Wednesday, August 31, 2016

End of Havre port blocking after a day of protest – The Point

The activity resumed Wednesday night in Le Havre, France’s second largest, blocked all day by the CGT walkout to protest against the arrest of two in the morning dockers, prosecuted for violence during a Paris demonstration.

the two dockers “were released to 7:15 p.m. after an entire day of police custody in Paris and the movement was suspended,” said AFP deputy secretary general the CGT federation for ports and docks Anthony Tétard.

both dockworkers received at the end of police custody for an appointment for November 25 at the Paris court for “abuse of persons vested with the public authority “, told AFP a judicial source.

the arrest of two dock workers to their home Havre, by Parisian police, was experienced by the CGT, unique dockers’ union, as a provocation, occurring on the day of the coming of its secretary general, Philippe Martinez, in the port city.

as soon as the news of the arrest became known, dockers and port workers stopped work, stopping de facto port activity.

the container ships already in port ceased to be loaded or unloaded, and those who arrived were diverted to other ports.

the liaison will ferry Portsmouth-Le Havre has been removed but the 17:00 took place. A ship that had stopped at Le Havre could sail in the evening.

In addition to the Dockers work stoppages were burning tires in different parts of the city, including outside the headquarters of Grand seaport of Le Havre (GPMH)

-. ‘ scandalous’ –

This action of the CGT is a large-scale response to the arrest of two Havre dockers for violence committed on June 14 in Paris, during the national demonstration against the labor law Minister Myriam El Khomri.


government is terror and we resist,” tweeted the trade union center.

“This is outrageous,” responded Mr. Martinez France 3 Normandie, describing the arrest as “vindictive attitude”.

“it’s no coincidence, I think, if my comrades were arrested this morning while everyone knew that If there was a comeback general meeting of the departmental Union (Seine-Maritime, Ed) and I participated, “said the CGT leader.

of the two people arrested face a militant CGT of 33, held by the Paris Criminal court on July 27 for acts of violence.

the dock was acquitted on charges of throwing projectiles at the security forces but condemned one month imprisonment suspended for rebelling during his arrest, June 14

Le Havre had been dubbed by some “the strike of capital” during the series of social movements spring against the labor law, the CGT dockers often being at the forefront of the action.

But the business community deplored the significant losses incurred by industrial and oil companies and the port itself which lost customers both for the transport of goods, as for passenger ships.

the President of the maritime and port Union (UMEP) Michel Segain, representing shipping companies present in the terminals had been . words harsh enough against the CGT

He had requested an interview with Mr. Martinez but the latter refused

01/09/2016 2:39:25. – Le Havre ( AFP) – AFP © 2016


Sarkozy, Fillon and Juppé Mayor parade Medef. And the winner is … – The Obs

Candidates for the primary right they would wash whiter than white? This is the first impression left by François Fillon, Bruno Le Maire, Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe, who lent this week in the Summer University of MEDEF a calibrated exercise: a minute and a half to submit three questions business leaders, and a few minutes to talk about the future of France.

loads dips, government spending, taxes, end of ISF and the precautionary principle, removal officials of strenuousness account, increased flexibility of the labor code and standards …. It seems that the catalog of candidates based on a common platform perfectly suited to the aspirations of a majority of patrons.

“All this is a stack of measures, but there is no vision, “laments Martine, former business manager, who left before seeing Alain Juppe.

of course, everyone went his more liberal as liberal:

  • François Fillon, former Prime Minister Sarkozy, offers the simple deletion of the working week.
  • Bruno Le Maire, former Dominique de cabinet Director de Villepin calls for renewable CSD at will.
  • Nicolas Sarkozy, former president of the Republic, defends the non-replacement of a teacher on two retiring.
“promises”, repeated every business leaders in the corridors.

Some “do not believe”, others “no longer expect anything political.” Astonishing lack of enthusiasm from an audience that seems largely acquired the right candidates.

Is it because the bosses have already achieved many of the current majority ? We hear more alert on corporate margins, which are recovering thanks to the responsibility of Covenant, or of public deficits, endangered, or of the French attractiveness, expected to be restored by Macron laws and work.

is this the resignation of Economy Minister which distracted them? Tuesday, on the HEC campus, everyone only talked about it. Unless, instead, they are more demanding because they consider the victory of the right already acquired

The two bosses messages

Fillon, Sarkozy, and Mayor Juppé seem have anchored this gives. “The bosses ask them to show they can firstly to operate the levers they actually have in hand, public finances,” said Jean-Marc Daniel, economist at the company’s Institute. Then they apply to the letter.

  • “There is no economic crisis, but to the state,” Fillon said at the outset.
  • ” ‘What can I do to help you help’, I asked an entrepreneur. ‘Above all, do nothing’, he replied,” recounts Mayor promises to manage the administration of an iron hand.
  • “the problem is not the debt or the deficit, but public spending,” insists Nicolas Sarkozy, who announced 100 billion euros
of budget savings and € 34 billion burden relief.
  • Less drastic, Juppe still offers 28 billion euros of tax breaks.
  • “We do not see what distinguishes “yet said Gilles Martin, CEO of PMP cabinet before the plenary tent on the campus of Jouy-en-Josas
  • candidates” Republicans “seem to have built another employer message.

    “as it is almost certain that they will have to implement what they say, they must demonstrate that they are capable” says Jean-Marc Daniel.

    François Fillon was the first to present its economic program. Bruno Le Maire promises to govern by decree from July to September 2017 and to place the program in a contract. Nicolas Sarkozy already announced measures that will be implemented in June and July 2017. “We will not find 30 glorious years”, also cautions Alain Juppe, who is trying to be realistic in public spending cuts that ad.

    And the winner is … the applause

    Although they send similar messages, primary candidates have not all received the same reception of the share of entrepreneurs. Because they do not have the same style. François Fillon, held, in choice, “serene” (to the bottom of his speech) or “disappointing” (to form), emphasized his vision of France under the theme of “Freedom”. He received sustained applause.

    Bruno Le Maire himself has drawn a very dark French economy, emphasizing problematic social situations with a serious tone. His last word: “Hope.” Rather depressing. However, it is the has won the applause.

    Nicolas Sarkozy himself has palm electricity. Upon entering the tent crowded plenary meeting accompanied by music, photographers who followed him on stage made themselves whistle, and people who got up to see people triggered the protests or the mockery of behind. His soundbites in respect of Holland and Macron received “Oooooh!” the hearing ( “The Netherlands 60,000 positions, is water in the sand and the sand in the water”). He is the only one not having respected the speaking time, the clock having simply disappeared screens. His message: “Everything for France” has not won more than that

    Finally, Alain Juppe, very comfortable, got the longest applause. Former Prime Minister, while presenting an economic program close to those of its competitors, has focused on the new economy, circular, sober and digital, has been rallying. He also chose the most important word for business leaders: “Trust.”

    Donald Hebert


    Google will launch in carpooling with Waze – Le Figaro

    The navigation app Waze, owned by Google, will offer a carpool service to San Francisco in the fall. Uber different, Waze will nevertheless be able to compete.

    Google takes the road carpool. The Web giant will launch Carpool, a matchmaking service between drivers and passengers in the San Francisco area, as indicated by the Wall Street Journal. This service will work with Waze, a navigation application bought in 2013 by Google. Tested since May by 25,000 employees of Google, the service is open to drivers and passengers in the fall.

    Carpool may potentially overshadow Uber, even if it is not the target of Google, which is also among its investors. Unlike Uber drivers, paid to race like the taxis, those Carpool be paid a participation fee. These will amount to 54 cents per mile (48 cents for 1.6 kilometers), according to the compensation fixed by the tax authorities.

