Lecho.be is the Web site of the Echo, an edition of Mediafin SA Headquarters: Tour & amp; Taxis, Avenue du Port 86 C b 309, 1000 Brussels, info@mediafin.be. VAT number: BE 404800301
Registered office: Tour & amp; Taxis, Avenue du Port 86 C b 309, 1000 Brussels, info @ Mediafin mediafin.be
VAT number. BE 404 800 301
A visit to the website Mediafin is governed by these Terms. By visiting the website, the user tacitly accepts the applicability of the General Conditions, whether it be a free visit the website or a visit which, in one way or another, is subject to payment Mediafin. When recording on this web site or its use fee, the user explicitly accepts the applicability of these Terms and Conditions.
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The visitor is invited to provide personal data for some services offered on these websites . The visitor expressly agrees
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b) update this information immediately in case of any changes.
Mediafin reserves the right, in case of reasonable suspicion that the information provided is incorrect, incomplete or outdated, suspend or refuse registration and / or service (free or paid) required.
c) by registering, visitors can access the services dedicated to users of the site. In particular it can comment on the articles and the recommendations. To ensure the quality of these contributions, participation under a pseudonym is prohibited. The user therefore accepts that his name be wholly or partially released, using his username (consisting of the first name and the first letter of his last name). For example:. LASTNAME Jean and Jean N
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As far as this is technically possible and under Mediafin, the user can, for purposes backup and for personal and noncommercial use, make a copy of the content and / or print or download in full or in part, provided that all copyright notices and other communications given its content are also on the copy of Reserve a clearly visible and can not be erased. No
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Mediafin ensure that the information on its website is current, accurate and complete. Access to and use of the website is at the risk of the visitor. Mediafin makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness and accuracy of information on its Web site, whether it is information collected by us or provided by third parties. We therefore disclaim all liability for any damages of any nature whatsoever, direct or indirect, that the visitor may incur in connection with your visit to our website. She is not responsible for telecommunications costs that are higher than expected or usual, and this regardless of the media used by the visitor. Mediafin disclaims any responsibility for any failures, interruptions or errors in the network. We reserve the right at any time and without prior notification, optimize or adapt the structure, content of services and / or website. A setback or temporary unavailability can not give rise to any compensation or other financial compensation.
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The websites contain several links to third party websites. This does not necessarily mean that Mediafin recommend these websites, their content or endorsed in any way working with these sites. Mediafin Nor offer any guarantee on the adaptation, the accuracy or completeness of such websites. Mediafin can under no circumstances be held liable for damage sustained in the course of visiting these websites.
Online transactions
The ability to pay by the Web does not mean that Mediafin guarantees that this system could not present faults, failures, interruptions or errors. Mediafin disclaims all liability for damages, direct or indirect, suffered following the execution of transfer orders via the web.
In transactions where the visitor makes a payment, the latter can not exercise his right of withdrawal as provided in Article 47 § 4 1 ° and 2 ° of the Law on Market Practices and Consumer Protection.
The correspondence and any trade agreements between website visitors (eg. Seller and buyer of a foreign products or services Mediafin product or service) reached at the services provided by Mediafin, including payment and delivery of the services or products offered by the parties, and all conditions and warranties related thereto, take place exclusively between the two parties. Mediafin is, in this context, a third party can not be held responsible in any way.
Price changes
Mediafin reserves the right to change prices at any time.
As part of a flexible subscription duration, renewal of the contract for a period equal to and in accordance with better pricing is tacit and automatic. The customer may at any time terminate service. The termination will be effective at the expiration of the subscription charged.
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The information provided on the website and the services provided, and any useful software its use are protected by copyright (intellectual) property owned exclusively Mediafin. Any reproduction, distribution, sale, publication, adaptation, translation, modification or use for commercial purposes in any manner whatsoever, in whole or in part is expressly prohibited. Exceptions to this rule may be granted with the prior written permission of Mediafin.
