(Boursier.com) – Despite the efforts, the “hole Safely” is increasingly difficult to be filled … The Minister of Social Affairs, Marisol Touraine, admitted yesterday that the 2014 deficit general scheme of Social Security this year will reach 11.7 billion euros, an amount exceeding the government forecasts. The latter initially expected a deficit of 9.6 billion, an amount that was revalued at $ 9.8 billion for the general scheme in the amending budget this summer.
Economic conditions difficult
Invited to “All policies,” the issue of ‘France Inter’ and ‘Le Parisien’, the minister played down the new skid, stressing that “despite a very challenging economic environment”, “less than premium revenues” and “significant expenditure”, “the deficit does not worsen compared to last year,” where he had settled at 12.5 MdsE …
Marisol Touraine, which must have Monday’s budget for 2015 Social Security (PLFSS) added qu”il would not freeze family benefits “in 2015, adding that” other measures will be considered “to” control spending
According to ‘Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France’, the government is considering a reduction in the maximum duration of parental leave from three years to 18 months, with a decline in baby bonus.
“The main effort remains to be done” to the Court of Auditors
In 2010, when the “hole Safely” was widened to 23.9 MdsE, the deficit has declined each year. But the pace of improvement has slowed since 2013 mainly because of the deteriorating economic situation, said the Court of Auditors’ report on Social Security released on September 16.
Magistrates considered unlikely the expected return to balance in 2017, saying that “the bulk of the effort to return to the actual equilibrium of social financing remains to be done” …

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