    The already tested carpooling Google in Israel

    The driver can not make a living using Carpool, but simply amortize its fuel costs. The same principle governs other platforms carpool as BlaBlaCar in France. The platform does not withhold commission. To prevent its service is used for business purposes, the drivers

    will be limited to two trips per day and these trips will not be available between home and the workplace.

    Waze do is not his first foray into carpooling. The Israeli company, acquired by Google in 2013 for one billion dollars. The application, which has 70 million users in a hundred countries, was originally designed as a GPS, whose operation is based largely on the community. Drivers can for example report an accident or a traffic jam or verify the accuracy of the maps.

    Google faces Uber on autonomous car

    Google could launch Carpool n be a warm-up lap. This carpooling service reflects the search engine ambitions in mobility, a sector that invests in developing its own autonomous cars. However, the autonomous car is also one of the priorities of Uber. In May, the company VTC unveiled its first prototype car without a driver. In recent days, the Pittsburgh residents can travel on board. A hundred such cars famous Hard the American city by the end of the year.


    Wall Street ended slightly lower, depressed by oil – Boursorama

    Wall Street ends down slightly (GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP / File / SPENCER PLATT)

    Wall Street ends down slightly (GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP / File / SPENCER PLATT)

    According to provisional results at the close, the index Dow Jones Industrial Average Featured yielded 53.42 points 18,400.88 points and the Nasdaq, dominated by technology, 9.77 points 5213.22 points. The broader S & amp; P 500 was down 5.17 points, or 0.24%, to 2170.95 point

    Main item of the day, “the energy sector is. found under the pressure of unfavorable government figures on oil reserves, “highlighted in a note experts from the brokerage Charles Schwab.

    oil prices have lost about a dollar and half a barrel after the announcement by the department of Energy (DoE) to a stronger than expected weekly increase reserves in the United States.

    Otherwise, investors have faced a mixed schedule with US indicators, the favorable side, a jump in home sales in July promises. Importantly, job creation has been a little more than expected this month the private estimated the ADP group, which seems to bode well for the days before official government figures.

    in a less engaging, “investors reacted to an index of activity in the Chicago area that, while not disastrous, is more degraded than expected” in August, said Chris Low, of FTN, seeing “the only regional index on the industry that commands attention at the national level.”

    All of

    these have, in any case, hardly moves markets that were finishing quietly August and remain cautious before Friday’s employment numbers.

    “It does not happen much and exchanges are very limited, as would be expected at the end of summer and the approach of a long weekend “extended by the US Labour Day Monday acknowledged Mace Blicksilver of Marblehead Asset Management.

    However,” volatility starts return “, estimated Mr. low, noting that the movements became a little more marked in recent sessions on Wall Street.

    the bond market retreated slightly. Around 8:20 p.m. EDT, the yield on 10-year Treasury rose to 1.577% against 1.567% Wednesday night, and that good for 30 years at 2.232% against 2.231% previously.


    Nicolas Sarkozy fails to convince the bosses at the summer school of Medef –

    OVERVIEW The former head of state has nothing like the others …

    Nicolas Sarkozy declined 31 August 2016 its proposals before business leaders gathered at the summer school of Medef – ROMUALD MEIGNEUX / SIPA

    the primary candidate for the right Nicolas Sarkozy appeared Wednesday before business leaders gathered at the summer University of MEDEF to present its proposals.

    the former head of state, which was not come to this annual event of MEDEF since 2007, allowed himself to be late for his presentation, overcoming the rules established by the MEDEF to guide the actions of each other, reports Le Monde

    & gt;. & gt; Read also: No Sarkozy momentum after taking campaign, a poll

    Nicolas Sarkozy notably has forty minutes to reel off its economic program before a rather reserved audience, against twenty minutes usually granted to various stakeholders. How? By removing the clock with which the organizers and the public ensured proper compliance of each of talk time.

    The daily notes that unlike the others, who had spoken standing or pacing the scene, the former head of the Republicans took over the desk, installed on stage for him.

    mixed success

    Basically, some of its proposals been applauded as deleting the account hardship, restoring the tax exemption of overtime, the exemption of transmission

    rights or the abolition of wealth tax “in the month of July,” and the elimination of social thresholds.

    “the gender mainstreaming is another word of inaction, the more dialogue there is less”, as he launched recalling that he wants to suppress trade union monopoly in the first round of professional elections. He also reiterated one of his slogans 2007, that of “work more to earn more”. “I have not changed my opinion that view,” he has said, outlining his reform of working time via referendum business.

    “France and its leaders could decide to stop making the fortunes of Britain, Belgium, Monaco and Switzerland, “he has also slipped by evoking the ISF. All candidates of the primary right want to remove this tax.

    The response to Bruno’s warm Mayor

    He unveiled the proposals contained in his book released last week including lower expenses of 34 billion euros. “France is often presented as inréformable, I do not share this view, the French people are not conservative, the French elites are conservative, some of the media are conservative,” said he said.

    & gt; & gt; Read also: Manuel Valls sees Nicolas Sarkozy a “considerable threat”

    He was accompanied by Christian Estrosi and Eric Woerth, general delegate of the party Republicans, and spoke in a room named Malakoff Mederic group, social protection working group where one of his brothers.

    earlier, Bruno Le Maire, another candidate for the primary, received a warmer welcome . “The era of technocrats is over, this is the era of entrepreneurs! “He launched. And regretted that the new hiring contract, the CNE set up while Dominique de Villepin cabinet director under Chirac, was abandoned. He again mentioned his proposal not to limit the number of CSD.

    Alain Juppe, whose main economic proposals, is also known, was to speak later in the day.



    Resignation of Macron: Former minister will not miss his former government colleagues –

    GOVERNMENT Several ministers denounced “ambition” and lack the sense of responsibility of ex-Minister of Economy …

    Emmanuel Macron in Mutuality in Paris on 12 July 2016. – PATRICK KOVARIK / AFP

    Although Michel Sapin said “regret the departure” of Emmanuel Macron
     during the handover at Bercy, nobody is fooled. The economy minister is sure to colleagues
     the government, and its latest have more or less openly informed.

    The first is chopping Stéphane Le Foll, the spokesman of the government. “I think that Emmanuel left for personal reasons” because “he wants to be a candidate,” denounced Wednesday morning Stéphane Le Foll on Europe 1. The Minister of Economy “slammed the door [...] He explained that it was because he could not speak. Just to remind that
     Emmanuel Macron, July 12, that is to say, the day before surgery
     President of the Republic, has still made a big rally with 2,000 people at the Mutuality, “lamented the spokesman of the government.

    Asked about RTL, the Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem,

    was known for its “very doubtful” for this departure from the government “in a moment that is so difficult for French “. “I do not understand how we can when we are responsibilities in a difficult time for the French, when one has the privilege of being in the action to the government, how can we resign, -t she added. How can we be more useful to the French and the general interest in acting within a government? “

    & gt; & gt; Read also: The political class reacts with many (many) irony

    On Twitter, Juliette Méadel, Secretary of State for victim assistance, was also at his way, criticized the resignation of the Ministry of Economy. “Being Minister of the Republic is use every minute of his time to serve his country. There is so much to do for France. “

    Jean-Marie Le Guen, State Secretary for Relations with Parliament, for its part, pointed at LCI” some form of ambition and intent “of Emmanuel Macron. “Then does it be realized? I have also some doubts, “he commented.

