The negotiations on the pact responsibility counterparties were stalled. Several months after the signing, on March 5, a “Statement of Conclusions” by unions and employers’ organizations, almost nothing happened. Or very little. One branch (of companies in the same industry grouping) on some seven hundred extant, that of chemistry, had signed an agreement. The others had barely begun discussions or did nothing at all. The government had to show its voluntarism, the risk of credence to the idea that the 41 billion cuts in charges and taxes for businesses were a gift to employers.
Wednesday, Labour Minister, François Rebsamen, has met for over three hours, representatives of fifty largest branches of eleven million people (out of a total of nearly six million in the market sector), to make a progress. A “constructive meeting”, “significant”, a “success”, was immediately welcomed François Rebsamen, during a press conference. “In July, twenty-five branches had made the pact to the agenda today are thirty-three” or “nine million” employees, he was positive.
Declines charge intangible
Widely formal conclusion of the High Mass was written in advance. As proof, the text of the minister’s speech, distributed to the media at the press conference ended. Officially, the government talks tough against other seventeen branches, representing “a little less than 20% of employees” who have not even begun discussions: “I want to say here with strength is unacceptable, and we must now move forward. I will not accept a deadlock or delays, refusal to talk, “said François Rebsamen at the conclusion of the meeting. To demonstrate its commitment, the minister asked for a progress report in October to take stock of the progress of the counterparties, with the creation of a special working group.
But, in reality, all this staging is intended only to reassure the public – particularly the left electorate – the existence of actual returns. Indeed, the State has no enforcement power. François Rebsamen acknowledged that the trajectory of declining contributions and taxes over three years was “untouchable”. The government agrees not to question it, and that, whatever the mobilization of branches. It is the predictability of the tax environment for businesses. “There is no other option but to restore their margins,” he simply said Minister of Labour. “We had to take our industrial base. Had to do something,” said he dropped to justify the pact. A statement which confirms that of the rest of the executive, Francois Hollande the first for which the supply policy embodied in this pact will take time to have an impact on employment.
“Monitoring Committee public aid”
In the meantime, any more than employers’ organizations, professional branches have the power to compel their businesses to create jobs, especially since their orders are often empty. This is why the negotiations are much more about the number of jobs for young people, contracts generation, learning, etc. Even chemical company, which signed an agreement with an encrypted job commitment, do not take too many risks. By the admission of François Rebsamen, it provided 42,000 net adds by 2017 given the expected activity, it would be increased to 47,000 jobs through the pact of responsibility.
By the way, “the observatory counterparties”, originally promised by François Hollande, will be launched in October under the name of “monitoring committee of public support” expanded tax credit competitive employment (CICE). If the vocabulary is not everything, it is important. Especially since France Strategy, the expert body under the Prime Minister until then evaluate the CICE, announced that its effects on employment would not be measurable until 2017 … given the difficulty to isolate the effects in a complex economy.
The executive would ultimately probably better to recognize that if the commitment of the branches to negotiate, as they are already often on many subjects, is useful, especially put on the implementation of old theorem Helmut Schmidt, the German Social Democratic Chancellor: “Today’s profits are tomorrow’s investments and jobs after tomorrow.” And the day after tomorrow is very similar to 2017 And again, if growth has replenished order books by then …

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