Saturday, September 27, 2014

The strike by Air France pilots enters its 13th day – The World

The strike by Air France pilots enters its 13th day – The World

The SNPL, the main trade union said on Friday he would be ready to stop this movement if an independent mediator was appointed.

See also: Air France: Matignon rejects the request for mediation pilot

Despite pressure to stop the movement, which the new call of Prime Minister Manuel Valls to stop a movement “unbearable” , the mobilized personnel have rejected the latest proposals from management.

Since Sept. 15, they protest against conditions for the development of the low cost subsidiary of Air France Transavia. They have obtained the abandonment of the Transavia Europe, they want guarantees on working conditions in France subsidiary. Pilots fear that their Air France status (benefits to the works council, health coverage, longer recovery time) melting in favor of that proposed at Transavia, less advantageous.

Read also edition subscribers: Air France: no agreement on the single contract pilot


On Friday, a crisis had yet appeared to be emerging. Management had submitted the pilot unions plan “post-crisis” on the basis of

its unchanged Transavia France project. Management proposed to maintain the need to employ pilots “to the operating conditions and remuneration of Transavia France to ensure the competitiveness of the latter and its development as a complement to the Air France network” .

Considering that “do not address the concerns of the profession” , the SNPL asked the government appointed “without delay an independent mediator “, making a condition for ending the strike.

Matignon and the management of Air France have raised an estoppel. “A solution to end the conflict on the table, drivers to be seized. There is no need to launch a new negotiation with a mediator. Everyone is now facing its responsibilities “ Has it argued Matignon. The state holds 16% stake.

“After dozens of hours of negotiation” , no question of appointing a mediator, has judged on its side management. But she also wanted to emphasize that the situation of the company “becomes extremely delicate” , losing each day “20 million euros” .


A plane on two average stays on the ground since the beginning of the movement. On Saturday, the company has planned to provide more than one flight of two, a slight improvement from the day before (48%). Like the first day, strikers remain majority Saturday to 57%, depending on the airline. The strike notice of SNPL runs until Tuesday, September 30 included

Read decryption. Strike of Air France pilots: a “corporatist” movement



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