    The President of the PS group in the National Assembly, Bruno Le Roux, has also said” questioning “on the resignation of Emmanuel Macron, stressing the need to “loyalty”. “In this moment, we need cohesion, not a new candidate, not a new party, no further confusion. (…) And I saw yesterday (…) an additional confounding factor. That’s why I told that Emmanuel Macron
     the resignation was not worth lack of loyalty, “said Bruno Le Roux of France 2



    Apple recipe to evade taxes, according to Brussels – Boursorama

    the European Commission has ordered Tuesday, August 30, 2016 Apple to pay a record sum of at least € 13 billion to Ireland. (Illustration) (AFP / DANIEL OLIVAS-LEAL)

    The European Commission has ordered Tuesday, August 30, 2016 Apple to pay a record sum of at least € 13 billion to Ireland . (Illustration) (AFP / DANIEL OLIVAS-LEAL)

    The sentence fell Tuesday, August 30. After three years of investigation, the European Commission estimated that the tax advantages granted by the Irish Government constituted “unlawful aid”, which allowed Apple “to avoid tax on virtually all the profits generated “by its sales in the EU. Brussels has ordered the group to pay Apple the record sum of at least € 13 billion to Ireland.

    How Apple has benefited for years from a tax rate effective corporation between 0.005 and 1% on its European profits? The executive has detailed its approach to aggressive tax planning, with, apparently, the Irish complicity.


    Two entities Apple based in Ireland are concerned: “Apple Sales International,” in charge of selling the group’s products in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and India, generating profit of billion euros, and “Apple Operations Europe”, which manufactures certain ranges of computers, with much less activity. Both have the right to distribute Apple products in Europe as part of an agreement with the American parent, they finance up to € 2 billion per year (deductible) to support a portion of research . and development of the group

    Next, the technique is simple: Register in Ireland all the profits generated by sales in Europe. An

    iPhone purchased by a French in an Apple Store in Paris? Profits go to Dublin.


    It is then directed between the Irish State. Whether an “Apple Sales International” or “Apple Operations Europe”, the method is the same: since 1991, it endorses a totally ARTIFICIAL internal distribution of profits. A tiny part of sales, yet from all over Europe, is well recognized in the Irish part of each body and subject to a tax of 12.5% ​​companies. The rest, if not the vast majority of profits, share in a hypothetical “siege” outside the country, on which the Irish State refuses to have a say.

    What ‘ regained the European Commission on these two “seats” ghosts? Nothing, or almost: no specific employees, no offices and no operational capacity enabling it to exercise any concrete activity. Only sign of existence, occasional meetings of the two administrations Councils, made up of Apple executives full-time employees in Ireland. It causes dividends, administrative arrangements and cash management.

    These hypothetical seats therefore exist only on paper, but they allow Apple to avoid tax. The group paid only 0.05% tax on its total annual profits in 2011. The percentage, already staggering, even down to 0.005% in 2014. The curve does not go down: the agreement with Dublin no longer applicable since 2015, when Apple changed its structure in Ireland

    one last note highlighted by the Commission. Ireland is not the only country concerned by this refund. If a country is deemed injured seeing for years the sales of products made from its territory to Ireland to escape the tax, it could also claim his slice of cake, mechanically reducing the amount due in Dublin.


    Faced with absenteeism, businesses conspicuously absent – The

    When employees are not there, business … disillusioned. Almost two thirds (65%) of companies say they face an increased absenteeism for five years, but 81% do not provide any measures to cover absences, according to a survey of the association “absenteeism Repository” .

    in detail, nearly one in two businesses that participated in the survey indicate absenteeism “moderate increase” since 2009 and 18% “strong growth” . Conversely, 14% reported a “modest decrease” and 5% “strong reduction” (12% “stable” and 4% are undecided).

    The association, founded in 2013, recalls that in its previous survey in 2014, 53% of companies in total had indicated an increase in absenteeism. It stresses the need to see over time if this increase “The result of socio-economic conditions deteriorated” , or if it is a “firmly anchored phenomenon (loss of sense and the value of work) “.

    Given the increased workload, 80% of companies do nothing …

    to cope with these absences, companies use various devices such as hiring staff in CDD or acting or overtime, according to the survey.

    However, eight out of ten companies say they provide ” no palliative measure “, leaving the extra work” absorbed by these employees. ” But for nearly two thirds of these companies, says the association, absenteeism has increased over the past five years, a

    “vicious circle” where “a growing workload causes in absenteeism chain reaction “

    medical cons-acclaimed tour -. but disputed

    Among the measures implemented to fight against this phenomenon, companies prefer the cons-medical visits (73%), well before the talks to re-home (38%), training of managers (35%) or prevention plans (psychosocial risks, musculoskeletal disorders). However, these measures would work better than the cons-medical visits, said the association citing a “trend.”

    In its investigation, the association absenteeism Repository, which emphasizes that it is not a statistical panel analyzed the responses of 317 companies employing 402,503 employees at its questionnaire set of online October 2015 to April 2016. a majority of respondents (60%) comes from companies of 101 500 employees

    (with AFP)


    & gt;. & gt; The meeting re-Home


    The EU money Apple to pay 13 billion euros to Ireland – The Obs

    Brussels (AFP) – The European Commission has ordered Apple to pay to Ireland more than 13 billion euros of “unjustified tax benefit”, a decision that the US group appears determined to fight and causing Washington’s wrath.

    This “unilateral approach (…) threatens to undermine the progress we have made together with the Europeans for a fair international tax system,” responded Tuesday Josh Earnest, spokesman for Barack Obama. “When I’m just saying, I mean for taxpayers but also for companies trying to do business around the world.”

    The US Treasury has also insurgent: the decision of the Commission could “threaten foreign investment, the business climate in Europe and the significant economic spirit of partnership between the US and the EU.”

    Dublin, “strongly disagree with this decision,” and US IT company immediately announced they plan to appeal the decision, described by Apple as “harmful” for investment and job creation in Europe.

    “message to the Apple community in Europe, “the CEO of computer giant, Tim Cook, said he was” confident “to see the decision” be canceled “.

    the phenomenal amount claimed far exceeds the amounts that had to pay in the past other companies pinned by Brussels for unlawful state aid.

    the last record 1.29 billion euros, was held by the Nürburgring racing circuit in Germany, according to a Commission spokesman said.

    the amount, however, is relative given the approximately $ 570 billion of market capitalization of the group, first world capitalization, and turnover of 234 billion recorded on its last financial year ending September 2015. at the New York Stock Exchange, its stock also closed Tuesday down only 0.77% to $ 106

    -. attractive Taxation –

    after three years of investigation, the Commission found that the tax advantages granted by the Irish Government constituted “unlawful aid” that allowed Apple “to avoid tax on virtually all generated profits “by its sales in the European single market.

    ” Ireland must now recover unpaid taxes by Apple on its territory between 2003 and 2014, ie € 13 billion plus interest “said Tuesday the Commission.

    the benefits granted were such that the company has even seen” apply an effective tax rate of 1% of companies on its European profits in 2003 , rates decreased to 0.005% in 2014, “said EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager during the press conference.

    the European Commission said that Ireland n was not the only state affected by this refund. If

    a country is deemed injured seeing for years the sales of products made from its territory to Ireland to escape the tax, it could also claim his slice of cake, mechanically reducing the amount due in Dublin.

    Known for its particularly attractive tax system, Ireland has attracted many companies in recent years, including US multinationals that have installed their European headquarters there.

