<- Hard dé e: 0.010555982589722 sec -> Is this the beginning of the reversal of the trend in unemployment promised by François Hollande? The first respite for the government in this nightmarish place back on the job front. In August, unemployment fell slightly with 11,100 registered no activity less (-0.3%) at employment center in France, or 3.413 million unemployed, announced the Ministry of Labour to 18 hours, confirming a report by France 2 In one year, that number has increased by 5.2%, however.
The number of job seekers registered at employment center in (Class B and C) amounted to 1,664,700 him in France Metropolitan late August 2014 a month, it rose 0.8% for short Pool (Class B +6% yoy) and is stable for long reduced activity (category C, 8.5 % year on year).
5,078,000 unemployed all categories
In total, the number of job seekers registered at employment center in categories A, B, C stood at 5.078 million in France in late August 2014 (5,380,200 in France and overseas departments). This number decreased by 0.1% (5800) in August. In one year, revenues increased by 6%. The number of unemployed people under 25 in this category fell 0.1% in August. Conversely, those over 50 years increased by 0.1%.
The number of job seekers has increased continuously since November 2013 In late July, 3.424 million unemployed with no activity were registered in France, never-seen. Small business and overseas included, another record high of 5.387 million job seekers had been recorded.
Third monthly decline since the election of Holland
This is only the third monthly decline since the election of François Holland in May 2012 Since then, employment center has seen an influx of half a million unemployed no additional activity.
The head of state, which failed to “reverse the unemployment curve” in late 2013 as he had promised, acknowledged Thursday at its semi-annual press conference that the results of its “policy were late to come “but assured that” they viendr (have), “saying it would be hoped that” before 2017 “.
The confirmation Tuesday by INSEE zero growth in the second quarter as first buried the hopes of growth of government: the official forecast is now 0.4% for 2014 and 1% next year. According to
Coincidence. Wednesday that it is also the MEDEF unveiled its tracks to “create a million jobs. ” This plan supports inter alia the abolition of two holidays – 100,000 jobs according to the key MEDEF – and relaxations of the 35 hours of the employment contract or the minimum wage. These proposals, Pierre Gattaz had revealed in an interview with “Parisian” – “Today in France” last week, have already caused a union outcry. Before being partly swept by the government.
Tuesday, CGPME had also called for “exceptional measures for employment”, advocating an extension of the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts 30 months and the creation of a new form of CDI.
VIDEO. MEDEF launches plan to create “a million jobs”
Meanwhile the effects of the agreement liability (€ 40 billion of relief for businesses by 2017, hoping to generate hundreds of thousands of jobs), the government is trying since September to boost its employment policies
The first assessment of the pact, drawn up in early September by François Rebsamen, remains low. one agreement was reached in the professional branch of the chemistry. “We have never done as much for business”, “business must shake themselves,” launched on Tuesday the Minister of Labour. “The employment policies work” with “140,000″ jobs of the future signed, François Rebsamen added that advocated early September increased control of the unemployed.
Editorial Le Parisien. Unemployment: Rebsamen launches debate on abuse
The president has also sounded Friday mobilization for learning, with a new gesture in favor of employers, broadening the scope of a new premium of 1,000 euros passed in July.
To restart the generation contract, which has not found its audience, the government has doubled and bring to 8,000 euros grant for companies employing fewer than 300 employees simultaneously CDI youth under 26 years old and a senior over 57 years. Since the launch of the device in March 2013, 31,000 applications for aid have been recorded so far from the original target of 75,000 for the single year 2013

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