Prime Minister is considering removing the first portion of the income tax. Part of the left, including in the ranks of the Socialist Party, remains doubtful when it is not ironic.
It was the announcement that he had reserved as aftermarket his policy speech service: the Prime Minister, on the airwaves of France Inter, proposed deleting the first installment of tax Income, on the occasion of the next Finance Act 2015 It is this suppression that back in the input tax threshold and allow the tax cuts for six million households (one million exempt) Has he said by referring to a “high-the-heart tax” of French. The government then said that € 3.3 billion would be spent on the measure. As for the 12 million tax households not affected by the measure, “it will not weigh on other taxpayers,” said Manuel Valls. The removal of the first tranche normally produces lower taxes for all taxpayers with a hefty cost to public finances. But according to a government source, the various tranches of the income tax will be “profiled” in the Finance Act 2015 for the measure to be “neutralized” (neither increase nor decrease) for non-beneficiary households. By combining the income tax this year than next year drop, it is a total of about 9 million tax households will benefit, said the Secretary of State for the Budget, Christian Eckert. This is in addition to the bonus of 40 euros that will receive modest retirees and raising the minimum age 8 euros, rising to 800 euros.“tax Improvisation”
This decision has so far not convinced everyone. “I challenge anyone to understand what will actually be implemented,” said Vincent Drezet, general secretary of the main union of tax officials, Partners Financial. As for politicians, François Bayrou (Modem) said he was “struck” by the timetable agreed for speaking with “absolutely incredible improvisation.” Same sentiment among Christian Paul, one of the socialist deputies called “slingers” in favor of a “major reform” with more escalation “I do not understand why there is a risk of a tax improvisation.” The spokesman CPF Dartigolles Olivier, saw in the statements of Manuel Valls “new signs an executive failed” who “tries to cling to the branches.” Following promises to be especially difficult for the government in parliament where some Socialist deputies promise to do well their right amendment at the time of review of budget documents (Finance Act 2015 and the law on financing of social security 2015).

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