statement to go “to the end of the implementation of the report. It is a matter of trust. Manufacturers will be in front of their responsibility because air pollution is a serious problem, we can not procrastinate or joke. “
The Volkswagen case had an impact on the whole automotive industry , highlighting the sometimes significant differences between the emission standards in certification tests and those in actual use.
decried for their obsolescence, current European standards, say NEDC , will be replaced in 2017 by a new Protocol (WLTP), supposed to be more relevant
-. Poor students –
UTAC-Ceram has tested 86 vehicles (85 diesel and petrol, for reference) in three ways “in
conditions slightly different from those of the approval to lure, and so detect” a fraudulent device. each time, it added a tolerance threshold.
of the 85 vehicles, about a third (24 to 28), were left “anomaly” vis-à-vis the NOx limits, according to the three tests. An even greater phenomenon CO2 (measured in two tests), 39 and 47 vehicles exceeded the thresholds.
Among the “bad students” during the first test of the NOx in car certified “Euro 6″, the latest standard, include the Fiat 500X, the Renault Talisman and Nissan Qashqai.
We find the Fiat bottom of the league for the first Euro 6 CO2 test. The Volvo V40 and the Skoda Fabia precede it.
The commission, which interviewed 11 manufacturers models “anomaly,” said opposition having been the argument that the pollution control systems could see their limited effectiveness to avoid a deterioration of the mechanical components, which allows also the law.
But it seems that in some cases, these measures are triggered “long before the physical limits are actually met by the systems used, “according to the report.
Among the groups in question, Renault said in April that it would reduce NOx emissions via technical developments in plant this summer, before switching . forward towards a more efficient diesel pollution control technology
in a joint statement, France Nature Environment and Climate Action Network doubted the good faith of the builders: “it is almost impossible to determine the reasons actual techniques that have motivated manufacturers to manipulate the action of pollution control systems. “
the two associations also regretted that the auto makers plans to bring the actual emissions from their vehicles European standards “are insufficient to remedy a very damaging situation for public health and the environment.”
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07/29/2016 8:08:41 p.m. – Paris, July 29, 2016 (AFP) – AFP © 2016