    Apple is well based since 1980 in Cork, in the south of the country, where it employs about 6,000 people

    -. Wince –

    when asked at a press conference on the tension of relations with the US Margrethe Vestager said “she shared the same goal as the USA in a fair and equitable global taxation for citizens”.

    There are less than a week, the US Treasury had yet talk louder. In a “White Paper” of 26 pages, he denounced the investigations of the Commission on fiscal state aid and retroactivity, which also relates to Apple, Starbucks, Fiat-Chrysler and Amazon.

    In February the US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew was indignant in a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, the EU “imposes penalties retroactively on the basis of a new broad interpretation aid State (…) and appears to target US companies disproportionately. “

    the Brussels decision has however been applauded by NGOs such as Oxfam, who praised” a strong signal against tax evasion sent to multinationals, “or the ATF Association (Americans for tax Fairness), that” rather than reject “the approach of the Europeans,” the Treasury should vigorously pursue its own claims against Apple on its massive transfers of profits abroad. “

    This is the fourth time in less than a year that the Commissioner Vestager punish multinationals that have passed favorable tax agreements with some European countries.

    in October 2015, she was required to Starbucks and Fiat repayment of the aid received “illegally” respectively by the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Both countries have appealed.

    In January, she was attacked at least 35 multinationals, including the Belgian-Brazilian brewer AB InBev, which received benefits in Belgium, a country particularly the tax system favorable for large groups.


    Apple vs EU: Apple will have to repay $ 13 billion to Ireland – Juicer

    The European Commission has decided and ordered Apple to pay $ 13 billion to Ireland. A record sum that the American giant does not wish to pay.

    a record fine of $ 13 billion

    In the viewfinder of the European Union for many years as well as other major groups such as Google or Microsoft, Apple just be imposed a record fine on Tuesday.

    The European Commission complains that the American group to have received “benefits illegal tax “ between 2003 and 2014, which allowed Apple ” to pay significantly less tax than other companies for many years “. In its statement, the Commission adds that Apple has been applied “an effective tax rate of 1% of companies on its European profits in 2003, rates decreased to 0.005% in 2014″ and believes that Ireland must now recover unpaid taxes by Apple on its territory to 13 billion euros plus interest.

    note that two agreements between Apple and administration Irish Revenue (tax rulings) have been identified, the first in 1991 and second in 2007 but “the Commission can not order the recovery of unlawful state aid that over a period of ten years prior to his first request information on the subject, either in 2013 this case “.

    If the tax rulings are legal, the investigation has dismantled how Apple has benefited from an advantage over its competitors by paying much less tax than other companies, which is illegal under EU rules on state aid. In fact, Apple could avoid tax on virtually all profits generated by the sales of its products in Europe, the US company that decided to record all sales in Ireland rather than in countries where products were sold.

     Apple-fine-record (0)

    in Dublin, Apple has two companies (Apple Sales International and Apple Operations Europe) that 100% control and which are divided the various brand activities. The first, Apple Sales International, is responsible to purchase Apple products from around the world equipment manufacturers and sell them in Europe (and the Middle East, Africa and India) as explained press the European Commission. Moreover, it is this company that customers contractually bought products of the same brand if physically the transaction took place in another European country (an Apple Store in France for example). Result, Apple was recording all sales, and profits that resulted from directly in Ireland.

    Apple paid only 0.005% of taxes in Ireland in 2014

    The benefits made were then assigned internally to a “seat” Apple Sales International located outside Ireland. In reality, this “seat” was not located in any country, had no employees, had no premises and its activities were limited to occasional meetings of the Board. Yet it was

    he who recovered the vast majority of profits which then escaped taxation. Indeed, only a small percentage of Apple Sales International profits were taxed in Ireland.

    Finally, the company was making annual payments to Apple in the United States to finance the actions of research and development conducted on behalf of Irish companies in the United States. In fact, these expenditures “have helped fund more than half of all research efforts of the Apple group in the United States to develop its intellectual property worldwide,” were “deducted from the profits recorded by Apple Sales International and Apple Operations Europe in Ireland each year,” .

    The European Commission estimates that these payments amounted to about $ 2 billion in 2011 and increased significantly in 2014.

    the second company, Apple Operations Europe, was responsible for the manufacture of certain ranges of computers for the Apple group. As with Apple Sales International, the majority of that company’s profits were affected internally to its “seat” and were not taxed anywhere.

    A method of internal distribution of profits deemed “artificial “ and unwarranted ” factually or economically “ in Brussels which believes that the sales profits of Apple sales International and Apple Operations Europe should have been recorded by the Irish branch and be taxed in Ireland.


    Ireland and Apple will appeal

    not surprisingly, the Commission decision does not satisfy neither Apple nor Dublin. On its website, Apple issued a “Message to the Apple Community in Europe” in which the company boasts its balance sheet in Ireland, explaining that today use “nearly 6000 people throughout Ireland ‘ and pushed “countless multinational companies” to invest in Ireland and particularly in the city of Cork.

    Apple then denies having received “Special tax treatment” and specifies that it respects national law and pay taxes he owes in Ireland and in each country where it operates.

    Finally US firm blames the European Commission that “is rewriting the history of Apple in Europe” and regrets of “duty retroactively pay additional taxes to a government that says we owe him nothing more than what we have already paid “.

    Like Ireland, Apple states that it intends to appeal this decision.



    Apple will pay to Ireland more than 13 billion euros – The World

     the logo of Appeal in San Francisco on  September 9, 2015.

    the European Commission has struck a blow against the” tax benefits “granted by Ireland to Apple. The US firm will repay in Dublin a record amount of over 13 billion euros, to have benefited from favorable tax conditions in the country. The Commissioner of Competition, Margrethe Vestager said these rulings illegal because regarded as “state aid” abusive.

    the largest breach ever imposed by Brussels in the case of illegal state aid was previously a check for € 1.4 billion owed by EDF in France. If the bill is too salty for the firm at the apple is that the European Commission investigation for three years – the formal investigation was launched it, in June 2014 – two rulings with Dublin. The first agreement between Apple and the Irish tax authorities in 1991 and the second in 2007. During these years, the US group, which employs more than 5000 people in the country, has paid only about 2% of taxes annually on the profits made by two of its local subsidiaries (Apple Operations Europe and Apple Sales International), while the Irish official rate is 12.5%.

    Apple plans to use

    Apple considered this decision “bad” on investment and employment in Europe, announcing that it would appeal. Its this the support of the Irish government. “I profoundly disagree with the decision of the Commission” , said the Irish Finance Minister, Michael Noonan, in a statement . “This decision leaves me no choice but to seek government approval to appeal” , he added. This is the fourth time in just over a year that M me Vestager, known for his guts and his method, condemns groups for rulings deemed illegal through the European procedure of “illegal state aid”. Before Apple, the Commission fined Starbucks and Fiat, respectively Netherlands and Luxembourg, and thirty multinationals in Belgium. Beyond the

    firm at the apple, is still expected decision on Amazon, the giant e-commerce, also in the European collimator, for a ruling in Luxembourg.

    Controversy to USA

    the announcement regarding Apple may revive the controversy, the US, the supposed fury of Brussels against US groups. On August 24, the US Treasury published a study provided denouncing the investigations of illegal state aid to some of its champions. An approach considered within the EU executive as a last attempt to lobbying “pro-Apple.”

