A list of all known problems on the rail network will be available week after week on the Internet. These ads are anticipating an upcoming indictment by the disaster Bretigny
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Weakened by accidents of Bretigny in July 2013 (7 deaths) and the catching of a TER TGV this summer Denguin, SNCF and Réseau Ferré de France (RFF the infrastructure manager) does not want to be installed in the public doubts about the safety of the rail system. Guillaume Pepy and Jacques Rapoport, the presidents of both public system, so Wednesday before reporters a series of new measures on the subject, most notably the promise of “ full transparency” on known problems on the network, regardless of their severity.
“ European rankings put us in the first few rows, but this is not enough “said Jacques Rapoport. In the months following the derailment of Bretigny, SNCF and RFF had already launched the Vigirail plan intended to draw lessons from the accident. Modernization of methods for monitoring the condition of the tracks, creating a call center to collect reports of abnormalities from railway or public (from 1 January). These measures will continue to be deployed, but the two public institutions will go further.
Overstretch railway
Jacques Rapoport has conceded that there is “ problems in maintenance facilities .” He explained by the strong growth of the work, whether renovation or expansion of the network, resulting in an excess demand for railroad workers, including coaching, which would be more difficult to supervise routine maintenance. To remedy this, the leader announced the posting on the land of 100 executives of central services.
Meanwhile, SNCF will query all of its 150,000 railway workers on their perceived level of corporate security, the survey results should lead to “ a national action plan .” But the most dramatic measure is the announcement by Guillaume Pepy a “absolute transparency” on all security events, whether or not resulted in injury or property damage.
Specifically, the train will start publishing week after week on its website (Sncf.com/fr/transparence/securite), all of the incidents identified by its agents: the beginning of the fire in a cab on August 28 in Montlucon, discovery of two sides (parts causing the derailment Bretigny) broken the day before at the Nogent Perreux … In addition, the results of safety audits conducted in institutions will also be posted online. Objective: To defuse the rising suspicion customers, and push the whole system to improve
Taking the Lead
The timing of these announcements is not trivial: the judges investigating Bretigny must announce next week the indictment of SNCF and RFF as legal persons. True to its communication strategy based on anticipation, SNCF has chosen to take the lead to defuse criticism. As to the indictments, for perspective, Guillaume Pepy even said they were “ useful because they allow us access to the file . “
Transparency Policy SNCF will, among others, to publication from October letters sent to the company by policy makers (mayors, deputies …) and his answers.

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