Sunday, September 28, 2014

End of strike at Air France: the forecast for the next 48 … – TF1

End of strike at Air France: the forecast for the next 48 … – TF1

Although strike is finished, it will take a while for traffic to return to normal. Cancelled flights listed for Sunday, September 28th in the evening and on Monday, September 29 remain, due to “technical and regulatory constraints.” In addition, the SPAF, minority representative union of Air France (12%) drivers, announced Sunday night that it was maintaining its strike notice, which runs until 30 September.

After the failure of talks with management, while the main union, the SNPL, it has announced the end of the strike, the SPAF refuses to return to work: “We have provided management written against-proposals “for the low cost subsidiary Transavia France document, writing the SPAF in a statement. The union said the wait “written response” from management before returning to work.

“Demonstrate understanding for the next 36 hours”

For all these reasons, it is therefore only Tuesday that the situation should be back to normal. According to the CEO of the French company, Frederic GAGEY the “immediate priority is to restore normal traffic.” He asked the passengers to show “understanding for the next 36 hours,” time required to rearrange flights. Angered by the delays and cancellations of flights, many passengers showing their discontent on social networks, with the main target of their anger drivers. see our video above)

Even emergency regain control of had , according to Alexandre Juniac, CEO of Air France KLM group , who called all staff to get back “to work quickly to fly (the) aircraft and dream (the) passenger.” From a practical point of view, the company advises its passengers to “check” if their flight

is operated before traveling to the airport.

Valls welcomes the “strength of the government”

Pressure also came from the government, including the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, who branded “selfish attitude” drivers and asked them to waive the “single contract” inconsistent with the model of low cost. Sunday, he praised the “strength of the government” in this case, after the announcement of the end of the conflict. Saturday night, the main pilot union Transavia France claimed that Air France pilots were negotiating with the direction of the new seniority likely to cause a “serious harm” to their interests rules, then threatening to disconnect. The movement of the pilots especially sparked an outcry among other staff. Professionals in the sector (airports, tour operators, etc.), they stressed that the strike was “a catastrophe for the French aviation industry.” With 54% of its pilots still on strike, the company planned to deliver Sunday just under half (45%) of its flights. The return to normal at airports should not be done for two or three days.

The Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on France 2 that the results of this “long war” was “very bad”. “For the company, 280 million euros loss, 110,000 tourists were forced to cancel their flights is 30,000 travel business,” he commented. Curly without any agreement, the pilots’ strike has caused 14 days of complete paralysis and cost around € 20 million per day to Air France excluding costs related to the gradual recovery in traffic. Air France, whose accounts were back to green in 2013 may well back into deficit in 2014 for the dream, it will have to wait …


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