Saturday, February 28, 2015

Martin Bouygues announced died while he is alive –

Martin Bouygues announced died while he is alive –

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Martin Bouygues: the announcement of his death was a mistake – Press Centre

Martin Bouygues: the announcement of his death was a mistake – Press Centre

TF1 and Bouygues directions denied Saturday the death of the industrial
Martin Bouygues, announced by mistake by Agence France-Presse.

V RGENT: industrialist Martin Bouygues died . This is the message sent Saturday at 2:47 p.m. by Agence France-Presse (AFP) to all subscribers, French and foreign media. Like wildfire, the information was relayed immediately of course … and belied by TF1. “The Bouygues Group formally denies the death of its CEO and regrets that such a rumor could spread” , said the Bouygues group in a statement.


This apology

“It is well. But it is quite scared of this announcement. We do not explain us “, said for his part Nayl Catherine, director of information at TF1, a subsidiary of Bouygues group.
AFP canceled the series of dispatches and direction immediately apologized.
“We take this incident very seriously and are conducting a survey in writing to understand how such a mistake could have been committed” , said the Director Information, Michele Léridon.
“We extend our apologies to Martin Bouygues, his relatives, his group and to all our

customers,” , a-t -she said. The CEO of AFP Emmanuel Hoog has also apologized to Martin Bouygues and lamented on Twitter “this unacceptable mistake” .
This erroneous announcement sparked Saturday an important emotion on social networks and more media questioned the reasons for such an error.
Based on a first alert obtained by a journalist o f the agency, AFP had tried to obtain confirmations. The erroneous information was then broadcast on the basis of a misunderstanding with a local councilor.
But the leadership of the AFP notes that beyond this misunderstanding, it is a series of failures that are the cause of the error.
“The basic editorial rules in this type of situation and the validation procedures will be recalled” , said Michele Léridon. Adding: “The reputation of the agency is first based on its reliability. We, in everyday life, everything to it is not tainted by such malfunctions. “

Martin Bouygues also owns a residence in Vernou-en-Sologne.


Back on the false death of Martin Bouygues – FranceTV info

Back on the false death of Martin Bouygues – FranceTV info

Saturday, February 28 at 2:29 p.m., Martin Bouygues was dead for the press. Half an hour later, the French manufacturer was alive again. Originally the Micmac, an AFP dispatch announcing his death. The information in the agency being considered reliable by the media, the announcement is relayed everywhere, on social networks and sites. Laurence Parisot says “stunned” on


In the morning, the mayor of the nearby town of La-Roche-Mabile (Orne), where Martin Bouygues residence secondary, is contacted by a journalist from AFP. According to the election, the reporter asked if Mr. Martin died. What Michel Julien, Mayor of Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon confirmed. “Certainly this man had to say after Martin Bouygues. I told him no, it was not Martin Bouygues was Mr. Daniel Martin” , he said. But information comes out anyway. TFI crazy, but it’s already too late: the news of the death of Martin Bouygues spread like wildfire

On the same subject .


AFP and death denied Martin Bouygues: the film of … – The World

AFP and death denied Martin Bouygues: the film of … – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

The headquarters of the Agence France Presse, in Paris.

” This is a debacle, a huge mistake “, loose Michèle Leridon, Information Director of AFP, after erroneous announcement of the death of Martin Bouygues, Saturday, Feb. 28.

What has happened? A triple error seems to be the origin of the “fault” , as described Emmanuel Hoog, CEO of the agency

First Act. Saturday medium day at the agency’s headquarters in Paris, would have reached a news of the deaths in Orne, CEO of Bouygues. The origin of this information is not known.

Immediately, Chief Editor alert the different services concerned and contacted his office in Rennes, to which the Orne department, to verify this information .

Rennes while phoning journalists seeking confirmation. This is how they come into contact with Michel Julien, the mayor of Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon (Orne), a neighboring

town of La Roche-Mabile where the CEO has a residence.

If then produced an astonishing confusion. Asked if Martin Bouygues was dead, the mayor would have answered, the agency said, yes. In this exchange, the confusion is due to the fact that the mayor was referring to the death of another person, whose name is “Martin.”

On BFM-TV, the mayor of Saint-Denis- on-Sarthon denied that “Bouygues ‘name was mentioned: ” The reporter said,’ Mr. Martin died ‘, I said’ yes’ “, explaining that a man he knew well, but that had nothing to do with the industrialist, had actually died this morning. “I am very surprised, I did not know you spoke of Martin Bouygues’ , he added.


Rennes The office then sends the Paris headquarters his dispatch strength of this local source. It is immediately published on the son, not looking for another confirmation. “Obviously it would have taken at that time, wait for confirmation of the Bouygues group” , says Michele Leridon, reminiscent of the usual sources for this information are the setting or . communication services

16 hours, AFP is forced to send a humiliating “note to clients’ ” Please do not take into account any series of dispatches (alert, urgent, LEAD and 2ELEAD) on the announcement of the death of erroneously Martin Bouygues. “ Meanwhile, alerts body resonance and tweets already widespread.

” The basic writing rules in this type of situation, and the procedures validation will be retrieved , said Michele Léridon. The reputation of the agency is primarily based on reliability. We, in everyday life, everything to it is not tainted by such malfunctions. “


The story of the fake death of Martin Bouygues – Les Echos

The story of the fake death of Martin Bouygues – Les Echos

At 2:28 p.m., AFP announced the death of the French manufacturer. Before the information is contradicted by TF1 and Bouygues. Back on this incredible story as unhappy


Article (s) associated (s)

It was 2:28 p.m. on Saturday afternoon when a warning appeared on the wire AFP: “ Martin Bouygues died Saturday morning at his residence in the Orne (town hall) “. A bolt from the blue. A few minutes later, several media outlets – including Echos. – Send alerts to warn their readers of the death of French industrial

14 minutes later, a second telegram is more precisely: “ Industrial Martin Bouygues died Saturday morning at the age of 62, at his home in La Roche Mabile near Alençon (Orne), do we learned from the Mayor the neighboring town of Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon. “I can only confirm his death,” he told AFP Mayor Michel Julien, who declined to specify the consequences of the death of industrial. “A 2:46 p.m., Reuters also wrote that Martin Bouygues sourçant France Info.

