I know 27 future Commissioners who, this weekend, repeated like a mantra: “ one stands well at the hearings before the European Parliament, it is polite, not it does not say that women would be better in the kitchen, no, we do not say we do not care to members of the European Parliament, and yes I have an opinion on the new measures from the European Central Bank in the secondary market for Italian debt, or European regulations about silkworms . “
Every 5 years, sure enough, these hearings lead to at least some psychodrama, left, attack right that a commissioner response by attacking a commissioner left or vice versa. It dramatizes all this for a few days and then, in most cases, everything is in order and the Commission finally take office on time. Of course, sometimes one or the other member is sent home without going through the European Commission case but you really need a bigger than her gaffe. But this year, the total blur as
Until this year, members were beginning the hearings put together as cuckoos, they were desperate to show their muscles to the Chairman of the Commission appointed by the Member States. This time is different: it is the parliament that imposed Jean-Claude Juncker at the head of the Commission. Some members are reluctant
In late October, members will have to approve the Commission, without power reject one or two commissioners, it’s everybody or nobody and therefore yes prevail. But by this vote, the commissioners will be shaken, Jean-Claude Juncker will be under pressure to change before the vote as incompetent or as arrogant. Even before taking office, the Commission shall commence on Monday its first test of strength after the European Parliament and person within the Commission takes this lightly.

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