    The Treasury criticized in particular the Brussels inclination to impose retroactive penalties on US companies. He also accused the Commission of not following the recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on international tax cooperation. Invariably, it welcomed the decision on Tuesday harshly, saying that the decision could threaten investment and job creation in Europe

    Read also:. LuxLeaks: Tax evasion a national sport for American giants

    Washington has in any case not visibly flinch M me Vestager, who with this new announcement, confirmed its status of ‘star “Commission. Arrival in November 2014 in his post, the former Danish Minister of Finance, which have inspired the figure of Birgitte Nyborg in the series “Borgen” multiplies the strokes of brilliance.

    Read also: Brussels has found a new heroine

    Google is well placed to testify, another US technology giant received in July a third indictment of the Commissioner. After denouncing an abuse of a dominant position on its shopping search engine and Android, its mobile operating system is its range of internet advertising that it has officially blamed.

    These last month, Apple and Dublin had warned they could appeal a decision to the Brussels Court of justice. The shadow of the record fine risk in any case to tarnish a bit annual High Mass of the designer of iPad and iPhone, scheduled for 7 September in San Francisco. Apple may unveil iPhone on that occasion 7 and a new version of its shows connected.


    Tuesday, August 30, 2016

    Martinez takes the fight against labor law and speaks again for 32 hours – Le Figaro

    The head of the CGT calls with six other unions, in a day of action on 15 September.

    while the bosses did their return to the University of MEDEF, Philippe Martinez was hers at the headquarters of the CGT. Tanned and relaxed, but more determined than ever to resume the fight against the labor law, that fight from the start. “A bad law in the spring always is in the autumn,” he insisted, asking simply its “abrogation”.

    While Manuel Valls said the decrees Application would rather taken “as soon as possible”, the boss of the CGT took the opportunity to denounce once again the forced passage of the government. “The law was enacted in the middle of summer, without ever having been passed,” said he reminded

    As announced before the summer, the CGT therefore calls -. With six other organizations (FO , FSU, Solidaires, UNEF, UNL, LDIFs) – to a day of mobilization from September 15th. The Inter will meet Wednesday night to decide how to share, but the goal is to launch a call to strike and demonstrate.

    Legal Actions

    mobilization in the streets and businesses will double action in the legal field, where the CGT intend to increase the priority issues of constitutionality (QPC), while the constitutional Council has not ruled on the bottom of the labor law.

    the appeal will be made by the CGT union representatives present within large companies rather than by the central office. “We’re going from the base. Some companies, such as metallurgy and chemistry, are ready to enforce the law. Our representatives will oppose it, “said Catherine Perret, a member of the confederal office.

    Carcan 35 hours

    In addition to this fight that will occupy the coming months, Philippe Martinez

    pounded his classic anthems, including the decline in working hours and large bosses. “For the CGT, 32 hours remain the best solution to fight against unemployment,” he insisted, announcing the launch of an educational campaign on the subject of communication internally and externally.

    Emmanuel Macron? “He has never held French except for insulting”

    While the primary candidates for the right multiply the proposals to come out of the shackles 35 hours, Philippe Martinez warned that it was not about “to increase working hours without increasing pay, because some employees come to work below the minimum wage.” And Catherine Perret castigate an agreement this summer at Bouygues Telecom where workers have given up to 23 days off against a salary increase of 2%. “23 days, it is 2000 euros, while 2% it averaged 450 euros, she said. The company has gained flexibility but mostly makes good financial operation. “

    The head of the CGT has also distributed the claws to each other. Emmanuel Macron? “He has never held French except to insult,” he said. In crisis milk between farmers and Lactalis, he found that the group’s CEO, Emmanuel Besnier, was “the symbol of those bosses who earn a lot of money and leave the other die.” Finally, Pierre Gattaz saying it is possible to create 2 million jobs after having promised 1 million, Philippe Martinez joked … he would “have to change the pin”


    In Ireland, Apple and the tax prodigal – Liberation

    This is a first. Brussels had never hit as hard against the tax practices of multinational, ie the first in the world in terms of market capitalization (513 billion) and cash (207 billion euros). Condemning Apple to pay more than € 13 billion to Ireland, the European Commission imposed Tuesday the biggest tax adjustment in its history. A colossal sum that has nothing of a fine the company the richest in the world will just have to pay back to the Irish Republic “tax benefits” preferential and abusive – plus interest – the latter has made him from 1991. … An illegal practice under the EU rules, since distort free competition in the heart of the single European market. “The selective tax treatment Apple in Ireland is illegal under EU rules on state aid, writes the Commission in support of its decision, because it gives the company a significant advantage over other companies that are subject to the same national tax rules. “ We could not be more clear, unlike the assembly of Apple, whose formidable complexity was perfectly clarified after three years of investigation

    See no employees or premises

    Margrethe Vestager, the dreaded Commissioner of Competition portfolio -. it Google also has in his sights with three indictments – finalized the decision summarized in a 130-page document. The former Danish Minister of Finance, who have inspired the figure of Birgitte Nyborg in the series Borgen, the sums in some damning figures for Apple. It indicates that “the tax treatment Apple” in Ireland helped him through two rescripts (agreements) tax, “to be applying an effective tax rate on corporate 1% of its profits in 2003, rates decreased to 0.005% in 2014 “. either, according to his calculations, about 50 euros tax paid in Ireland for every million profit located in Ireland where the firm directly employs 5500 people.

    the EU executive goes further by stressing that in reality, Apple has avoided “tax on virtually all the profits generated through the sale of Apple products throughout the EU’s single market ‘ by recording all sales in Ireland rather than in countries where its products were purchased. However, the two subsidiaries in Ireland Apple (Apple Operations Europe and Apple Sales International), which hold the intellectual property rights to use the group outside of North America, have hardly paid d taxes between 1991 and 2007 in the country (2% on average over these sixteen years.) Almost all their profits were assigned to a “seat” located outside of Ireland. A “seat” without domiciliation, which had no employees, had no premises and whose benefits were actually taxed “nowhere”, dissects the Commission. In other words, while Ireland already shows the tax rate on the lowest societies of Europe, at 12.5%, its administration has reserved an ultra-privileged tax regime – and long secret – the manufacturer of iPhone, endorsing the fact that unrealized profits in Ireland pass through the country before evaporating in nature. In exchange, Apple has continued and intensified its development in Ireland over the years, particularly in Cork city, where thousands of jobs have been created.

    Margrethe Vestager, which has become the most combative of Commissioners of the EU executive had already sanctioned last year Starbucks (the Netherlands) and Fiat (Luxembourg), amounting to 30 million euros

    each for identical practices or tax ruling tax ruling. And the giant Amazon online commerce is also in the sights of Brussels, for a rescript in Luxembourg. But the money is in the case of Apple’s 40 times larger and sprays the recovery inflicted on EDF for using illegal French state in the amount of 1.4 billion euros.

    since the tax optimization schemes introduced by Apple on the Continent have also resulted in a loss of tax revenue for other Member States of the Union, the EU executive explained that the amount Apple will have to return to the Irish tax authorities could be downgraded. Everything will depend on the amounts that other countries litigation with Apple claiming the US tech giant.

    Apple, but also Ireland, immediately said they would make unprecedented appeal the decision . “Apple respects the law and pay all taxes due wherever he is now,” said the Californian group, for which “The case raised by the Commission does not apply to amounts paid by Apple in taxes, but the way the government collects money. ” Its CEO, Tim Cook, said that the company “had become the largest taxpayer in Ireland, the largest taxpayer in the United States and the largest taxpayer in the world.” And Apple to warn Brussels on the very negative signal to extra-large multinationals. “The decision, concludes the group is set to unveil the iPhone in early September 7 in San Francisco, will have a profound and damaging effect on investment and the creation in Europe.”