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of visit the Web site, it is possible that we may collect certain personal data. This personal data is processed by Mediafin SA, Tour & amp; Taxis, Avenue du Port 86 C b 309, 1000 Brussels, to be used for administrative, marketing or market research. They can be sent to business partners. Your personal data may also be used for direct marketing purposes. If the user does not want their information used in this way, he can contact our company via the channels listed at the bottom of this page.
When using certain services
Mediafin also records in its database, information that is necessary to offer some unique services such as portfolio management. This information is recorded in order to ensure the proper functioning of the service. Indeed, on-line monitoring of the portfolio is only possible if you import the information into our database. This information may also be used to improve our services and offer you more personalized services through their analysis.
In the log files
Finally, information is collected in log files. Mediafin may use this information for internal purposes such as traffic analysis and profiles, and thus further adapt its services to the users’ interests.
List Robinson
Mediafin uses a Robinson list. Robinson files contain contact information for people who no longer wish to receive unsolicited commercial messages sent by members of the BDMA (Belgian Direct Marketing Association) Business
There are two different lists Robinson. One for mailings via La Poste (Mail Robinson) and another for telephone prospecting (Robinson Phone).
Our company may use personal data for new purposes which are not yet included in our policy of respect for privacy. In this case, we will contact you before we use your data for these new purposes to notify you of changes to our rules on the protection of privacy and give you the opportunity to refuse to participate.
The visitor has a right to access and correct after written request.
information regarding the protection of privacy may be obtained from the Commission for the protection of privacy.
It is also possible that we may collect non-personal information about visitors, such as the operating system or your Internet browser they use.
We use cookies on the website. A cookie is a small file sent by a web server and is installed on the hard drive of your computer. This file keeps track of the website visited and contains a number of data on this visit that allow us, among others, to ensure that visitors comply with the general conditions and adapt our offer even more to your interests. By accepting the General Conditions, the site visitor also agrees that Mediafin uses cookies. We have implemented the necessary security measures to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we collect on our sites.
If you wish to comment on any of the actions described below above, you can contact us by mail at the address mentioned in the introduction to these Terms.
If you no longer wish to receive mailings, phone calls or e-mails of any business, contact the Robinson list of the BDMA: www.robinsonlist.be
If you give us your telephone number via the Web.
– we may contact you by phone to provide information on products, services and future events
– you will be contacted by telephone by other companies with which we have contractual
If you do not want, click here
If you give us your e-mail address via the Web:
– we may contact you by email to give you information on products, services and events;
– we may disclose your email address to business partners who offer products or services of interest to you.
If you do not want, click here
If you give us your postal address via the web:
– we can send you in the future periodic mailings with information on products, services and events;
– you will receive mailings for business partners who offer products or services of interest to you.
If you do not want, click here
In the latter case, you must provide us your exact name and address.
If you think Our site does not correspond to our policy of respect for privacy, please contact our company at the address mentioned in the introduction to these Terms.
Any dispute arising from visiting the website and your use of our services shall be settled exclusively by the courts of Brussels.
Game Rules interactivity lecho.be
The wording of Echo respect your opinion and would like to know. That’s why we give you the opportunity to respond to almost all articles published on www.lecho.be. Www.lecho.be forums allow you to participate in discussions on specific topics. While writing believes that reaction a registered user presents more value, your reactions may remain anonymous
However, we ask our users to follow some rules.
- The online publication of a reaction does not imply endorsement of writing as to its content. The opinion written remains published on behalf of the author.
- The editor can publish reactions or citations in the printed newspaper.
- Editors reserve the right to refuse reactions if they do not contribute to the debate. The refusal is the unique skill of writing.
- The editor reserves the right to refuse participants in some forums, and even in all the forums, they systematically break rules.
- If your reaction or comment has not been published (e) or removed (e), you can ask why by sending an email to the following address:. cnd @ Mediafin mediafin.be
The following acts are also prohibited and punishable by law :
- Racism, xenophobia, denial and discrimination, or promotion . These acts are punishable by imprisonment of eight days to one year. The racist speech, stimulation of homophobia, placement of a Nazi picture as an avatar or insult of foreigners are therefore prohibited on www.lecho.be.