The first articles comment to appear on news sites when lightning strikes a second time. TF1 – owned by Martin Bouygues and that therefore it is of course assuming well informed – denies the death of his boss, through Catherine Nayl. – Deputy Director of Information TF1 Group

Celel they told LCI: “ I categorically belie this information since I had myself Martin Bouygues the phone there ten minutes, it goes well, he is quite surprised by this announcement, it does not. So actually says, I belie this info and I tell you that Martin Bouygues is well . “


Then it is the CEO of TF1, Nonce Paolini, who denies this with Europe 1, the death of the French manufacturer. Then it

was the turn of the Bouygues group of words against this ad from AFP. All information sites starts to back-pedal: the titles of articles on the subject and evoke change these denials. But then difficult to sort fact from fiction and above what has been happening on the side of AFP.

A little after 15 pm Francetvinfo begs the mystery: the mayor of the nearby town of Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon and AFP have … misunderstood. “ There is indeed a Mr. Martin, who died this morning, but it is not Martin Bouygues (…) The journalist told me about this death and I confirmed that Mr. Martin had died “, so says Michel Julien.


At the same time, new alerts are beginning to fuser: first to share the denial of TF1 and Bouygues group and to confirm that Martin Bouygues is actually alive and well. As for agencies, it is this time Reuters is the most quick to respond. At 3:14 p.m., it states that “ TF1 denies the death of Martin Bouygues ,” a spokesman for the group and then at 3:21 p.m. Bouygues, TF1 is on the same line.

At the AFP’s flat calm until 3:25 p.m. when a telegram says “ Management of TF1 denies the death of Martin Bouygues “. Seven minutes, the agency sends a new alert, this time written in capital: “ CANCEL “. At 3:40 p.m., the Bouygues group expressed regret that “ such a rumor could spread “. At 16h, a new telegram is sent by the AFP and is “ Customer Note “.

including It reads: “ Please do not take account of the whole series of dispatches (alert, urgent, LEAD and 2ELEAD) concerning the announcement by the death of the error Martin Bouygues. TF1 and Bouygues Directions Saturday denied to AFP the death of the industry. “This is the end of this story as unhappy as incredible. But is soon time for explanations and recriminations for some.

Les Echos

Greece: Varoufakis declared war on the rich and tax evaders –

Greece: Varoufakis declared war on the rich and tax evaders –

Greece: Varoufakis declared war on the rich and tax evaders

Athens – Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis promised Saturday to be merciless to those who can pay, not excluding the introduction of a special tax to balance the budget.

We are committed to have budgets in balance. If I am forced to impose a special tax, I will do it but it will be for those who can pay (…), we will not ask for money to those who suffer, said the minister during a Talk to the Greek Skai television.

We are interested in those who have the money and never paid. They are our target and we will be ruthless, has he added.

We want to find a solution to pay those who have money, he insisted. The minister particularly desired that European partners help Greece with regard to their own companies (which escape taxation, note) and not just to give us lessons.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced Friday a first set of measures to fight against tax evasion and increase state revenues by encouraging taxpayers to pay part of their arrears.

The accumulated tax arrears Greek taxpayers is $ 76 billion and rising every month, because of the economic difficulties of households.

Mr. Varoufakis also raised the problem of bad loans, which weigh on banks’ budget. According to him, the solution would be to use the 11 billion contained in the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund and are intended to banks for the creation of a bank + + garbage that will absorb these claims (…) and allow banks to lend to businesses and

solve the liquidity problem in the market.

After tough negotiations, Greece was able to obtain an extension of the European rescue plan, however, pledging to implement a series of measures to balance the budget, creating fiscal primary surpluses (excluding debt service) and honors vis-à-vis debt creditors, the EU and the IMF.

Speaking before the central committee of his party, the radical left Syriza, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reiterated Saturday that negotiations with the European partners were very hard, there was huge pressure and hard battle would continue quune .

The pressure on Greece had blackmailed character, it was a minefield, conservative forces (in Europe) tried to trap us to lead us to a budget asphyxia, a-t -he said.

All those who believe that we will be disappointed to flee, he said again reiterating that there will be no third plan to help the country at the end the extension of the program, as some media had reported

(© AFP / Feb. 28, 2015 12:56) <-

(AFP / 28.02.2015 12.!: 58) ^ ->

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Spain: a developer along a spectacular failure – The

Spain: a developer along a spectacular failure – The

The Spanish developer Martinsa-Fadesa announced Friday, February 27 to convene a board of extraordinary administration on Monday. This is to study a possible bankruptcy would be one of the largest in Europe in recent years.

The company still has not reached an agreement with its creditors about d a restructuring of its debt. Liabilities would reach about 6.5 billion euros, according to the release.

The group could decide to stop spending by requiring the liquidation to the Commercial Court. Not having received any responses creditors, it has also taken no decision yet, told AFP a judicial source.

symbol of the real estate fever

This group, one of the industry leaders in Spain and symbol of the excesses that led to the explosion of the housing bubble in 2008, was declared insolvent in 2008. It was announced in March 2011 had reached an agreement to refinance its huge debt of about seven billion. The plan called for a return over eight years, from 2012.


according to press reports, citing financial sources, the company has failed to redress the balance and the judge could decide to liquidate, the main creditors refusing to go further. Faced with a liability of approximately € 6.5 billion, the company would have assets valued at 2.4 billion, the newspaper El Mundo .

Creditors losing patience

The creditors have until February 26 to decide, the statement of the group. But the main (Banco Popular, Abanca, Caixabank and Sareb, body to run the toxic assets of the banking sector), which hold 55% of the debt, refused the new plan, according to El Economista .

The bursting of the housing bubble plunged Spain into a deep recession from which it was released in 2014 with an explosion in the unemployment rate remains at record levels, 23.7 % of the active population.


When Airbus explodes his records despite the ball A400M –

When Airbus explodes his records despite the ball A400M –

Records tumble and a sacred ball. These are, in essence, the great lessons of the 2014 results presented Friday, February 27 Airbus Group. The records? A turnover of € 60.7 billion, up 5%, operating income of 4 billion (+ 54%) and an astronomical backlog of 857.5 billion euros. “A pretty good year for Airbus Group” summed executive chairman Tom Enders in an understatement of which he has the secret. The ball? The military transport aircraft A400M, including technical problems and delivery delays still pushed Airbus to make a provision of 551 million euros, which is in addition to 4.2 billion already spent in the accounts in the year 2008 -2010.

