Monday, September 22, 2014

Valls promises Berlin that France will make its reforms, Merkel … – Le Nouvel Observateur

Valls promises Berlin that France will make its reforms, Merkel … – Le Nouvel Observateur

Berlin (AFP) – The head of the French government Manuel Valls, visiting Berlin, on Monday pledged that France would carry out his reforms, without obtaining Chancellor Angela Merkel gesture to any further European growth

“I mean the Germans, the reforms we will do,” insisted the French Prime Minister at a joint press conference after a lunch the two leaders.

In his first official visit to Germany – synonymous with military honors in Berlin – he came to attend the Chancellor’s plans for reform of his government and advocate for Europe’s largest economy to invest more to boost growth <. / p>

On the first point, the Chancellor recognized him “impressive” reform program, “according to what I know, affect important areas that will ultimately decide the competitive” companies French. And wished him “good luck” for their implementation.

But on investment, Merkel again dampened hopes of an increase in public spending in Germany, saying it there is “plenty of opportunities to create growth without extra money”

-. ‘Krankreich’ –

often repeated in recent weeks by German leaders position, while France is not the only one to come knocking on their door, on the grounds that Germany would have more room for maneuver than its partners.

Rome would also like Germany to do more, the Secretary of American State Treasury Jack Lew said basically the same thing in Cairns Australia this weekend, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the customary message. But in Berlin the goal of a federal balanced budget next year is top priority.

Berlin certainly recognizes the need for investment to restart the economic engine but prefers stimulate investment private. Merkel spoke Monday and investment opportunities in the digital economy.

The Socialist prime minister had said he hoped to “change things in Europe” before this trip considered the largest since its duties.

“We need

each other and our responsibilities,” pleaded Mr. Valls, who was not in a strong position, while Paris was delayed two years 2017, the return of its budget deficit in the nails of the Stability Pact and growth.

German opinion is also not kind to its biggest trading partner.

“It takes nerve to say that more savings + it + is not feasible, it is a slap to the Greeks and the Portuguese, who had to take a cut in their pensions,” thought Herbert Reul, Chairman of German conservative party (CDU / CSU) in the European Parliament, summarizing the mood in Berlin.

“Krankreich flop top Deutschland” wrote Bild newspaper on Monday, the most widely read in Europe by inventing a contraction of the words “krank” (ill) and “Frankreich” (of France)

-. Doubts and questions –

“I understand the doubts and questions of the people German, representatives of the German press sometimes, “assured Mr. Valls. He called for more understanding from Germany to France: “Germans love France keeps its commitments, the French like Germany who can understand,” said he said

<. p> Merkel said that it is not Germany but the European Commission would be required to make a judgment on the French reform program. Brussels “will examine what is happening in France, what is done there,” she has said.

After meeting with the Chancellor, Mr. Valls flew to Hamburg (north) to visit an Airbus factory. There had to meet with the Minister of Economy Sigmar Gabriel, leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), which seems more lenient with regard to France, even if he governs with Merkel’s conservatives.

Tuesday morning, Manuel Valls attempt to get his message to the bosses of German Industry (BDI), which held its annual conference last leg of his two-day visit.


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