<- Hard dé e: 0.017493963241577 sec -> Without new savings measures, the Audit Board of Social Security said on Monday that the deficit of the general scheme is expected to increase to 14.7 billion euros in 2015
Now, the projected deficit in the General Plan and the Old Age Solidarity Fund of Social Security is expected to be $ 13.4 billion in 2015, instead of 15.4 billion in 2014 The government has no plans to return to balance before 2019
A total of € 700 million in savings will be realized on the family branch
A birth grant divided by three from the second child .
Today the premium is paid 923 euros in the seventh month of pregnancy to 85% of new parents, ie families whose annual income does not exceed EUR 46 888 for a couple with two incomes. Now, starting second child this premium is more than about 308 euros. This should generate € 250 million from 2015 écononmies also the home of child-rearing allowance (ELP) will not be paid until the month after birth and not from the first month . According to the government, parents have already bought most of the equipment at the birth of the first baby. So shopping for the arrival of the second child is more limited.
A parental leave shared
If the period of three years from the second child of parental leave does not change, the government hopes that lying can take the father. This leave is for parents to care for their child will be divided between the two parents. A single parent may not take all of this leave. The father and mother can take 18 months each, for example. Today, 96% of women use the paid between EUR 145.63 and EUR 390.52 which is not the case for men leave. By reducing the length of leave for women, the government will save money in the hope that people do not use it.
20% reduction in aid for child care
Today, the additional type
There are currently three income levels that determine the amount of such aid. The government will create one fourth to reduce the amount paid to the wealthiest families. The ceilings will be defined later by decree.
A very small increase in child benefit of 88 cents for a family three children
Marisol Touraine has already announced that it had waived freeze all family benefits in 2015, however, the thaw is very symbolic. If the new inflation forecasts hold true, the increase should be only 0.3% in the April 1, 2015, or 88 cents more per child for families with three children … If the government maintained a freeze, this would have meant a saving of just € 100 million (1% increase in child allowances cost € 300 million).
An increase in child benefit reduced
Today, all families receive family benefits from two children. When one of them reached the age of 14, there is a surcharge of 64.67 euros. Now this increase will be paid only from 16 years of the child.
460,000 retirees now subject to the standard rate of CSG
The draft budget for Social Security states that 460,000 retirees covered by the general social contribution (CSG) will increase the reduced rate to the standard rate. This measure, introduced as “fairer” is based on a new income threshold. It applies to retirees who previously benefited from the reduced rate of 3.8% “solely through tax cuts.” They will spend the normal rate of 6.6%.
A plan to save 3.2 billion euros on the health branch
Marisol Touraine and Christian Eckert predict a savings of $ 3.2 billion plan for the health branch. it should limit the increase to 2.1% of health spending in 2015
Several tracks are known: Closer to the requirements of some very expensive drugs control, as Solvadi, a new treatment against hepatitis C. In addition, the government wants to encourage the development of ambulatory surgery in hospitals to reduce the length of stay for patients.
The bill funding the 2015 Social Security

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