Friday, September 26, 2014

Strike: Negotiations with pilots drag on at Air France –

Strike: Negotiations with pilots drag on at Air France –

Strike at Air France, 12th day, Act II: The Transavia Europe project buried, difficult negotiations were to continue Friday, September 26 between management and pilots, determined to impose their views on Transavia France, the low cost hexagonal.

Work rate higher, lower wages and lower retirement benefits … The Air France pilots fear that the working conditions of the low cost subsidiary eventually become the standard in the parent company.

“No pilot of Air France will agree to go home if Transavia imposes the conclusion of a new employment contract Transavia.” This is repeated by the SNPL majority union in the profession message to justify the continuation of the movement

His claim. Obtain a “single contract” for drivers, applicable to all versions of the airline group Air France-KLM (Transavia, Hop!), based on the one currently in place at Air France.

On the other side of the bargaining table, management does not intend to sacrifice his ambitions in the transport Low-cost airline, which nestle “growth opportunities,” according to the CEO of Air France-KLM, Alexander Juniac. The Franco-Dutch airline group, Europe’s second behind the German Lufthansa, aims to become a major player in the sector.

Competition Ryanair and EasyJet

The strategic plan ‘Perform 2020 , “which will take over in January of the restructuring plan” Transform 2015 “aims to try to fill the backlog facing the heavyweights Ryanair and easyJet.

The conflict led by pilots of historical period, continues to disrupt air traffic. The company planned to provide about half of theft (48%) nationally Friday, a similar figure to the previous day.

As from September 15, the first day of mobilization, the strikers

remain the majority, 58%, according to figures provided by the company (against 62% Thursday).

The marathon negotiations began Wednesday night after management called representative unions (SNPL and SPAF ) for announcing the “immediate withdrawal” of Transavia Europe.

A first victory for the strikers, but not the end of the battle for the National Union of Airline Pilots, herald of the challenge that demands clarification on Transavia France.

The abandonment of the European project is to lift the strike notice “a necessary but not sufficient condition,” according to William Schmid, his spokesman.

The other personnel bitter

The continuation of the movement, if it does not seem to suffer challenge for pilots, sparked an outcry among other staff.

Hostesses, stewards and ground staff feel they have paid a heavy price when drivers restructuring plan “Transform 2015″ which resulted in the elimination of approximately 10% of the workforce.

Bruno Negro, CFE-CGC, also predicted a “post-strike (…) horrible to manage,” as the Air France family is torn, he said, in the conflict.

“The longer the strike lasts, the higher the bill gets heavier, and all employees will have to pay it. It was two years of work and everything is swept in 10 days, “was sorry for his hand Beatrice Lestic, union CFDT.

The movement of professionals from the sky seems not have met public support: more than two-thirds of French (69%) consider their strike as unjustified, contrary to 30% of the opinion that a Tilder / / Opinion Way survey released Thursday LCI

. (With AFP)


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