How can this still exceptional year despite the A400M supported? The Airbus commercial board obviously explains much good numbers. The Airbus deliveries record 629 aircraft delivered in 2014, has contributed to this strong performance. The manufacturer has also managed to improve its operating margin dramatically (+ 68%), when that of Airbus Helicopters gained 4%. Both divisions have now reached a margin of 6.3%, more in line with the ambitions of the group that the figure of 2-3% which Airbus maxing recent years. Only the Airbus Division Defence & amp; Space saw its profitability fall by 38%, despite the excellent commercial results of space activities.

A perfectly manageable provision

In this context, the provision on the A400M, if above the consensus (200 to 551 million against 300 million expected), remains perfectly manageable. Especially Airbus could count on 383 million euros of capital gains from the partial sale of its 46% stake in Dassault Aviation. But new troubles of military transport aircraft, the biggest European military program remain no less a major problem: the agreement between the client states and Airbus in 2010 on 5.2 billion euros program was supposed incremental settle the problem. The program was again badly wrong with a situation deemed critical enough that the boss military aircraft Airbus Domingo Ureña-Raso was replaced in late January, following the wrath of the German defense minister on faults and delays on the A400M.

Tom Enders now hopes to double deliveries of the aircraft in 2015 compared

to last year, a target of 16 aircraft delivered this year. Not win: Airbus will both manage the problems encountered in its chain of suppliers, and complete the development of new capacity expected forward by European armies (cargo dropping, parachuting, flight refueling). The appliance should however never reach refuel helicopters, capacity specified in the contract, due to turbulence problems due to contra-rotating propellers.

1456 orders 2014

The woes of the A400M fortunately not threaten the future growth of the group, largely driven by the commercial segment. Worn by 1456 orders collected in 2014, the order book of the aircraft manufacturer Airbus reached over € 800 billion alone, or 6386 devices to deliver the equivalent of more than 10 years of production. The challenge for Airbus is now juggling his monumental backlog. After carefully checking the capacity of its chain of suppliers to bear the shock, the group has confirmed the long-awaited increase the production rate of the A320 single-aisle family, which will increase to 50 per month in the first quarter 2017, against 42 Today, an unprecedented level.

The year 2015 promises to be as busy as crucial. The main priority will be the “ramp-up”, that is to say, the increase in production rates for both A320 and the new long-haul A350, as well as the recovery of the A400M program. 2015 will also see, provides Airbus A380 passing stalled: plain, Airbus will finally start making money on every super-jumbo sold, ten years after its first flight and almost eight years after its entry Service. Same large side helicopters deadlines: Helicopters Airbus will present on March 3 at Heli-Expo in Orlando using its new X4 helicopter, the successor of the Dauphin, who must regain lost ground by the bestselling AgustaWestland AW139 in Italian. As for the Defence & amp division; Space, it will both confirm the good results in 2014 of space activities, and to carry out the restructuring of defense activities.


Friday, February 27, 2015

New York Stock Exchange Wall Street fell after data … –

New York Stock Exchange Wall Street fell after data … –

Stock Exchange New York: Wall Street fell after disappointing US economic data New York (awp / afp) – Wall Street sank Friday shortly after opening, equating a downward revision of the quarterly US growth and a disappointing figure on economic activity: the Dow Jones yielded 0.15% and the Nasdaq 0.08%

Around 3:05 p.m. GMT, the index Featured Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 26.46 points 18 ‘. 187.83 points not far from its record closing passed this week 18’224,57 points and the Nasdaq, dominated by technology, lost 3.99 points 4,983.90 points just below the threshold of 5,000 point and its historic highs of there fifteen years

The broader S & amp;. P 500, closely followed by investors, leaving 0.06% or 1.20 points to 2109 ., 54 points, also close to its highest levels

On Thursday, Wall Street had ended in a disorganized, falling oil prices and mixed indicators slowing the market: the Dow Jones lost 0 , 06% to 18’214,42 points while the Nasdaq, stimulated by technology sector in shape, had gained 0.42% to 4987.89 points.

Now, the stock market digests a ” downward revision of growth (US) in the fourth quarter, “highlighted the experts at Charles Schwab, noting that the new figure was a little higher than expected.

In its second estimate of GDP Quarterly, the Commerce Department reported a slowdown in growth to 2.2% last quarter, in the wake of the global economy, while analysts expected 2.1%.

The indices still hesitant after the figure on GDP, have a little inclined after the unexpected announcement of a contraction in economic activity in the Chicago area, considered as a good indicator for the entire the US economy.

Overall, the stock market, which has changed little this week, however, seems about to conclude a very successful month of February, during which the Dow has gained about 6%, or for its biggest monthly rise time from October 2011.

“Now what?”, asked Patrick O’Hare of “The Greek situation calmed, Russia and Ukraine are trying to enforce a cease-fire, the president of the

Federal Reserve Janet Yellen, updated outlook on monetary policy and the quarterly results season companies is, in effect, over. “

” At the March began, the market may well be stuck at those levels, pending the next catalyst “, he has said.


In detail values, the Apple computer company, main Nasdaq locomotive, is thronged by 0.18% to 130.20 dollars after a complaint in the United States of Swedish Ericsson for violation of patents.

The retail sector was affected by a fall of 7.89% to 8.40 dollars in the chain JC Penney stores, which has reported almost no profit in the last quarter “and issued disappointing forecasts”, reported the experts at Charles Schwab.

Weight Watchers, specializing in weight loss, thinner 33.40% to 11.70 dollars after announcing a net loss of USD 16.1 million last quarter, citing a decline in subscribers to its program

The bookseller Barnes & amp.; Noble, who eventually gave to part of its digital division Nook and instead announced Thursday the split of its academic libraries, lost 1.81% to 25.45 dollars.

Conversely, Monster Beverage, a specialist in energy drinks, jumped 12.35% to 140.14 dollars after announcing an increase in quarterly earnings and sales growth, with a turnover of 700 million USD, and found above expectations.

The bond market was small rise, the yield on 10-year Treasury falling to 2.019% against 2.033% Thursday evening, and the 30-year 2.627% against 2.629 % previously

afp / buc

(AWP / 02.27.2015 4:24 p.m.).

