Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Men suffering unemployed and underemployed women – Actualitté.com

Men suffering unemployed and underemployed women – Actualitté.com

INSEE Photography has just unveiled its labor market in 2013, indicating an average of 9.8% unemployment on total assets, an increase of 0.4 points compared to 2012, despite a stabilization of mid-year 2013 According to the census, the position of men has deteriorated sharply since 2011 on the employment market in metropolitan their unemployment rising by 1.5 points to stand at 10%, higher than in women (9.7%). Males are also more concerned about the long-term unemployment.

By cons, “ close to 80%” of part-time jobs are held by women . Of these, nearly a third (32.5%) want more work “according to INSEE. It is clear from the study that the fairer sex would be no less than 71.7% of the 1.68 million active “underemployed” or people

employed part-time but are available and want to work more, even where those through a period of technical or partial unemployment.

The unemployed are not to be confused with the 22 million “inactive,” which in turn “ are not working and not actively looking for work or are not available to deal with a .” Fall into this category students, retirees, stay at home parents, and others unable to work

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Sources : Liberation (AFP), L’Express

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