- Slander, defamation, insults, misappropriation of the name or image of others, embezzlement , etc. are prohibited by law and punishable as a misdemeanor of complaint. Disputes, serious injuries, misappropriation of name or picture of others, the practice of libel and defamation are also forbidden on www.lecho.
- infringement of intellectual property . It is forbidden to disturb public order on the website. This implies that spamming, sending unsolicited advertisements through private or public messages, reloading repeated and unjustified of pages, flooding or placement of excessively long texts, etc. can be prosecuted.
- Hacking (hacking) or attempted hacking www.lecho.be is strictly prohibited and punishable. In this case, we immediately called the police, without exception, even if they are minors. You risk a prison sentence of three months to two years and / or a fine of up to 25,000 euros.
- The outrage to public morals, the publication of pornographic images, pedophilia and the public offer for prostitution or escort . It is prohibited to charge pornographic avatars or placing overly erotic texts. Humorous or grotesque images can in some cases constitute an exception, as the humorous character wins.
- Writing sets in each of the above cases where the limit of lies acceptable.
Here are also some tips for the placement of your reactions.
- Try to make your opinion the most concise manner possible, with examples and / or clear arguments.
- Discussions focus on specific subjects. Please do not stray from the subject of the discussion.
- You will sometimes disagree with other participants. Always discuss the arguments, not the personality of the other participant.
- The discussions take place as text. The attitude and facial expressions remain invisible. That’s why the words that would be perceived as fun in an ordinary conversation may be perceived as offensive when the interlocutors do not see you. Handle so the irony and humor with caution.
- Be aware that the other party also has feelings and that you write as a result of a pulse can be read long after. So think carefully before responding or issue a statement.
- Do not post passwords, card numbers, credit or other information that may be of Abuse.
- Suggestions for topics of discussion, live chats, news items, or any other suggestions for improving the site are welcome at cnd @ Mediafin mediafin.be.
Community “Cracks in action”
As a registered player of the Echo, you can consult free recommendations from other users. You can also recommend action by attaching a comment. To ensure the quality of the service to users of the site, we ask that you first accept the Terms and Conditions. Remember that any comment posted by you mention, at least, your short user name, and that the comments may be published between 7:00 and 23 o’clock. Writing Echo disclaims any responsibility for the content of this page.
The user accepts that Mediafin can pass on its own initiative or upon official request of the competent market authority or because of a criminal investigation, the personal data of the user suspected of breaking the rules on market abuse.
Dow Jones Indexes
Allocation Notice
The Dow Jones IndexesSM are compiled, Calculated and distributed by Dow Jones & amp; Company, Inc. and licensed for use-have-been. All content of the Dow Jones IndexesSM? 2000 Dow Jones & amp; Company, Inc.
Terms and Conditions of Access
Lecho.be, at our discretion, Provide you with services Including, but not restricted to, news and information services. You Agree to comply-with the requirements Imposed on your use of the services, as set out in thesis Terms and Conditions of Access and Elsewhere in our website. These services May Be outside our control or provided by a third party in All which in case we can not take Responsibility for Their happy, gold for Any delays, interruptions or errors in the provisions of These Additional Services Provided we-have exercised reasonable care and diligence in Such selection of the providers.
Some data available on our website is the intellectual property of the covered news and information services provider or third party That Provide Such data relating to the service provider, or us. The data is protected by copyright and intellectual –other Laws and all ownership rights REMAIN with the information service provider or the third party or us, as the case May be.
You May only use the data retrieved from our Internet Site for your own personal and non-commercial Purposes while Accessing our website. Such use Will Be in Accordance with Terms and Conditions thesis of Access and the ‘requirements set out Elsewhere on our website. You May not copy, distribute or redistribute the data, Including by caching, framing or similar means clustering or sell, resell, re-transmit or make the data retrieved Otherwise from our website available in Any Manner to-any third party.