(AWP / 02.27.2015 4:24 p.m.) ^ ->

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Stock Exchange New York: Wall Street opens stable after the revision … –

Stock Exchange New York: Wall Street opens stable after the revision … –

Stock Exchange New York: Wall Street opens stable after the revision in US GDP decline

New York (awp / afp) – Wall Street opened little changed on Friday assimilating a downward revision of the quarterly US growth that does not unduly affect the markets still at a high level: the Dow Jones yielded 0.06% and the Nasdaq 0.01% taking

Around 1440 GMT / 3:40 p.m. HEC, the index Featured Dow Jones Industrial Average. fell by 11.08 points 18’203,34 points not far from its record closing passed this week 18’224,57 points and the Nasdaq, dominated by technology, advanced 0.66 points to 4988.55 points just below the threshold of 5000 points and its historic highs of fifteen years ago

The broader S & amp;. P 500, closely followed by investors, gained 0.02 %, or 0.40 points to 2111.14 points too close to its highest levels.

On Thursday, Wall Street had ended in a disorganized, falling oil prices and slowing mixed indicators the market: the Dow Jones lost 0.06% to 18’214,42 points while the Nasdaq, stimulated by technology sector shaped, won 0.42% to 4987.89 point

<. p> Now the stock market continues to hesitate “after a downward revision of growth (US) in the fourth quarter,” highlighted the experts at Charles Schwab, noting that the new figure was a little higher than expected.

In its second estimate of quarterly GDP, the Commerce Department reported a slowdown in growth to 2.2% last quarter, in the wake of the global

economy, while analysts l ‘expected 2.1%.

Overall, the stock market, which has changed little this week, seems about to conclude a very successful month of February, during which the Dow gained about 6%, or currently its largest monthly increase since October 2011.

“Now what?”, asked Patrick O’Hare of “The Greek situation calmed, Russia and Ukraine are trying to enforce a cease-fire, the president of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen, updated outlook on monetary policy and the quarterly results season companies is, in effect, over. “

” At the March began, the market may well be stuck at those levels, pending the next catalyst “, he has said.

The bond market was small rise, the yield on 10-year Treasury falling to 2.014% against 2.033% Thursday evening, and that for 30 years at 2.615% against 2.629% previously.

afp / rp

(AWP / 02.27.2015 3:54 p.m.)

(AWP / 27.02.2015 3:54 p.m.) ^ ->

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Greece: the German Bundestag said “yes” to the extension of aid –

Greece: the German Bundestag said "yes" to the extension of aid –

( – The lower house of the German parliament (Bundestag) ruled Friday in favor of the extension of a period of four months, the financial assistance provided to Greece. The text won the votes of 542 of the 631 MPs, says Reuters. Before the vote of Deputies, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has wanted one last reassuring. “There is no question of granting new billion to Greece, or change anything in the program. This is to give or allow more time to complete this successful program,” -t he argued.

Wolfgang Schäuble also recalled that Greece could not do “what it wants.” Athens will not be allowed to “blackmail” its European partners, he said. In exchange for this

extension, Greece was required to submit a reform program adopted by the Eurogroup Tuesday and which provides in particular to fight hard against tax evasion. The government has also committed not to return to the current privatization.

Germany is among the countries whose parliamentary vote is required to validate the extension. Each Member State shall adopt before the plan takes effect.

  – © 2015


Vivendi sold its 20% of Numericable, SFR groups to Patrick … – Boursorama

Vivendi sold its 20% of Numericable, SFR groups to Patrick … – Boursorama

Vivendi headquarters in Paris (AFP / File / Eric Piermont)

Headquarters Vivendi in Paris (AFP / File / Eric Piermont)

Vivendi announced Friday to accept the offer of Patrick Drahi for the sale of its 20% of Numericable, SFR approximately € 3.9 billion and reported net profit more than doubled in 2014 through a series of assignments.

The group refocused on the media and contents explained that he accepted the offer of Numericable, SFR and Altice, groups controlled by telecom tycoon, given the “low level of liquidity” title Numericable, SFR would have made “uncertain output in optimal conditions,” in a statement.

L offer of € 40 per share represents a premium of 20% compared to the price of November 27, when Vivendi has concluded the sale of SFR, says the group.

But analysts were surprised, during a conference call this sale is done at a significant discount, while the title SFR-Numericable finished Friday’s session at the Paris Stock Exchange to 55.4 euros.

“It was a good opportunity to collect the cash and avoid being in a difficult situation of liquidity,” said chief executive Arnaud de Puyfontaine again emphasizing that he also received offers from any against-one Mr. Drahi.

In total, Vivendi said that he should receive 17 billion euros for the sale of the second French mobile operator, which adds to Morocco Telecom 4.1 billion.

The group has a positive cash flow of EUR 4.6 billion end of 2014, having ended his entire debt, which amounted to 11.1 billion euros at the end of 2013.

Vivendi still plans to finalize the sale of its assets in Brazil Telecom GVT in the second quarter 2015 to 7.45 billion.

Vincent Bolloré (on screen) speaks at the General Assembly of Vivendi, June 24, 2014 in Paris (AFP / File / Eric Piermont)

Vincent Bolloré (on screen) speaks at the General Assembly of Vivendi, June 24, 2014 in Paris (AFP / File / Eric Piermont)

These should allow him to make targeted acquisitions while maintaining “a strong financial discipline.”

The group led by Vincent Bolloré appears in 2014 profit more than doubled to 4.7 billion euros as a result of this series of divestments.

In 2015, the group aims adjusted net profit up 10% on the 626 million euros in 2014.

It also expects a “slight increase in turnover”, supported by an increase in music Streaming for its recorded music subsidiary Universal Music Group (UMG), and international activities of Canal + which has

particular continue its rapid development in Africa.

The group also provides a current operating margin “close of the 2014 “

-. 11 million Canal + subscribers worldwide –

In the past year, Vivendi has seen its sales fall 1.6 % to 10.089 billion euros.

Sales of Canal + increased 2.7% year on year, with a gain of 678,000 subscriptions year now reaching 15.3 million in the world. The subscriber base and pass the 11 million mark for the first time through Africa and Vietnam.

The French businessman Patrick Drahi in Paris on 17 March 2014 (AFP / File / Eric Piermont)

The French businessman Patrick Drahi in Paris on 17 March 2014 (AFP / File / Eric Piermont)

The video-on-demand in France Canalplay also contributes with 599.000 subscribers late 2014.

