The first relief for employees of Gad: “The court decided a continued work” , said after the hearing Thursday morning Mr Laurent Beziz, lawyer CCE Gad SAS, adding that this decision is “allow to hope for saving the business” .
Intermarket interested in the assets of Gad SAS
Only candidate to take over, Intermarket (SVA group Musketeers), which has already filed a letter of intent. The court requested that the takeover offers are filed before September 25.
The takeover offer of Intermarket “is not about the company Gad SAS but the assets of the company Gad SAS Josselin “ and the objective is” to preserve as many jobs “, told AFP Me Bruno Cressard, SVA lawyer present at the output of the hearing that was not public.
The supply of Intermarket therefore concern only the slaughterhouse Josselin (750 CDI and CDD 50
Salaried pending
The next hearing is scheduled for October 13 and it is at this point that the Tribunal de Commerce de Rennes decide the future of Gad company SAS.
The continuation of activity, which paves the way for takeover bids, “ this is good news, we can not be confident that ” said Annick Le Guevel, CFDT delegate, surrounded by twenty employees Gad come to expect the decision to the city court.
But “ it is not assured that when we have supply VAS firm recovery, and it is not certain that this offer applies to all employees “Has she said, recalling that” without SVA today was direct closure was imposed. “

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