The data is provided “as is.” Any third party or we `shall not Be Any linkable to you or third party for loss or damage Any direct, indirect or consequential, Arising from (i) Any inaccuracy or Incompleteness in, or delays, interruptions, errors or omissions in the delivery of the data or Any Other Information Supplied to you through this website or (ii) Any decision made or actions taken by you or third party in reliance Any upon the data. Third party nor we Shall Be bondable for loss of business revenues, lost profits or punitive Any indirect, consequential, special or similar damages Whatsoever, whether in contract, tort or Otherwise, Even If Advised of the possibility of damages Such victimes by you or Any third party.
Where the information Consists of pricing or performance data, the data Contained Therein therefor obtained from sources has-been Believed reliable. Data computations are not guaranteed by Any information service provider, third party or us or Any affiliates and May not Be Complete. Neither Any information service provider, third party or us give Any warranties, as to the accuracy, adequacy, quality or fitness, timeless, non-Infringement, title, of Any Particular information for a purpose or use and all warranties Such EXPRESSLY are excluded to the fullest extent That May Be Such warranties excluded by law. You bear all risk from Any use or results of using Any information. You are responsible for validating the integrity of Any information received over the Internet.
Transmission for information over the Internet May Be Arbitrary subject to delays beyond our control, All which delay the provision of May our services and the execution of your orders. You acknowledge That Neither Any information service provider, third party nor we Will Be linkable to you or Any third party for Losses Arising from Any Such delay.
In no event Will Any information provider, third party or we, BE linkable for Any consequential loss Including but not limited to special, incidental, direct or indirect damages resulting and from delay or loss of use of our Internet services. We are not responsible for damage to your computer Any, software, modem, telephone or property resulting and –other from your use of our services.
FTSE Indices
Lecho.be is licensed by FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”) to publish the FTSE Indices. FTSE `shall not Be Responsible for Any error or omission in the FTSE Indices. The FTSE Indices are Calculated in Accordance with a standard set of ground rules, established by FTSE in Conjunction with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. All copyright in the index values and are list vests in FTSE International Limited including GST licensors. (C) FTSE International Limited 2002 All rights reserved.
e-Commerce by e-shop MonArgent / Echo
. Our service
We offer you http://eshop.lecho.be selling different products. All amounts shown include VAT. Because it is electronic and downloadable products, no fees are charged for delivery. We make every effort to ensure that the description and price of the products and all other terms are correct. If you see a still inadvertent inaccuracy in the description of our products, price and / or any other terms, you can either give up your purchase or continue the corrected conditions.
b. Ordering
1. You can not place an order until we have submitted all the required information and after accepting the terms and privacy statement.
2 conditions. To order, you must respond to an offer of sale specified by clicking on “Order”. Each order is unconditional acceptance of the offer. Your purchase is final as soon as you receive the confirmation e-mail from us.
3. You do not have a right of withdrawal because the nature of the products delivered prevents return.
c. Payments
Payment for purchases is done exclusively on our website at the time you place your order. To do this, you are redirected to an environment Ogone payment.
d. In closing
1. These terms and conditions govern the contractual relationship between you as a customer and Mediafin SA. You acknowledge having read the terms and conditions and accept them without reservation. http://eshop.monargent.be reserves the right to modify at any time. The general conditions applicable are those in effect at the time of your order.
2. http://eshop.lecho.be is an initiative of Mediafin SA, with registered office at 1000 Brussels, Avenue du Port 86C / box 309
3. Terms and conditions may be found on the faq of the eshop.
4. All illustrations, photos, texts and logos are the intellectual property of Mediafin SA or are licensed from third parties. You can not claim any right to them.
5. Any dispute between you and insoluble Mediafin SA is subject to Belgian law and the courts of Brussels are competent. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale (Vienna 1980) does not apply.

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