The profitability of Canal +, however, is hampered by the increase in VAT and rising costs production in France, partly offset by international: adjusted operating profit (EBITA) gives 4.7% to 583 million euros

The profitability of UMG other hand is on the rise (10. , 7% to € 511 million) thanks to a rigorous cost management and lower restructuring charges.

But this subsidiary saw its sales fall by 6.7% because “d a more rapid change than anticipated music distribution channels. “

Clearly, the physical music sales continue to plummet, while the decline of the download is not yet offset by the growth streaming.

The company said it would return a total of € 5.7 billion to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks in 2014 to 2017.

The group will pay a dividend of 1.0 euro in 2014. “The goal is to maintain this distribution level for the financial years 2015 and 2016, representing a return to shareholders an additional € 2 billion,” said Vivendi, which also plans to buy back up to 2.7 billion euros of its own shares


Airbus priority to the production in 2015 – Les Echos

Airbus priority to the production in 2015 – Les Echos

+ GRAPHICS – Airbus Group posted record results in 2014. The transfer of Dassault shares allowed to absorb much of the load 551 million euros spent on the A400M


Article (s) associated (s)

“Ramp up” . The English language has many useful facilities which may explain why it has become in the business world. In two words – a name and an adverb – Tom Enders, Airbus boss Group, summarized its commitments vis-à-vis its Board of Directors for 2015: the successful ramp-up, when almost all the indicators are green, including the side of the euro-dollar.

The aerospace group has published results in 2014 records in many ways, and above market expectations. Driven by increasing that does not contradict air traffic, Airbus continued to sell aircraft like hotcakes, and is guaranteed 10 years of production! The spatial division had an excellent year, with four telecom satellites including while Airbus Helicopters resists rather well despite a slower start to the commercial market than expected.

As a result, the order book is approaching 860 billion euros. Mano a mano with Boeing, which also published the results sharply higher, to snatch the top of the podium aircraft manufacturers is not ready to fade …

Dassault clears the A400M

The satisfecit Tom Enders also due to the very good improvement in profitability. At just over 4 billion, operating profit reported increased 54%. Better, highlighted Harald Wilhelm, CFO, it is equal to operating profit before exceptional items. Airbus can indeed be welcomed that the A350 does not weigh on the accounts. But the comparison is misleading because the

burden of 551 million related to new setbacks A400M was fully offset by gains from the sale of the 8% stake in Dassault and other accounting items.

Another element welcomed by markets: the cash flow made a big leap to 1.1 billion euros (it was negative 800 million in 2013 and expected according to the balance Kepler Cheuvreux). If we add the money from the shares of the manufacturer of the Rafale in particular, it borders 1.9 billion.

However, Tom Enders was cautious for the future. Airbus will continue to sell aircraft but provides only a moderate increase in operating income. Assuming no new load comes darken the picture, the group faces major industrial challenges Tom Enders will have to spend most of their working time, as he promised his “board”.

Increase the production of the A320

If each A380 is now profitable, the beginning of mass production A350 requires attention at all times because accidents do happen. Former EADS must also quickly settle the assembly of the A400M problems, especially since Tom Enders put the bar high to double deliveries this year (16 copies) is “a good objective “, he said, to the surprise.

The manufacturer must also gradually reduce the rates of the A330, from 10 to 6 by the month for scalability on the neo version of the long-haul whose marketing started this summer. Above all, he must hold seamlessly ramp up production of the A320, its cash cow, to bring it to 50 per month in early 2017, against 42 now. “We are studying the possibility of going beyond” , dropped Tom Enders, the only way to respond to the wave of demand for medium-haul, which also benefits for the Boeing 737.


Why Airbus explodes its results despite the A400M –

Why Airbus explodes its results despite the A400M –

Records tumble and a sacred ball. These are, in essence, the great lessons of the 2014 results presented Friday, February 27 Airbus Group. The records? A turnover of € 60.7 billion, up 5%, operating income of 4 billion (+ 54%) and an astronomical backlog of 857.5 billion euros. “A pretty good year for Airbus Group” summed executive chairman Tom Enders in an understatement of which he has the secret. The ball? The military transport aircraft A400M, including technical problems and delivery delays still pushed Airbus to make a provision of 551 million euros, which is in addition to 4.2 billion already spent in the accounts in the year 2008 -2010.

How can this still exceptional year despite the A400M supported? The Airbus commercial board obviously explains much good numbers. The Airbus deliveries record 629 aircraft delivered in 2014, has contributed to this strong performance. The manufacturer has also managed to improve its operating margin dramatically (+ 68%), when that of Airbus Helicopters gained 4%. Both divisions have now reached a margin of 6.3%, more in line with the ambitions of the group that the figure of 2-3% which Airbus maxing recent years. Only the Airbus Division Defence & amp; Space saw its profitability fall by 38%, despite the excellent commercial results of space activities.

A perfectly manageable provision

In this context, the provision on the A400M, if above the consensus (200 to 551 million against 300 million expected), remains perfectly manageable. Especially Airbus could count on 383 million euros of capital gains from the partial sale of its 46% stake in Dassault Aviation. But new troubles of military transport aircraft, the biggest European military program remain no less a major problem: the agreement between the client states and Airbus in 2010 on 5.2 billion euros program was supposed incremental settle the problem. The program was again badly wrong with a situation deemed critical enough that the boss military aircraft Airbus Domingo Ureña-Raso was replaced in late January, following the wrath of the German defense minister on faults and delays on the A400M.

Tom Enders now hopes to double deliveries of the aircraft in 2015

compared to last year, a target of 16 aircraft delivered this year. Not win: Airbus will both manage the problems encountered in its chain of suppliers, and complete the development of new capacity expected forward by European armies (cargo dropping, parachuting, flight refueling). The appliance should however never reach refuel helicopters, capacity specified in the contract, due to turbulence problems due to contra-rotating propellers.

1456 orders 2014

The woes of the A400M fortunately not threaten the future growth of the group, largely driven by the commercial segment. Worn by 1456 orders collected in 2014, the order book of the aircraft manufacturer Airbus reached over € 800 billion alone, or 6386 devices to deliver the equivalent of more than 10 years of production. The challenge for Airbus is now juggling his monumental backlog. After carefully checking the capacity of its chain of suppliers to bear the shock, the group has confirmed the long-awaited increase the production rate of the A320 single-aisle family, which will increase to 50 per month in the first quarter 2017, against 42 Today, an unprecedented level.

