The Red Caps Breton were right to part of the eco-tax. While the government is thinking of a way to offset this decline in revenue in anticipation. The Heavyweight tax would bring in about 800 million euros per year transport infrastructure in France. But faced with the sling, the government has opted for a lighter mechanism.
An increase of two cents in taxes on diesel is intended to finance infrastructure, said Friday the Secretary of State for the Budget, Christian Eckert, interviewed on Radio South. “Parliament will seize this question, a hypothesis is actually an increase of two cents on diesel,” he said. “The proposal of the government is to stabilize (…) we must find funding for transportation infrastructure.” Christian
The carbon tax should ramp up each year and will be proportionate to the CO2 emissions of each energy product, fuel, gas, oil, etc. For 2014, the government had chosen to neutralize the impact of the carbon tax on the gasoline and diesel, due to high fuel prices, but its impact should be two cents per liter for 2015 , according to press reports. The draft state budget for 2015 will be presented on October 1 by the Cabinet
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