Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Occupation: MEDEF hammers it with his plan shock – Le Parisien

Occupation: MEDEF hammers it with his plan shock – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.022124052047729 sec -> Irony or not the calendar, while the unemployment figures for the month of August are showed on Wednesday, at 18 am, and when the business climate according to Insee has deteriorated in September, MEDEF and CGPME deliver their recipes to boost employment.

In the MEDEF, these measures would create a million jobs.
<- hard dé e: 0.00054502487182617 sec -> Problem: the project had already leaked in mid-September, causing an outcry from trade unions, who denounced a “provocation.” Bruno Le Roux, leader of the PS deputies, was even on the frontlines: “I want to settle this debate, none of these proposals will be launched under this majority. Not one! Neither the deregulation of the labor market, nor a withdrawal of 35 hours, or the fact to reverse the minimum wage, he had decided. Permanent provocation that feeds distrust, this is not an engine that allows forward “…

In a document of about fifty pages MEDEF reviewed all the levers fiscal, social sector or sometimes he would then reform he believes that “our social model has lived.” Interviewed by Le Parisien, Pierre Gattaz had mentioned a “double in France fear: that the employee being fired and the boss to hire. Let us deal with this dual fear déverrouillons these constraints. “How?

Remove holidays For the MEDEF, “the number of public holidays (11 in total) and organizational complexities they induce are a hindrance to growth and therefore employment. ” According to the employers, eliminate two holidays per year would garner 1% growth and the creation of 100,000 jobs. Currently, France is the European average in the number of holidays.

Number of holidays in Europe

Review working hours The chamber eyeing for years on the British system, where the period is negotiated in companies. According to the employers’ organization, removing the legal limit in the Labour Code, the employer would be totally free to impose actual time could be up to 44 hours per week under the current EU limit. One way around the overtime system that trigger beyond 35 hours. In the proposals of business, the first eight hours beyond 35 hours would only be paid 25% more.

DOCUMENT working time for employees on permanent contracts

SMIC planed Last year, in the spring, the proposal had set fire to the powder. For the MEDEF, we would need to establish transiently wages that are less than the minimum wage for the “most remote populations of employment and which could be supplemented by social allowances to ensure an equivalent purchasing power SMIC” . This new supported employment system would, according to the MEDEF, create

50 000 to 100 000 jobs in five years.

Working on Sunday Despite the uproar of trade unions, but many elected officials left and right, opening businesses in the evenings and on Sundays would create 50 000 to 200 000 jobs in tourism futures and between 40,000 and 100,000 in the trade and distribution.

The end of CDI The idea is not new and is already widely used in the building . This is extended to other branches’ contract construction. ” “It would be an open-ended contract that would expire automatically once the project is completed.” One way to answer the MEDEF ‘fear of hiring “paralyzing business leaders, particularly in the small and micro businesses, because of the difficulty in predicting their order books. The termination of work would provide a schedule of benefits for the employee, such as seniority. Small patterns CGPME have a slightly different view with a new “contract of growth.” This would be a permanent “based on collective goals related to annual economic indicators predetermined maintenance or increase of the economic activity of the company.” If targets are not met “after three years, for example,” it “would motivate the possible termination of the contract of employment of persons employed under this system.” For their part, the bosses are calling for the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts be extended to 30 months against 18 months today.

Transform the research tax credit down loads From 2017, management wants to transform the tax credit for research expenses down. Why? The decrease in expenses is both more durable and easier to calculate a tax credit assessed annually. The Government Accountability Pact already provides 40 billion euros of cuts in charges for businesses by 2017 Meanwhile, CGPME wants to be activated a device exemption from charges for every new job created in TPE on youth or senior. According to SMEs, this removed in June 2010 measure had helped create a total “one million jobs.”

The decline in the age of retirement The chamber asks the increase in the legal age of retirement “to reflect the increase in life expectancy, as has been practiced in most countries.”

Reviewing social thresholds “Spending 49 to 50 employees generates 35 additional obligations,” said the MEDEF, saying the review of that action ‘could create between 50 000 and 100 000 jobs in three years. “

Revaluate learning For the employers, the French education system emphasizes education “school” that does not encourage risk-taking and which recognizes the right to fail. “It is necessary to improve learning and lead the structural reforms that involve the business community in the development of the sector.”


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