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After the MEDEF is the Tower Hospital Federation of France (FHF) to address the legal weekly working time. Public hospitals indeed denounce the “straitjacket” of 35 hours, which “has destabilized the hospital,” said on Thursday “Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France”.
In a hearing Thursday morning by the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the impact of the gradual reduction of working time, Frédéric Valletoux, President of the FHF should provide Members of “cap RTT to 15 days per year.” A study by the FHF from 151 public schools puts Indeed, in light of the “very diverse situations, with a number of RTT ranging from 0 to over 20 per year depending on the institution.” RTT cap would, in Frederick Valletoux, of “clearing 640 000 working days per year, 3,200 full-time equivalent, or even 413 million euros”.
The 35 hours have not only boosted 30% payroll of public hospitals in ten years – it represented in 2012 70% of their budget – but they have especially disrupted the organization of care, said Frederic Valletoux. “Today, we begin by managing working time of personal and only then we organize the care of patients. (….) The 35-hour drudgery and increased absenteeism, it should no longer be taboo. “
The relaxation of 35 hours could not be done, according to Frederic Valletoux, that” if the resources “for lack of sufficient budget.” We must reduce the daily working time , a quarter of an hour, an hour … the choice and simultaneously reduce the number of days of compensation, “he said.
According to the FHF , forty institutions have already renegotiated the number of days off and 38 have already reviewed the duration of daily work. FHF called the Department of Health to “initiate this overhaul.”

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