The year 2015 promises to be as busy as crucial. The main priority will be the “ramp-up”, that is to say, the increase in production rates for both A320 and the new long-haul A350, as well as the recovery of the A400M program. 2015 will also see, provides Airbus A380 passing stalled: plain, Airbus will finally start making money on every super-jumbo sold, ten years after its first flight and almost eight years after its entry Service. Same large side helicopters deadlines: Helicopters Airbus will present on March 3 at Heli-Expo in Orlando using its new X4 helicopter, the successor of the Dauphin, who must regain lost ground by the bestselling AgustaWestland AW139 in Italian. As for the Defence & amp division; Space, it will both confirm the good results in 2014 of space activities, and to carry out the restructuring of defense activities.


Why Airbus explodes his records despite the ball A400M –

Why Airbus explodes his records despite the ball A400M –

Records tumble and a sacred ball. These are, in essence, the great lessons of the 2014 results presented Friday, February 27 Airbus Group. The records? A turnover of € 60.7 billion, up 5%, operating income of 4 billion (+ 54%) and an astronomical backlog of 857.5 billion euros. “A pretty good year for Airbus Group” summed executive chairman Tom Enders in an understatement of which he has the secret. The ball? The military transport aircraft A400M, including technical problems and delivery delays still pushed Airbus to make a provision of 551 million euros, which is in addition to 4.2 billion already spent in the accounts in the year 2008 -2010.

How can this still exceptional year despite the A400M supported? The Airbus commercial board obviously explains much good numbers. The Airbus deliveries record 629 aircraft delivered in 2014, has contributed to this strong performance. The manufacturer has also managed to improve its operating margin dramatically (+ 68%), when that of Airbus Helicopters gained 4%. Both divisions have now reached a margin of 6.3%, more in line with the ambitions of the group that the figure of 2-3% which Airbus maxing recent years. Only the Airbus Division Defence & amp; Space saw its profitability fall by 38%, despite the excellent commercial results of space activities.

A perfectly manageable provision

In this context, the provision on the A400M, if above the consensus (200 to 551 million against 300 million expected), remains perfectly manageable. Especially Airbus could count on 383 million euros of capital gains from the partial sale of its 46% stake in Dassault Aviation. But new troubles of military transport aircraft, the biggest European military program remain no less a major problem: the agreement between the client states and Airbus in 2010 on 5.2 billion euros program was supposed incremental settle the problem. The program was again badly wrong with a situation deemed critical enough that the boss military aircraft Airbus Domingo Ureña-Raso was replaced in late January, following the wrath of the German defense minister on faults and delays on the A400M.

Tom Enders now hopes to double deliveries of the aircraft in 2015 compared

to last year, a target of 16 aircraft delivered this year. Not win: Airbus will both manage the problems encountered in its chain of suppliers, and complete the development of new capacity expected forward by European armies (cargo dropping, parachuting, flight refueling). The appliance should however never reach refuel helicopters, capacity specified in the contract, due to turbulence problems due to contra-rotating propellers.

1456 orders 2014

The woes of the A400M fortunately not threaten the future growth of the group, largely driven by the commercial segment. Worn by 1456 orders collected in 2014, the order book of the aircraft manufacturer Airbus reached over € 800 billion alone, or 6386 devices to deliver the equivalent of more than 10 years of production. The challenge for Airbus is now juggling his monumental backlog. After carefully checking the capacity of its chain of suppliers to bear the shock, the group has confirmed the long-awaited increase the production rate of the A320 single-aisle family, which will increase to 50 per month in the first quarter 2017, against 42 Today, an unprecedented level.

The year 2015 promises to be as busy as crucial. The main priority will be the “ramp-up”, that is to say, the increase in production rates for both A320 and the new long-haul A350, as well as the recovery of the A400M program. 2015 will also see, provides Airbus A380 passing stalled: plain, Airbus will finally start making money on every super-jumbo sold, ten years after its first flight and almost eight years after its entry Service. Same large side helicopters deadlines: Helicopters Airbus will present on March 3 at Heli-Expo in Orlando using its new X4 helicopter, the successor of the Dauphin, who must regain lost ground by the bestselling AgustaWestland AW139 in Italian. As for the Defence & amp division; Space, it will both confirm the good results in 2014 of space activities, and to carry out the restructuring of defense activities.


The Bundestag vote sluggish the extension of the rescue plan for … – The World

The Bundestag vote sluggish the extension of the rescue plan for … – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Friday, February 27, 2015, a Green member of the Bundestag shows its support to the Greeks with the words & quot; Yes to Europe & quot;! at the German Parliament vote for the extension of four months of the plan of aid to Greece.

Appearances can be deceiving. At first sight, Greece and the European Union can delight in the Bundestag vote on Friday February 27th. As expected, the four-month extension of the second aid plan in Athens was approved by an overwhelming majority of German deputies: 542 deputies voted in favor, 32 against. Before the session, 22 Conservative MPs (out of 311) had expressed their intention to vote against. But rarely has a vote as little enthusiastic after the tensions in Europe through the first steps of the government of Alexis Tsipras

From the beginning of his short speech. – Less than twenty minutes – the Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), acknowledged that the decision to continue to assist Greece was “not easy to make,” . Rather than explain the agreement with Athens, the minister insisted he was not “to give more money to Greece” and “more time “. He recalled the role of Germany in the European construction. “After the disaster [Nazi], we Germans should do everything to ensure that the EU remains united. “ Finally, the Minister called on Greeks to responsibility. “We help Greece exceptionally, but must of course also do its part” he said, recalling that in several European countries, wages, social benefits and the level of living are lower than they are in Greece. “The Greeks are thinking when they invoke solidarity. (…) A common currency re quires that everyone is aware of its responsibilities. “

German and French banks” not serious “

First intervene following the Minister Gregor Gysi, president of the group of the left Radical Left Party, the main opposition party denounced “liberal

Europe of failure” , and welcomed the arrival of a left government in Athens. Having called for a “Marshall Plan” for Greece, he explained that he was not “approve a neoliberal diktat” requiring Greeks that they always save more. He nevertheless supported the Wolfgang Schäuble text to support the new Greek government, the Left Party is allied to the formation of Alexis Tsipras, Syriza, the European Parliament.

