(Boursier.com) – The level of executive pay has stabilized in 2013 compared to the previous year. Pay increases scheduled for 2014 are also similar to last year, according to a study by the Apec unveiled Wednesday.
Stability average salary
last year, the average executive salary stood at EUR 54,800 against 54,100 euros in 2012, while the median salary was $ 48,000 USD. Note that 48% of executives, remuneration includes a variable component. Not surprisingly, the level of executive pay rises with age. It also varies depending on the size of the business. Thus, in firms with fewer than 20 employees, the median gross annual earnings amounted to 42,000 euros, while it is 50,000 in the structures of 1,000 or more employees. Note that in half the cases, executive compensation is supplemented by bonuses and / or participation. Last year, 53% of subjects have received less than 1,500 euros.
What increases and for whom?
Among the 76% of executives who have not experienced mobility in 2013, 48% saw their pay stagnate. 42% of them, it nevertheless increased. In 39% of cases, there was an increase in base salary. However, it is overwhelmingly (80%) small increases (between 0.8% and 3%). Moreover, these revaluations relate especially younger executives (58% under 30 years against 32% of those over 50 years), primarily in the areas of chemistry, pharmacy or energy / water but also Council- Management and Telecommunications
As for mobile executives internally, the level of increase is higher. it is between 1.5% and 15%. The study notes, however, that if the change of position is constrained, higher compensation covers only 40% of managers. Finally, the side frames having changed jobs, 61% experienced an increase in pay between 5% and 33% on average. This proportion drops to 36% for those who have experienced a period of unemployment. Side perspective, in 2014, 49% of companies plan to increase distribute all or part of their frames.

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