Thursday, September 11, 2014

Brétigny: SNCF and RFF reiterate that safety is their priority – Release

Brétigny: SNCF and RFF reiterate that safety is their priority – Release

The SNCF and RFF betting on digital and transparency vis-à-vis the public to enhance security across the network to a week of their indictment expected in the accident Bretigny.

“We have at our disposal new technologies based on digital, which should enable profoundly change our production systems. (…) Our methods in terms of network maintenance are largely the same in the 19th century, “said Thursday the head of the infrastructure manager Réseau Ferré de France (RFF), Jacques Rapoport.

For the president of the SNCF, Guillaume Pepy, “the digital should be a lever for transformation,”

The new technologists are used “to detect incidents faster or make predictive maintenance” adds the digital future boss, Yves Tyrode.

The SNCF and RFF, who will meet in January in the same age group, and shown their goodwill, two days after the Secretary of State for Transport Alain Vidal has called them to strengthen their initiatives for maintenance, and a week before their likely indictment for the accident Bretigny.

It is useful to “re-examine on overall system security, processes, tools, “says the executive director of safety and quality of rail service Alain Krakovitch.

In his chart, the future SNCF group created by the reform rail, saw the creation of a new post of Inspector General of Security, told the inspector currently responsible for the security of the French nuclear weapons

-. Building on the nuclear –

Among the actions announced, or whose deployment will extend the implementation of digital tablets for maintenance workers, the arrival of trains to supplement visual inspection tours, or the launching an internal security investigation.

A device allowing the general public to report any anomalies centralize on 1 January, the numerous reports received. It has already been established for officers since July 1280 and reports were processed.

“After Bretigny, we have received many letters from people who from the dock, had spotted something weird. Must industrialize “treatment, explains Alain Krakovitch.

But for Eric Dhenin, national secretary of the CFDT-Railroaders, it is a” publicity campaign to show that the train incurs security actions. “

Philippe Guiter, SOUTH delegate, said that” the guys in the infra know exactly where there are problems but they do not have the financial resources (or) human to intervene. ” It states that “at Bretigny, everyone knew there was a problem on the splint.”

RFF also announced the shipment, in 2015-2016, 100 senior services regional exchanges to strengthen the rules, much in demand by many studies, while a committee of international experts, which include the former president of the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), will issue its findings in early 2015.

Our “decision in principle on security is the transparency,” yet said Guillaume Pepy, stating that the documents will be posted and available to the public.

“We are the first company to sign a partnership with (note: the NGO) Transparency International, which will issue recommendations, made public on our way to the transparency, “he added

The maintenance of the rail system was severely blamed by the experts and the survey of land transport accidents (BEA-TT) Office after accidents Bretigny in July 2013 (seven deaths) and Denguin in July 2014 (40 injured).

SNCF and RFF since 2008 included investment in the classic network, abandoned for nearly 30 years in favor of the TGV.

” There had never been in the history of the railway in France this volume of work, “said Jacques Rapoport.


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