    Benefits housed Bermuda

    Meanwhile, Ireland, which ought to benefit from a record flow of money to public finances and recently reformed the most controversial aspects of its tax system, disputes the fact that preferential treatment has been granted. “I strongly disagree with the Commission’s decision,” said the Irish Finance Minister, Michael Noonan, who intends to defend “integrity” of the tax system . “It is important, he says, to send the message that Ireland remains an attractive destination as a stable for significant investment.”

    the US Treasury and the White House, denouncing for months Brussels fury against the American groups have also sided with Apple, saying the move could threaten foreign investment in Europe. They challenge the retroactivity of this decision and accused Brussels of usurping his powers by setting up as “supranational fiscal authority”. A activism that challenges in their international cooperation established under ‘OECD auspices to end the aggressive tax planning for multinationals. An attitude to say the least contradictory, contradicting the war waged by the US tax authorities to repatriate billions of dollars in profits Apple housed abroad, particularly in Bermuda and that Washington would be able to tax it. As if the imposition of Apple was primarily the coffers of the US state. The art of using double standards

    Christophe Alix


    Jouy-en-Josas (France) – The chamber is back, marked by the resignation of Macron – L’Express

    The Elysee announced late afternoon the resignation of the government of Mr. Macron, who decided to “ devote himself entirely to his political movement ” In March!

    Its portfolio amounts to the finance minister Michel Sapin.

    While Mr Macron is still expected Wednesday before entrepreneurs gathered on the campus of HEC in Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines), the number of the employers’ organization, Pierre Gattaz, said told reporters he was “ welcome to the Medef in all cases .”

    Considering that it was a “ good Minister of Economy ” who knows “ now ‘,’ digital ‘,’ globalization “Mr Gattaz however regretted that it had” not later . ”

    Go in the right direction, but could have done better ,” he ruled. “ Why ‘Sunday work, we did even a complex monument. The industrial tribunal, it was not until the end of the simplification and cap prudhommes .”

    This is unfortunately characterizes this five-year period, that is to say half measures just about everywhere ” lamented Pierre Gattaz, while commending “ pragmatism ” Mr Macron.

    About Mr. Sapin who inherits a “ super Bercy ” Mr Gattaz pointed out in the afternoon to the antenna that BFM Business ” the advantage is that we know the (…) there is a mutual respect between us (…) After a candidate will require conquering embodies this vision of the country understands its mutations core and releases the talents and energies . ”

    In the alleys of the campus, the contractors greeted the announcement of Mr Macron. “ This clarifies its position, it will give him a freedom of speech that he had perhaps not so far, although it is not to be held on certain points ” told AFP Jean-François Faure, Chair of gold buying online site “ It is likely that tomorrow he has a pretty clear stance in relation to the world of business ,” he hoped.

    In addition to the founder of the movement in March !, the voices on the right all crowded on the HEC campus to woo entrepreneurs.

    Former Prime

    Minister Francois Fillon, who defends the most liberal program, got the ball rolling Tuesday by appearing come “ the candidate of freedom .”

    He has proposed “ out the state of a part of the economic sphere, leaving a huge open dialogue, focusing now .”

    Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe will speak Wednesday, without crossing.

    – “ Fetch growth ” –

    For the employers’ organization, it is well to weigh in the electoral debate. “ We are nine months of a major presidential election “, stressed in his opening speech Mr. Gattaz.

    Having painted a picture of the situation in France, faced in his four major breaks (technological, economic, social and climate), the number one of the main employers’ organization called for finding a “ strong growth with full employment.

    growth, go look for it, can not wait as rain ” he insisted, to an increase in gross domestic product of 2% or 3%. “ Unemployment weakens our country for too long “, has he observed.

    And the challenges France faces the boss of bosses launched: “ one solution, the company

    called for reforms in four areas, starting with taxation. “ It takes a simple taxation, stable and readable in time “, he held, also calling for a tax “ and motivating incentive .”

    He also protested against the social constraints of inflation and called for “ unlock the labor market ” and reform the social dialogue, going beyond the law work adopted by forceps.

    Mr. Gattaz has also called for more efforts to simplify, stopping surtransposer including European directives, and in favor of better training.


    The American group renounces Mondelēz buy the chocolate maker Hershey – The World

    Le Monde | • Updated | By

     Hershey's chocolate bars.

    Mondelēz waives satisfy his greed to swallow the chocolate maker Hershey. The US food group, LU biscuits owner and Milka chocolates, has announced, Monday, August 29, he abandoned his competitor his proposed takeover. The operation was a bad start from the beginning after Hershey immediate refusal to yield to the advances of Mondelēz, who on June 30, had put on the table $ 22.3 billion (€ 20 billion), half cash, half in shares to take control.

    “our proposal to buy Hershey reflected our conviction that unite our two iconic American companies would create a global leader in the area of ​​snacks and confectionery, said Irene Rosenfeld, CEO of Mondelēz, in the release. After further discussions, and taking into account recent developments regarding the shareholding of Hershey, we determined that there was no possible way to reach an agreement. “

    Family Trust

    Hershey Kisses has the chocolates, Nestlé manufactures some brands for the market north American and Cadbury has the license in the United States

    the proposal Mondelēz was postponed initially unanimously by the board of directors of Hershey, considering that was not “a basis for further discussions” . The food giant knew that the game was a difficult one due to the capital structure of the group, which has the particular Kisses chocolates, manufactures on behalf of Nestlé certain brands

    for the North American market as Kit Kat and has the license to manufacture and sell Cadbury chocolate in the United States. Hershey is controlled by a family trust, which owns 81% of the voting rights. Without the agreement of that structure, no operation can succeed. In 2002, the US group Wrigley had already broken teeth after being offered to buy the company for $ 12.5 billion

    Read also. The food at time maneuvers

    the talks apparently stalled over the price. Mondelēz proposed initially 107 dollars per share, before accepting a final effort last week at $ 115. But according to a source quoted by the Wall Street Journal , which revealed the operation in June, Hershey was ready to begin talks on a basis of $ 125 per share, an additional premium of 8% compared to the last offer of Mondelēz.

    from potential conflicts of interest

    the OPA has also faced the problem of governance through which the group Pennsylvania. The family trust, which manages several billion dollars to finance a school for needy children created in 1905 by the founder of the chocolate maker Milton Hershey and his wife, was the subject of an investigation on potential conflicts of interest from certain directors and unfair pay. An agreement was reached in late July with Pennsylvania authorities and, according to the Wall Street Journal , Hershey needed to turn the page on these adventures before engaging in such an assignment operation.

    While recognizing that Mondelēz is “disappointed” with the outcome of negotiations with Hershey, M me Rosenfeld reiterated that the group will “disciplined in [his] approach to value creation, including through acquisitions, “. The group is under pressure from two activist shareholders, attempting to influence its strategy. Nelson Peltz and his Trian fund grows to a merger with PepsiCo snacks, while William Ackman looks for a transaction with Kraft Heinz. M me Rosenfeld announced it would make a point on the group’s strategy Wednesday, September 7.


    Jouy-en-Josas (France) – The return of Medef marked by the announced resignation of Macron – L’Express

    A few hours before the opening of this great rout two days, Mr Macron, expected Wednesday before entrepreneurs gathered on the campus of HEC in Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines), announced to its employees that he would submit his resignation to Hollande. According to several media, he formally presented to the Head of State to 3:00 p.m..

    His coming Wednesday for the rest kept time, told AFP a spokesman for the Medef, who was waiting for more information.

