The CGPME Tuesday proposed the “extraordinary measures” to fight against unemployment, including extending the maximum duration of contracts for fixed-term (CDD) to 30 months instead of 18 and setting up a “contract of growth.”
The employers’ organization of small and medium enterprises and grilled politeness MEDEF, which has its own proposals Wednesday to create jobs.
In addition to extending the CSD, CGPME proposes measures to facilitate the access of young people and older people to jobs in the interim, and the creation of a bridge loan with zero interest and the removal of penalties for early mortgage repayments in the event of mobility professional.
The employers’ organization also advocates the establishment in SMEs of a new employment contract of indefinite duration (CDI), the “contract of growth,” linking the continuation of employment to contractual targets for economic
“The failure to achieve these overall objectives for a period (…) which could, for example, be three years, motivate the possible termination of the contract of employment of persons employed under this system, “said CGPME.
It also suggests restoring the exemption from charges for any additional employment in very small enterprises (VSE), abolished in 2010, shifting towards the youth and seniors.
It also recommends, among other measures, to ensure hiring under permanent contracts (CDI) at the end of an apprenticeship, subject to a commitment by the beneficiary to remain in the business for a period at least equivalent to its formation.
(Emmanuel Jarry, edited by Yves Clarisse)

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