The head of state was celebrated on Tuesday at the Elysee “new industrial France.” He defended his “results” even though its policy “requires time”
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Growth in the hold, unemployment remains high, business owners still do not have a moral. But François Hollande, he continues to call for “believe in France” , a France which, he swears, “advance” . The economic policy pursued since the beginning of the quinquennium “already given the first results” , even if they are “too timid” , has he pleaded Tuesday at the Elysee Palace, during a progress report on the “new industrial France,” the 34 projects launched there a year and prepare for the innovative products of tomorrow.
“At work in action”
The head of state has also boasted of having “broken the spiral of degradation of French competitiveness “. He referred to the ranking of the World Economic Forum, in which France has continued to rank 23th after four
In his first public appearance in France since the publication of the book by Valerie Trierweiler and the forced resignation of Thomas Thévenoud, Francois Hollande has left it show. To turn the page, the president wants to show “to work as one” . Because it’s “what the French want” , slice his entourage. “The advantage of the presidential office, is that by the nature of things, the action takes precedence” says one of his relatives.
The head of state will chair Monday Audience investment and will hold its press conference on September 18 before the summit on learning, the next day, between the State and the social partners. “This is the mobilization of the government in the coming months , he has promised on Tuesday is to favor the recovery of the investment. “

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