    The boss of bosses Pierre Gattaz reacted to the RTL antenna to the resignation announced regretting a Minister of the Economy that “ now knew, knew the digital (… ) globalization “and wishing a new minister” with at least these qualities . ”

    Mr. Macron, which maintains the doubts about his presidential ambitions, had sparked controversy in the previous edition of the university summer of Medef, criticizing the 35 hours and by scratching the left.

    In addition to Mr. Macron, several presidential candidates will rush on the HEC campus to woo entrepreneurs, mostly right. As of Tuesday, the former Prime Minister Francois Fillon, who defends the most liberal program, will speak at a “ Plenary policy .”

    Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe will speak Wednesday, without crossing. The former president, who formalized his candidacy for the primary last week, was no longer came to visit MEDEF annual since 2007, the year of his election. The mayor of Bordeaux, this in 2013 and 2014, is itself a regular at the event.

    The owners present at Jouy-en-Josas can also hear Bruno Le Maire, Rama Yade, and Jean Lassalle, MP for Pyrénées-Atlantiques. At left, Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, representative of the left wing of the PS, is particularly expected.

    – “ Later in the reforms ” –

    The summer school will be less focused on the news, reforms that are or are not made to focus on the pedagogy of the major issues that we wish to see addressed during the presidential campaign , “explained Mr. Gattaz, in an interview with Echos.

    As the country struggles out of economic doldrums, “ the presidential candidates should have a goal and one: being strong growth and full employment “, has Mr. pleaded Gattaz. “ When I say strong, this is a sustainable growth beyond 2%, ideally at 3% and an unemployment rate reduced to 6% ,” he said.

    The head of Medef fixed objective the creation of two million jobs in the next five years. He had already promised at the beginning of the mandate of François Hollande to create a million jobs in exchange for the responsibility pact, a wide load relief device for companies to weigh futures EUR 41 billion per year but this goal was not achieved.

    The responsibility pact starts working, we created 150,000 jobs last year in French companies “, said Tuesday on Europe 1, Mr Gattaz calling to do “ not stay in midstream .”

    Income tax, wealth tax, 35 hours, arduous account … The two days of debate will be an opportunity for the contenders for the presidency, to specify the reforms they hear enforce.

    The right candidates “ converge to a certain pragmatism and breaking down a series of taboos “, such as the removal of the ISF (wealth tax) or lower loads of companies, welcomed Mr. Gattaz in Les Echos.

    But the “ totem ” are also “ fell ” left, he observed. The Five-Year “ has revealed the fundamental role of the company, to assume the importance of supply policy. It is a major ideological moved to the left ” Judge Mr. Gattaz, which however, that Mr Macron “ could go further in reforms for two years .”


    Tax benefits from Apple: the EU sum Ireland to recover more than 13 billion euros – Les Echos

    Unpublished. The European Commission has struck a blow on Tuesday against the “tax benefits” granted by Ireland to Apple by ordering the US firm to reimburse Dublin over 13 billion euros. A record amount.

    “The European Commission has concluded that Ireland had granted Apple undue tax benefits amounting to 13 billion euros. This is illegal under EU rules on state aid because it allowed Apple to pay significantly less tax than other companies. Ireland must now recover the unlawful aid “, informed the European Commission in a statement.

    Apple and Dublin will appeal

    Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner responsible for competition policy, indicates that the “selective tax treatment Apple” Ireland has allowed the firm at the apple “to be applying an effective tax rate of 1% of companies on its European profits in 2003, rates fell up ’0.005% in 2014 “. The EU executive points out that Apple actually avoided “tax on virtually all the profits generated by sales of Apple products throughout the EU single market” by registering all its sales in Ireland rather in countries where the products were sold.

    The European Commission states that it “may order that aid unlawfully received State is recovered over a period of ten years before the first request for information, in 2013 the occurrence”.

    The $ 13 billion is 40 times greater than previous amounts claimed by the Commission in similar cases. The amount asked Apple on Tuesday could still be downgraded, said the EU executive, if other countries are demanding more taxes from the technology giant.

    From Meanwhile, Apple and Dublin have said they would appeal the EU ruling. Ireland denies having granted tax benefits to the American giant. The California group, it said in a statement: “Apple respects the law and pay all over taxes owed which it operates We will appeal and we hope to see the annulled decision..” Adding: “The case raised by Commission concerns not how Apple pay taxes but how the government collects money. [the decision] will have a profound and damaging effect on investment and job creation in Europe. ”

    Later, Tim Cook, Apple boss, wished to recall in a letter to the Apple community in Europe in 1980, “well before the introduction of the iPhone, iPod or even the Mac “, his company had moved to Cork, Ireland, in a context of” high

    unemployment and poor economic investments. ” “We have become the largest taxpayer in Ireland, the largest taxpayer in the United States, and the largest taxpayer in the world,” he said.

    The US Treasury agreed with the direction of the company, believing that this unprecedented decision could threaten foreign investment in Europe. In February, the US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew was indignant in a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, the EU “imposes penalties retroactively on the basis of a new broad interpretation of State aid (…) and appears to target US companies disproportionately. “

    Not a large sum for Apple

    other similar injunctions to that imposed on Apple could follow. Amazon and McDonalds are for example investigated their tax in Luxembourg and the European Commission ordered Starbucks to pay 30 million euros to the Dutch State.

    For Apple, which was made in June of a mattress of cash and cash equivalents 231.5 billion, of which 92.8% were in the accounts of subsidiaries find the sum claimed by Brussels would not be insurmountable.

    Holland wants to see more imposed digital multinationals

    in view of the top of the post-Brexit European Union on 16 September in Bratislava, Francois Hollande said Tuesday that France proposed the establishment of European measures to further impose large multinational digital. These multinationals “come here to feed value, sometimes the capture, never restore the benefit that these large corporations are in countries where precisely this wealth has been created,” stressed the head of state.

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    DIRECT. Milk crisis: an agreement was reached between pastoralists and Lactalis – USAinformations

    Here our entire live #LAIT

    2:09 p.m. the main news headlines to 14 hours

    • #MACRON <. / strong> Emmanuel Macron announced its employees of the Ministry of Economy he was leaving the government. He must meet François Hollande to 15 hours.

    European Commission asked Apple to pay a record amount of over 13 billion euros to Ireland. The American brand, which is going to appeal, is accused of having benefited from a favorable tax too.

    An agreement was reached between Lactalis and a producer organization. FNSEA announced the discontinuation of actions by farmers throughout France.

    • Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The majority did his return last night during a re-entry meeting in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to keep in and we explain why the phrase of Manuel Valls on Marianne does not.

    2:00 p.m. the FNSEA announces discontinuation of actions by farmers throughout France

    1:53 p.m. This agreement funds a production model exceeded both the quality plan that the welfare of the animal world and encourages inhumane farms (1000 cows, etc.). Mr Besnier you would not yield

    13:51 . Dear milk producers play up range. Imitate your fellow brother-fort that they sell their milk more expensive by focusing on high end. Abandon Lactalis which is in the low or midrange. At this point you will have a more acceptable level of price

    1:51 p.m. . Congratulations. Following positive in effect although incomplete to allow dairy farmers to live from their craft. But the government has done nothing in this outcome!

    1:50 p.m. : You are always likely to react on the agreement reached between milk producers and Lactalis

    1:04 p.m. : Prime Minister welcomes agreement between Lactalis and dairy producers


    12:52 : We find our reporter Elise Lambert on site. She tells us more about the agreement reached between the producer organizations and Lactalis.

