“We have to stop this strike. (…) I really asked Air France to stop this conflict drivers” called Manuel Valls, Wednesday, Sept. 17, following the lead of his Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron.
The movement is largely Monday began monitoring. On Wednesday, six out of ten aircraft have been grounded. Management talks about 60% of the striking pilots and unions 75%.
“You can not stop a strike because it is not popular but when the conditions for dialogue are restored,” replied William Schmid of the National Union of Airline Pilots (SNPL) to the Prime Minister.
The pilot striker recalls that “during his speech in the National Assembly, Manuel Valls said that no one should take the risk of weakening the essential social dialogue. But it’s been months that Air France management no longer respects the agreements with its pilots and is now attempting a coup. “
Tuesday, c ‘ was the boss of the PS, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis that was coming attack: “This strike is irrelevant when the situation of Air France staff are known,” he shouted .
So what is it really? Is it a strike-off
- Air France pilots are paid too much
The CFDT, which sees the strike as “a freak privileged” says the salary of an Air France captain can climb up to 18,000 euros. “This is not the debate,” repeats the SNPL, “because our salaries are roughly equivalent.”
The average gross annual salary of a rookie co-pilot was even slightly higher for Transavia: 76,000 euros against 75.000 euros at Air France. Also according to the data provided by a source close to the case, the gap is reversed for a captain medium haul but remains in a fairly tight range: the average gross annual salary is between 155,000 and 196,000 euros with Air France and between 139,000 to 160,000 at Transavia.
For the pilots’ union, the real difference between Air France and Transavia has sole weight of overstaffing in Air France costs and that the seniority of its drivers (Transavia was only seven years of existence.)
- Fly they less than other
Transavia France pilots fly an average of 700 hours per year. For Air France, this varies depending on the type of aircraft, ranging from 630 hours to 678 hours in an A320 to a Boeing 777 on a difference so that all can be explained in part by the requirement of Air France respect correspondences drivers lose so much time during rotations
- Do they receive excessive benefits
The difference in the cost between Air France and Transavia can also be explained by differences in social benefits ranging from mutual supplementary pension, through the Business and tickets at preferential rates for drivers, their spouses and children committee. Benefits that are also benefiting drivers Transavia France. The real plus is additional insurance and supplementary pension side of Air France.
- What do the Air France pilots
The pilots of Air France seeking a single statute modeled on them for the whole group included low-cost subsidiary. Management asked for its agreeing to fly Tansavia conditions of the subsidiary.
Change for Air France pilots so would simply fly more hours for less pay I need regular. “False” retorted Michel Delli Zotti, commander long edge e speaking on behalf of SNPL “Even our CEO Frédéric GAGEY recognizes it: our working conditions and pay are similar to those of Transavia.” According to a source familiar with the matter, the 155 drivers Transavia France account for 9% of total costs of the company against 12% for pilot 3864 Air France.
- Are they hostile Transavia France
Michel Delli Zotti notes that drivers favor the development of Transavia France, aware that the development of low-cost is a matter of survival for the sector Short and medium haul. “And now, the management claims that to alleviate our fears, it will limit development. Would think she wanted to take us to a hard strike to make us take the blame for this neglect. Way, she at liberty to play the card of offshoring Transavia Europe. “
- Evolution is inevitable?
The war in heaven does not plays between Air France and Transavia. The real competition comes from companies such as Ryanair and EasyJet. In these low-cost specialists, the number of hours flown by pilots approaching 900 hours, the legal limit allowed by the EU.
“On the short and medium-haul intra-European there are not two but one market, that of the low-cost, “said Francois Collet, economic expert of air transport,” and in this highly competitive market, only the costs of operations make the difference “
He thinks that Air France pilots will have to make concessions.” There has acquired habits and resistance to change but the system as a whole is evolving. “

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