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That the Senate returns to the right, when Senate elections this Sunday, September 28, it seems to be clear to everyone, the UMP party to Socialist. However, the unknown is still the outcome of these battles, including that of the presidency of the Palais du Luxembourg – the “Plateau” – as well as the presidency of the group and commissions. On Sunday evening, only the results are known, the negotiations begin. Then on 30, a primary will be held within the UMP to designate the right-wing candidate in Plateau before a formal vote at a public meeting Wednesday 1 st October from 15 hours. The next day will be elected chairmen of parliamentary groups and then the following week, the Vice-Presidents, Questors and chairpersons.
Five candidates are declared to take to succeed President Jean-Pierre Bel (PS, Ariege) time which is not. They are four right and one left (that is, the lack of hope nourished, left, on the keep the majority …). Within the UMP, we find the same three candidates during the elections of 2008: Gerard Larcher (Yvelines), Jean-Pierre Raffarin (Vienna) and Philippe Marini (Oise). There six years, the battle was fierce between the first two that are, once again, serve as favorites. This year too, the result looks very tight even if, in the words of several left and right, Gérard Larcher is better able to win, as in 2008
the Conversely, Senator Yvelines Gerard Larcher, who has focused his campaign on a theme ‘very home house, very institution “ as it says a pillar of the UMP could face greater favor with elected officials.
Outsider, Philippe Marini does not appear at this time as a serious candidate. As the only candidate of the UDI Senator Orne Nathalie Goulet, who presents with a focus on the modernization program that would pass the Senate, among others, by reducing the number of elected members. She also decided to make public his asset declaration Friday.
Read also: “A duel Larcher Raffarin looming for the presidency”
Of the four candidates on the right, one Jean-Pierre Raffarin is concerned with renewal and surrender his seat on the line Sunday. It is the same for the only candidate left for the Plateau Didier Guillaume, Senator of Drome and current president of the Socialist Group in the Senate.
In the case – most likely – where the left pass again in the minority in the Senate on Sunday, Didier Guillaume should not surprise be reappointed as chairman of the group (if, of course, he is re-elected, which is little doubt). It should be the same for the other groups, except for the UMP since the mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin, 74, if he is a senator does not want to run again chair the group. Three candidates are vying to succeed him: Roger Karoutchi (Hauts-de-Seine), Gérard Longuet (Meuse) and Bruno Retailleau (Vendée), only the latter handing his seat on the line Sunday.
Near Nicolas Sarkozy and former Minister for Relations with Parliament, Mr. Karoutchi, who seems best placed, is careful not to take sides with anyone as to the Plateau for the Presidency UMP. “The group is neutral and will see that it is not the team of anyone for the presidency of the UMP or 2017,” he explains to the World . Elected to the Senate in 1999, he promised that he will refuse “any office party” and he would not go to the government should the right returns in 2017 Finally, after opening a criminal investigation into alleged embezzlement within the UMP Senator ensures that the treasurer of the group should “propose measures to ensure transparency,” and present each year accounts to the group.
Meanwhile, Bruno Retailleau, 53, called on his colleagues to “to trust new people, renew our working methods and communication to give the Senate a new image and better our voice “ to hear. “I am confident that together we can give our compatriots the image of a political group worker, living and responsible,” for his wrote former defense minister from the UMP senators.
Logically, if the Senate returns right on Sunday with the Chairs of seven economic standing committees (business , foreign affairs, defense and armed forces, social affairs, culture, education and communication, sustainable development, finance and law) also change panel.
However, a debate continues over the presidency of the Finance Committee: since 2008, the latter was awarded normally to the Assembly and the Senate, a member of the opposition. Or Philippe Marini, current president of the UMP Senate Finance Committee, has included in its program if elected president, he would not make this presidency to the left. This makes some sense: indeed, if the Senate majority returns to the right, the government majority will, she left. But it is the government that makes the budget and submit it to vote, not the president of the Senate. Nothing inconsistent in what the president of the commission set up to examine remains in opposition, so right.

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