    12:39 producer organizations have obtained the purchase of a tonne of milk to 290 euros

    12:38 An agreement was reached with Lactalis announces a producer organization

    12:34 . Lactalis is the mirror effect on your unsustainable economic model because of the extra costs of production.Vous gentlemen farmers should thank Lactalis to open your eyes.

    12:33 Let us increase the energy of blocking our milk producers, by the action of responsible consumers. Anyway, it will not let them raise the price of a liter …

    12:32 When we see that organic producers sell their milk 1 € per liter in direct sales, the choice of farmers should be quick: go organic and direct sales

    12:32 : You are still very many to react to blockades of dairy farmers.

    12:24 : We’re back in Ille-et-Vilaine, where my colleague Elise Lambert. It is next to dairy farmers.

    12:12 : This is the essential news at midday:

    European Commission asked Apple to pay a record amount of more than € 13 billion in ‘Ireland. The American is accused of having benefited from a favorable tax too.

    The third session of negotiations on the price of milk has opened this morning between producer organizations and Lactalis. Meanwhile, the FNSEA maintains pressure through dozens of actions on the dairy giant’s sites throughout France.

    • Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The majority is back in a re-entry meeting last night in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to keep in and why the phrase of Manuel Valls on Marianne does not.

    • End of negotiations on the Transatlantic Free Trade Treaty (TTIP also Tafta called in English)? Matthias Fekl, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, announced on RMC, which demanded Paris end of trade

    11:41 : producers milk also carry out actions in Deux-Sèvres, in the farmers’ union FNSEA.

    11:25 : the bailiff request 50 euros / hour occupancy from the notification” that we make a package “#Lactalis

    11:24 kayser1425 @ : Yes, and for now there is no filter. This meeting should focus on the terms for fixing the price of milk for the future. Meanwhile, milk producers still hold shares. My Elise Lambert colleague is at their side in Ille-et-Vilaine

    11:23 . Are the negotiations still course?

    10:40 : “If we meet this morning is that we have some bright elements that allow us to think that we are moving towards a crisis.”

    in the English Channel, the president of the FDSEA is optimistic about the outcome of these negotiations.

    10:34 : Cesson Branch, near Rennes, where about thirty dairy producers of Cotes d’Armor and Ille-et-Vilaine block Lactalis logistics base. Our reporter Elise Lambert is back on site

    9:37 . No, I think that will be good idea. We are in a market economy. The milk crisis is due to an overproduction foremost. If supply is greater than demand it is normal that the price of milk down. Also if Lactalis can not buy milk from French dairy cows it will buy elsewhere

    9:37 . great idea but consumers, in their great majority, are reluctant to this kind of approach and look only to their first interest: they please at the best price. It must be very militant for such actions especially in the length

    9:37 Hello, C ‘ is actually to us consumers to take responsibility. Especially as Lactalis, which pays so low milk producers do not sell us their products cheaper! He therefore made substantial margins! We

    will stop buying other brands as Chairman of course but also for Société Roquefort, feta for Salakis, bridel, milk for yoghurt etc …. If purchases massively down, Lactalis will quickly understand where his interest!

    9:48 : Some milk producers call to boycott French products from the brand Lactalis (President, Lactel, Society, Galbani, the Milkmaid, etc.). In the comments, you are divided on the initiative.

    9:10 : This is a new item on the news of the morning:

    negotiations resumed two hours between representatives of milk producers and Lactalis to the prefecture of Mayenne in Laval. This is the third session of talks.

    • End of negotiations on the Treaty of transatlantic free trade (also known as TTIP Tafta English)? Matthias Fekl, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, announced on RMC, which demanded Paris end of trade.

    • Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The majority is back in a re-entry meeting last night in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to retain.

    • The American actor Gene Wilder, known for his role as Willy Wonka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971), died at the age of 83.

    7:35 . You have to know the Lactalis brands and make purchases on strike to starve starver

    7:35 : Hello I understand the farmers and their courage honestly I am positive that 1000 liters of milk paid to farmers are not 290 euros and 360 euros but still it’s nice

    7:34 : milk producers have conducted several operations to buildings Lactalis tonight. Farmers threaten to continue their actions if negotiations fail. France 2 makes the point.

    (FRANCE 2)

    7:15 : the meeting was attended by three representatives of Lactalis, the spokesman of the group, five representatives of the producers and the prefect of Mayenne <. / p>

    7:14 : The negotiations between milk producer organizations and Lactalis, on milk prices, have gone back to the prefecture of Mayenne in Laval

    7:11 Hello @Sayan . Difficult to answer to all milk producers. Two of them told the Paris have chosen to sell their milk to Lactalis, it was five years ago, when the group “remunerated rather better than its competitors.”

    Lactalis buys today over 20% of French milk from 17,000 farmers. And, indeed, the world number one is currently paying 256 euros 1 000 liters of milk, or a price of 10-30 euros lower than that paid its main competitors.

    6:18 while 100 farmers of the Auge found themselves before the Graindorge cheese (acquired in June by the world leader in dairy products), 170 of their colleagues Bocage blocked access to the pie factory producing Domfront. The action takes place from 9:00 p.m. to 0:00 says Ouest-France

    6:17 : the Orne milk producers demonstrated against Lactalis last night. In this department, two assembly points were on offer.

    6:08 : this is a first point on the news Tuesday 30 August:

    negotiations on the price of milk between Lactalis and producer organizations resume today while the FNSEA, the first agricultural union, has launched actions before Lactalis sites and supermarkets.

    • Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” . .. The majority is back at a meeting yesterday evening reentry in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to retain.

    • The American actor Gene Wilder, known for his role as Willy Wonka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971), died at the age of 83 years.

    OMVA be transferred to a US fund run by Frank McCourt, former owner of the baseball club Los Angeles Dodgers.

    0:01 : This live is over. Here’s what to remember the evening’s news:

    • Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The government was holding her back from meeting tonight. Here’s what to retain.

    Negotiations on the price of milk will resume tomorrow between Lactalis and producer organizations. Despite this announcement, the FNSEA agricultural union first, conducted tonight actions before several factories Lactalis.

    • The American actor Gene Wilder, known for his role as Willy Wonka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971), died at the age of 83.

    OMVA be transferred to a US fund run by Frank McCourt, former owner of the baseball club of Los Angeles Dodgers.

    10:31 p.m. : Our reporter Elise Lambert is always the side of farmers who laid siege to Lactalis, Cesson-Sevigne (Ille-et-Vilaine). Some will spend the night in their cars.

    10:06 p.m. Here are some screenshots of actions today by dairy farmers against Lactalis



    8:37 p.m. Our reporter Elise Lambert is always alongside the farmers that block Lactalis

    8:06 p.m. : Our reporter Elise Lambert is Cesson-Sevigne (Ille-et-Vilaine) with farmers who laid siege to Lactalis. One of them explains his approach.

    8:03 p.m. : It is 20 hours, here’s an update on the news:

    negotiations on the price of milk will resume tomorrow between Lactalis and producer organizations. Despite this announcement, the FNSEA agricultural union first, leads tonight actions before fifteen plants Lactalis

    Implementation of key reforms of the quinquennium and enhanced security measures. The Minister of national Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, presented this morning the new school year on Thursday. She also denounced the “fantasies” and “rants”, and targeted to the right.

    OMVA be transferred to a US fund directed by Frank McCourt, former owner of the baseball club Los Angeles Dodgers.

    • Five people were arrested after the arson that targeted the night the main scientific center of justice in Brussels causing an explosion and extensive damage. The hypothesis of a terrorist act is not confirmed.

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