Mr. President of Air France SNPL gentlemen Drivers
It is not uncommon for us presidents airlines to comment on a dispute over one of our colleagues, let alone when it comes to one of Europe’s largest companies.
But the urgency of the situation calls for the development firm and precise.
The French flag has lived for twelve consecutive years reduced its market share as a result of competition within and outside the community in which our companies resist courageously in a regulatory, fiscal, social and administrative unfavorable environment and increasingly complex. The lack of competitiveness that characterizes the economic fabric of our country is difficult to compensate for the airlines. Direct competition from foreign companies and not just “low-cost”, the development of new international hubs, taking advantage of the chronic inadequacy of our country, and the productivity gap with our companies.
The attrition of the French flag with the key to a decline in employment, present and future, clearly threatens our companies, our business, the future of our children, while more than a thousand French drivers are looking
There have been few plans reconquest, create wealth and jobs. Few investment opportunities. Recent years with the loss of nearly 60 air operators, the virtual disappearance of the French business aviation, leaving little room for a bright future, if our companies collectively fail to adapt to be competitive with to European companies that have already completed their transformation.
The competition is changing at an incredible pace, and the necessary adaptation has simply become vital.
France, its geographical position heart of Europe, its large population and its tourist attractions are a growth market with promises of redevelopment and job creation. Our airlines do not have the right to waste this opportunity.
Reject fear, conservatism and bigotry new project weakens the French flag and constitute a waiver of our future.
The pilot profession you exercise, requires rigor, discipline, responsibility and cool. This profession is often born of a vocation is exercised with passion throughout a lifetime. It does not allow the behaviors that devalue.
hard-line brings a deep and devastating to the pilot profession and more widely to our businesses and our businesses disrepute, but also to our ability collective to create new jobs
The signatories.
Alain Battisti: President Chalair aviation and chairman of the National Federation of commercial aviation (FNAM); Pascal de Izaguirre: President of Corsair International; Laurent Magnin: President of XL Airways; Cedric Pastour: president of Aigle Azur; Marc Rochet: President of Air Caribbean
Read. Air France: 59% of flights canceled Monday

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