Immediately after, Carsten Schneider, number two the Social Democratic group, put Alexis Tsipras Warning: “If the Greek government were to fund its election promises by taxpayers in other countries, it would not go. “

Anton Hofreiter, spokesman of the Greens, has criticized both banks ” German and French “ that have ” not serious “ in the past by paying money to Greece. He outlined the strategic role of Athens, explaining that for this reason too, it was not necessary that Greece exits the euro. A debate that his successor Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) off right away: “We are not here to decide whether or not Greece should remain in the euro. “

Before the Conservatives Wolfgang Schaeuble had said on Thursday ” appalled “ by the statements of Giannis Varoufakis, his Greek counterpart, who spoke deletion of Greek debt. Similarly, about one Charlie Hebdo have been very badly perceived in Berlin. “If you think you’ve got to shoot progressive governments like ours, just days after being elected, so expect the worst! “ he threatened. In the same interview, the Greek finance minister seems willing to raise taxes nor the Orthodox Church nor those shipowners: “The problem is that the vast wealth it [l Orthodox Church] has not gives it a very high income that can be taxed, has justified the Minister. Finally, owners must indeed pay their fair share. But the implementation of such taxation is difficult: the owners are very mobile and it is likely that their incomes would leave the country if they were to be taxed. “

Atmosphere tinged populism

The Bundestag vote took place in an atmosphere tinged populism. Only 21% of Germans approved the extension of aid to Athens and 71% doubt that Athens will honor its commitments. Thursday, the newspaper Bild published a huge “no” to new aid to Greece, inviting its readers to make selfies displaying this page. This initiative, denounced by several members of the Bundestag, said slippage of part of the German media in 2010 and does not bode well for the debates that are sure to arise at the end of the four-month respite granted to Greece, if it is confirmed that she had to need a third bailout plan.

Besides, Friday Angela Merkel, who was wearing a bright yellow jacket, has seemed to follow the two-hour discussion with half an ear, unlike usual, often leaving his office to discuss this or that, as if the vote on Friday was just a formality and reserved for others more difficult deadlines.


Airbus Group steals records in records – The

Airbus Group steals records in records – The

Without much surprise, Airbus Group recorded 2014 revenues, EBIT (operating profit) and a record backlog. The fundamentals of the European aerospace and defense group are strong. Revenue rose 5% to € 60.7 billion (57.6 billion in 2013), while the deferred EBIT was up 54% to € 4 billion (margin 6.7%). Despite a provision of 551 million due to delays on the A400M.Enfin program, the free cash flow was positive at EUR 2 billion, including € 900 million from asset disposals products.

“We have significantly improved profitability and cash generation in 2014 thanks to a strong operational performance and a record backlog at the end of the year, said the Group Executive Chairman of Airbus, Tom Enders, said in the statement released Friday by the group. We have delivered a number of commercial aircraft than ever before, the first A350, and our net orders represented once Moreover, more than double the number of deliveries. (…) We are mobilized to meet the various operational challenges, including ramp and costs of the A350 and A400M, the first deliveries of the A320neo, to boost sales of helicopters and continue restructuring our portfolio in the defense and space. “

strong results reflecting improved operational performance, with figures records for commercial aircraft deliveries, revenues and backlog. Thus, the net profit amounted to 2.34 billion euros (2013: 1.47 billion), with an increase in earnings per share to 2.99 euros (2013: 1.86 euro). The position of net cash end of 2014 was 9.1 billion (end 2013: € 8.5 billion) after consideration of € 587 million for the payment of the 2013 dividend and 462 million euros of contributions paid into the pension system. The gross cash position at 31 December 2014 amounted to € 16.4 billion.

Dynamic commands

Group Airbus order intake amounted to

2014-166400000000 euros (2013:.. 216.4 billion euros representing either a notebook worth 857.5 billion euros at end 2014 (680.6 billion euros at end 2013) Airbus received 1,456 net orders for commercial aircraft (2013: 1,503 net orders), with a ratio of net orders and higher deliveries (book-to-bill) to two and a 6386 equipment order backlog at the end of the year .

Helicopters Airbus order intake cover 369 units (2013: 422 units), including an adjustment in the order book of 33 NH90 The value of Cassidian order intake. increased 4%, with a strong momentum of space activities and a good level of medium and light military aircraft orders.

Perspectives on the rise

For 2015, Airbus Group expects the growth rate of the world economy and international air traffic in line with prevailing independent forecasts and the absence of a major disruption. In this context, Airbus deliveries should be slightly higher than in 2014 and an increase in commercial aircraft order backlog is expected again. In 2015, before the mergers and acquisitions (M & amp; A), Airbus Group anticipates an increase in revenue and a slight increase in EBIT before non-recurring items. The aerospace group foresees a further increase in earnings per share and dividend per share in 2015.

Based on its current outlook, Airbus Group expects industrial ramp. “Due to a high demand for single-aisle, we decided to increase the production of the A320 Family to 50 aircraft per month from the first quarter of 2017. In parallel, we have decided to temporarily reduce production six A330 aircraft per month in 2016 “ said Tom Enders. Airbus has sold more than 11,500 single-aisle aircraft and delivered over 6,400 aircraft to 317 airlines, the A320 Family. – A319, A320 and A321


SNCF plans to cut 9,000 jobs by 2020 –

SNCF plans to cut 9,000 jobs by 2020 –

The job cuts at the train will continue at a steady pace, said Thursday expertise delivered to the Central Works Council (CEC) that nearly 9,000 jobs Net could disappear by 2020.

The study, whose guidelines were presented to the press, had been sought by all the unions in the fall to help the CEC measure the impact of railway reform passed last summer.

The CEC will be consulted on March 10 implementation within the group, which now includes the 149,000 employees of the train and 1,500 employees Réseau Ferré de France (RFF).

This reform to allow the new train of be more competitive and efficient is always strongly criticized by the CGT-Railwaymen and SUD-rail, causing a long strike in June.

According to Arnaud Eymery, the Degest cabinet reform August 4, 2014 imposes savings targets that have “a heavy impact on employment”, especially in the Mobility division, the operator trains. The firm expects in that class for about 10,000 full-time equivalent cuts in five years, “an acceleration of 25 to 60% of the rate of enrollment decline” compared to recent years.

