Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Air France offers the immediate withdrawal of Transavia Europe project – The World

Air France offers the immediate withdrawal of Transavia Europe project – The World

The management of Air France called for

The management has proposed consideration, in a statement, the ” further development of Transavia France in competitive economic conditions “ and called “for an immediate resumption of work by the pilots’ .

The announcement was welcomed by the government, ” now considered the responsibility of the pilot is to stop the movement “, said a government source

Read the story. Personal Air France ground to protest against the” pilot haves “


This press release is issued by Air France after a morning of misunderstandings between the government and the management of Air France. Alain Vidal, Secretary of State for Transport, said in effect Wednesday morning on RMC Air France – which the state owns a nearly 16% – had given up its expansion plans in Europe Airline low cost Transavia. “The project is suspended for three months, it is removed” , ‘he said.

about immediately contradicted by a spokesman for the airline, who said that the proposal was to suspend the project and to withdraw

unless concertation with diferent parts did not lead to the end of the year. Faced with these assertions, Manuel Valls had supported his side of what his secretary of state.


Cities in the release, the CEO of Air France-KLM, Alexander Juniac, and that of Air France, Frédéric GAGEY, felt that “with the withdrawal of the project Transavia Europe, there is now no reason to strike for no more fear of relocation can not stand “. He added: “We therefore call on the strikers to return to work drivers without delay. “

Air France considers this a ” balanced proposal [that] addresses the concerns of the social partners in bringing a renewed guarantee that there will not relocate “.

” It preserves the development project Transavia solution “made in France” in response to the offensive foreign low-cost and conquer this developing market. “

This proposal ” allows for an immediate end to this destructive conflict “ says Air France and ” meets the needs of employees who want their business back on track for growth “. “The project is a Transavia 100% for France” , ensured MM. Juniac and GAGEY in the release. “This is to develop the company Transavia for growth in France and quickly create over 1,000 jobs,” in France, including 250 pilots.

Read also decryption: Strike by Air France pilots: a “corporatist” movement



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