Monday, September 22, 2014

Air France strike enters its second week – Release

Air France strike enters its second week – Release

The strike at Air France entered its second week Monday with a still strong mobilization pilot, about four out of ten flights insured and no crisis in sight despite calls for “compromise” the government.

The main pilots’ union, the AF SNPL Alpa said Saturday, after consultation with its members, the continuation of the strike until Friday 26, without ruling out that it can continue beyond if the “deadlock” persists. The strike notice the second pilot union at Air France (SPAF) short for his part until Wednesday. The conflict at Air France is already the longest since the social movement of 1998, which lasted ten days.

The unions are opposed to the proposed development of the low-cost subsidiary Transavia proposed by management, fearing that it leads to a “social dumping” and “offshoring” at the expense of French jobs.

Air France Monday plans to provide 41% of its flights on average, with a strike rate of 65%, stable compared to the weekend and almost unchanged since the conflict began. Some airports are more affected, such as Bordeaux, which provides 68% cancellation and Lille where no flight shall be ensured.

The Secretary of State for Transport, Alain Vidal, on Sunday called for the end the conflict. “There must be a compromise,” , he has insisted, echoing the Prime Minister Manuel Valls who last week called on the drivers to “stop” their strike, he “not understood” . “It takes a positive approach in this situation. Otherwise, I think this is the fate of the company that may be involved “, Alain Vidal continued, recalling that Air France, like other historical airlines, facing intense

competition from low cost and “financially fragile” .

“Frustration and discontent”

The CEO of Air France KLM, Alexandre Juniac, had said last week that the strike is costing “10 to 15 million euros,” a day at the company, which “head barely out of the water” .

Samedi the SNPL, which according to its president Jean-Louis Barber feels “betrayed by management” , had appealed to Manuel Valls, hoping that he “at heart will be interested in job preservation French” . The union reiterated its request to meet the Prime Minister. In an internal mail to all its pilots, the management of Air France reported Sunday “intimidation” it has been reported against non-strikers, ensuring that “commit the necessary steps to punish those or those who engage in such actions” .

“This is a strike that is becoming interminable “, lamented this weekend on France Info Chairman of the Federation of transport users and utilities, Jean-Claude Delarue. “One wonders whether Air France will not lose in the future market share,” because “travelers prefer to go elsewhere,” , a-t he added. Air France reiterated his apology to customers, saying in a letter sharing their “frustration” and “discontent” . She advises clients who booked a flight until Sept. 26 “defer travel, or change their tickets free of charge ‘.



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