Renovation ways

According to the projections of the firm, established on forecasts of expected gains in 2020 reported the average cost of an agent, such losses would nevertheless be partly offset by hiring train Networking (at a rate of 800 people per year) to

ensure the broad pathways renovation program begun in 2014.

According to the figures obtained by AFP report Degest, staff of the public group would fall by 149,000 to 140,000 people between 2014 and 2020 (143,000 in low case).

The firm also predicts an increase in -traitance and “a significant decrease” in the number of lines in his qu’accentuera announced the liberalization of the transport cars, rail competitor.

25,000 fewer jobs since 2003

In view of the conclusions “not reassuring” expertise, the secretary of the CEC, Céline Simon (CGT) on Thursday urged the leadership to open “genuine dialogue” with union representatives on the reorganization and “the organization of production, “too much” siled “she said between train Mobility, train Network and the establishment head train .

Within the CEC, this position is not shared by all. Thus, for Roger Dillenseger (Unsa) if the calculations of expertise are “realistic”, approached the deletions “are not a consequence of the reform.” With “retard”, “the CGT wants to remake the game,” said he.

Between 2003 and 2013, the number of the public group has already melted 25,000 people to hit retirement not replaced. For 2015, management announced over a thousand job cuts.

(With AFP)


Thursday, February 26, 2015

The “minimum wage” German now higher than in France – Europe1

The "minimum wage" German now higher than in France – Europe1

Europe 1


France loses one of its rare superiorities she had vis-vis Germany. The minimum wage is the Rhine Since January 1, higher on average than in France, 1473 gross per month against 1,458 euros.

Work more to earn more Germany … . This sum, issued by Eurostat, represents a monthly average and means that German employees minimum wage work more than in France. Indeed, in Germany, the minimum wage, which exists only since late 2013, is set at 8.50 euros per hour, against 9.61 euros in

France. But French workers paid the minimum wage are often limited to 35 hours of work per week, where the Germans have less limit.

As emphasized Le Figaro , the system of “work more to earn more” recipe makes the Rhine, beyond even the minimum wage. The German median salary is around 3,000 euros, against France in 2430, a difference of 20%.

The minimum wage increases everywhere except in Greece . The minimum wage in every country in Europe has increased since 2008, with the exception of Greece (-14%!), Also indicates the European office of statistics. The largest increases between 2008 and 2015 were recorded in Romania (+ 95%), Bulgaria (+ 64%), Slovakia (+ 58%) and Latvia (+ 57%), countries where the minimum wage less than 400 euros per month. Within the EU, the country with the lowest minimum wage in Bulgaria (184 euros). In contrast, Luxembourg offers a minimum wage of 1,923 euros, or a ratio of 1 to 10

& gt;. & Gt; ALSO READ – A French earns on average 2,157 euros net

& gt; & gt; LISTEN – What is the average salary of SME managers

& gt; & gt;? ALSO READ – wages: the gender inequalities across sectors


The monthly minimum wage is now much higher in … – Le Figaro

The monthly minimum wage is now much higher in … – Le Figaro

According to Eurostat, the monthly minimum wage is 1473 euros in Germany against 1,458 euros in France. A true revolution. This is a life-size demonstration that “to earn more you have to work more!”

As happy as God in France, and prosperous as a smicard in Germany . Everyone knows of course the first saying, which is also of German origin. But we’ll have to get used to second a worker paid the minimum wage now earns more in Germany than in France. This is the Eurostat said. According to figures released Thursday by the Institute of European statistics, the monthly minimum wage is established since 1 January 1473 euros in Germany and 1,458 euros in France.

Everyone knows that Germany did only recently converted to the minimum wage. The reform was decided after the general elections in September 2013 and it has actually been implemented as of January 1, 2015. After much reflection in Germany, the federal government decided to set the minimum wage to 8 50 euros per hour. It is certainly much less than in France, where it reached 9.61 euros. But the Germans catch up by applying another adage, “work more to earn more”. And the result is there: a German paid the minimum wage has a higher monthly pay his French counterpart

Loss of a rare superiority

Eurostat says that “for them. countries where the minimum wage is not defined on a monthly basis, “but time (which is the case in France, Germany and the United Kingdom),” the minimum wage level is converted to a monthly rate on monthly standard hours of work carried out by many months. ” In France, it is very simple, it is 35 hours. In Germany things are a little more complicated because there is no national legal working time, each branch and even each company fixed hours of work that suits him, in consultation with the unions. Eurostat has of course taken into account and is based on an average across all branches in Germany.

This comparison of the minimum wage to lose one of the few French superiority they had overlooked German far. Overall wages are indeed on average much higher in

Germany compared to what they are in France. It has new evidence through figures Eurostat publishes today: it appears that the minimum wage represents 60% of the median wage in France, according to Eurostat (remember that the median divides into two people, 50% people paid above the median, and 50% paid below). In Germany the minimum monthly wage, while higher in absolute terms the French minimum wage represents only 49% of the median wage. We will let Internet users with the task of calculating the respective median wages in both countries, and how it is higher in Germany which is a mere exercise of elementary arithmetic! However, here is the result we have found: 3006 euros for the median wage in Germany and in France in 2430, a difference of 20% to the disadvantage of the French employee!

highest standard of living in Germany

Last but not least, Eurostat provides further evidence that the Germans paid minimum wage have an even higher standard of living, compared to the French, than indicated two digits of 1473 and 1458 euros respectively. Statisticians Eurostat put into effect before the classical notion of wages ‘purchasing power standard’ (PPS): in simple terms it is to take into account the level of prices between the two countries. But overall the absolute level of consumer prices is higher in France, notably because of indirect taxes and expenses that businesses have to bear. Thus the minimum wage in PPS is 1441 euros in Germany and 1337 only in France, a difference of about 10% in favor of the Rhine.

The question is not allowed: German employees paid in the bottom of the scale are much better off than the French. Of course we regret that Eurostat does not confirm that God is truly happy in France. But there is so much talk of religion at this time in France, that doubt is not allowed. Originally the term “happy as God in France” date of our wars of religion, God could only be pleased to see that there is fighting in his name, felt so ironically our German friends
