<- Hard dé e: 0.023139953613281 sec -> The debate may be explosive. The government plans to halve the length of parental leave from three years to eighteen months for mothers, according to an exclusive report which appeared Saturday in “Le Parisien” – “Today in France”. At stake, a substantial saving of 300 to 400 million euros.
While the copy of the government will be officially unveiled Monday, the family advocates criticize already this project. Reduce parental leave, “is a restrictive measure, a new concern. The government want to kill the family? “Railed Patrick Christian, president of the association Familles de France on BFM-TV.
His opinion is shared by some on social networks. Thus mégrétiste Jean-Yves Le Gallou, former MEP, sees it “one more reason to protest on October 5″ to the call of AKI for all, opponents of marriage for everyone who wants to keep France in a traditional view of the family.
Patrick Beauvillard, regional adviser of Aquitaine and co-chair of the leftist New Deal, denounced a “more hypocrisy” on Twitter. “And it goes on …” irritated Laurent Johanny, yet Secretary of the PS Puy-en-Velay section. The Socialist MP for Paris Sandrine Mazetier replied, trying to bring the debate on women at work: “three years of parental leave permanently
Except … according to a comprehensive study by INSEE in 2012, only 12% of fathers have reduced or temporarily stopped their work to care for their (s) child (ren) . While 33% of women with two children took a total parental leave more than one month, and that 26% of women with two children took parental part-time over a month off. And among those who interrupted their work schedule some time to part-time, 22% of those who would have preferred a complete stop feared the consequences for their work: 30% of men and 16% for women. 13% of parents admit they still have not felt the need because their spouse was on leave, maternity or parental leave.
Given the discrepancy between the sexes, and the fact that more women graduated, the less it uses its right to take leave, Anne-Cécile Mailfert, spokesman Dare feminism , is worried: “without the revaluation of feminised jobs, reduce parental leave that is called to save money on the backs of insecure women,” she believes on Twitter
Between sharing. tasks at home, mothers guilt and fears for employees, the debate between feminists, politicians, and other Catholic circles, opinions and disagreements are likely to be complicated.

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