Consent to tax is a civic act: what to think, then, of measures that exempt millions of taxpayers, even less fortunate
Between the political discourse? General Manuel Valls in the National Assembly, 16 September, and the press conference of François Hollande, 18, where do you get the information of the most important domestic policy
Ni in one or the other. The information was announced this week on the 17th, in an interview the Prime Minister France Inter during which it was revealed that the government was preparing to remove the first slice of the income tax (5, 5% for the portion of taxable income tax share from about 6,000 to 12,000 euros). A measure that should cover no less than about 9 million taxpayers, confirmed Christian Eckert, State Secretary for the Budget.
In front of the Assembly, the prime minister has said a word. Speaking to the press, the president did not comment on the measure, citing only the subject. Conclusion: institutional high masses only serve to stir the air. Too bad! One would have hoped that a little transparency is introduced into a tax gesticulation which are no longer able to grasp the meaning.
Yet 9 million taxpayers a total of 37 million tax households, this is not nothing. Especially since this total, half do not pay income tax. This means that, compared to the 19 million taxpayers who pay income tax, nearly one in two is concerned by the announcement by the Prime Minister. Or … a taxpayer in four. Which perhaps deserves better than a sentence at the turn of a question in a morning interview.
Much less of a taxpayer shall remain liable on two
Of course, this does not mean that 9 million taxpayers will join the ranks of those who are income tax exempt. If one understands the words of the Secretary of State for the Budget to the National Assembly on September 17, 6000000 see the amount of tax affected downwards by this measure, and 3,000,000 ‘emerge or avoid the device to enter “. The formula is vague.
How much tax households in the end shall be liable to the income tax in 2015? Last May, when he already announced fiscal measures to enable 1.8 million people out of income tax in 2014, Manuel Valls estimated that the number of taxpayers was too big: “Let’s drop” he declared. In the process, steps were taken for taxpayers earning up to 1.1 times the minimum wage, about 4 million tax households who saw their taxes fall this year and to 2 million of them are not be imposed, confirmed Christian Eckert.
So, from 53% in 2013, the proportion should fall to 48% in 2014, due to tax provisions taken in the summer. And tomorrow, 43% or less
On the contrary, it should broaden the base of the income tax. Of course, be exempt from this tax, that’s barely a century this year, does not mean that a citizen does not pay tax. Everyone, through VAT, feeds the coffers of the state, let alone social contributions, including the CSG. And income tax which, according to Insee, reported to the state 74.9 billion euros last year, weighs less than VAT, indirect tax reported to the state 185 billion euros.
So all citizens pay taxes. But without really noticing it for those who pay only VAT. For them, that is to say more than half of taxpayers after deleting the current first phase of the scale, what is their perception of citizenship if it is not expressed through their contribution to the collective effort
A citizen act
The question is long: in France, for over two centuries! Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1789 indicates that “for the maintenance of the public forces and for administrative costs, a common contribution is essential: it must be divided equally between all citizens in proportion to their means. ” A tax certainly progressive, but a tax for all.
This principle, which involves all citizens to finance the operation of the community is still alive:
Economists on the same line. Philippe Dessertine Liberal labeled “pay the tax is a civic act allowing both to participate in the functioning of public affairs and make the community a little bit about what each has received from her” .
As for Thomas Piketty, recognized around the world and himself labeled left (he is a former support Hollande), he argues for a reform introducing ‘a single large progressive tax on all income and deducted at source “, because it would create ” more solidarity “. This involves a broadening of the base current and therefore the integration of a greater number of device in the taxpayer. The opposite of the policy today.
Francois Hollande during his presidential campaign, came to grips with this political issue, who promised a major reform. The hypothesis of a withholding tax on income, as in many countries, was then discussed. But the promise has evaporated.
Rather than hiring an overhaul needed to reform the tax, the executive does not stop to take action with an ax. Francois Hollande, with tax, back (as did Nicolas Sarkozy with pensions) to start work right thing. Because such projects involve tackle it early mandate. Too late! It introduces outstanding contributions, plays on the family quotient, removes a slice … and creates instability to force a tax insecurity misunderstanding due to this stack of measures worse.
He chose, facing pressure from the left of the PS, which demanded wages, a provision that will alter the sense of belonging to the same community when, on the contrary, citizenship is challenged by the rise of communalism and should be reaffirmed. One option very questionable.
Helping the poorest taxpayers? It is a political choice entirely legitimate. But there were other solutions. It is also necessary to take time to prepare and implement. Obviously, Manuel Valls acted in haste. Time management has been the main problem of this first half of the mandate of François Hollande.

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