Sunday, September 28, 2014

Touraine: The Social Security deficit will be greater than … –

Touraine: The Social Security deficit will be greater than … –

HEALTH – Minister of Health and Social Affairs Marisol Touraine said Sunday night that the deficit of the general plan would be higher than expected …

The plan deficit General Social Security would be established in 2014 to 11.7 billion euros, said Marisol Touraine on France Inter, On the eve of the budget of the social security . However, she assured that there would be no freeze next year family benefits .

“The deficit does not worsen over the year last “

In June, the Audit Board of Social Security announced a slightly degraded from the original forecast deficit (9.9 billion against 9.6 registered in the 2014 budget). This deficit was subsequently revalued at € 9.8 billion for the general arrangements in the amending budget this summer.

“Despite a very challenging economic environment,” “less than premium revenues” and “significant expenditure”, “the deficit does not worsen compared to last year,” is it anyway welcomed. Indeed, it has said that the

deficit of the general plan plus the Old Age Solidarity Fund, would amount to € 15.4 billion this year and therefore does not degrade. She also compared the expected deficit of the general plan with that of last year ($ 12.5 billion), finding an “improvement.”

Ni delisting or freeze benefits

On the eve of the presentation of cost-saving measures for health and family planned for 2015, Marisol Touraine assured that there would be “no delisting” of drugs.

It also announced there would be no freezing of family benefits in 2015, adding that “other measures will be considered to control spending of family policy.”

The Minister explained want to “control the spending growth “of family policy and reiterated the principles.” universality, support for low-income families and encouraging life balance work / family life “

20 minutes with AFP


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