Tuesday, September 30, 2014

eBay makes its independence PayPal – Europe 1

eBay makes its independence PayPal – Europe 1

Europe 1


<- end / Social ->

PayPal resumes independence In 2002, PayPal was acquired. by eBay for $ 1.5 billion (1.2 billion euro) while he was a young start-up founded three years earlier and had just IPO. Thirteen years later, the online payment service will regain its independence. According to the claims of its Board of Directors, management of the online auction portal announced Tuesday prepare to part with PayPal in 2015 Objective: conduct “more targeted investment strategies”

<. p> & gt; & gt; ALSO – cyberattack: eBay recommends changing your password

A request came from shareholders The American giant of online sales has aligned itself with. arguments of its shareholders who demanded his split, agreeing to make his highly

profitable payments subsidiary PayPal an independent company from next year. Existing shareholders will receive shares of eBay in the future company PayPal in proportion to their current shareholding in the group. The direction of the auction portal said in a press release have committed to this decision after careful examination of the various strategic options available to him.

PayPal nearly as profitable eBay. PayPal accounted for 41% of sales from eBay last year, and has over 152 million active accounts. According to eBay, a six dollar spent online through PayPal. Over the past twelve months, eBay would have earned 7.9 billion euros in turnover, up 10%. For its part, PayPal has achieved over the last twelve months to € 5.7 billion of economic activity (19%)

& gt;. & Gt; ALSO – Alibaba: when China rises on the Web

A split for a “sustainable” future Shareholders can thus carry out “strategies. more targeted investment “and the group will give them the benefit of increased value” sustainable “, he has argued. “A changing competitive landscape will create very significant opportunity for eBay and PayPal. The separation will provide the opportunity for more sophisticated strategy and better position each of these activities to capitalize on these opportunities as independent entities, “said eBay. American company has set a target to complete well its dismantling in the second half 2015 Rumor of such an operation, had sought in vain activist investor Carl Icahn spring, circulated since late August.


Men suffering unemployed and underemployed women – Actualitté.com

Men suffering unemployed and underemployed women – Actualitté.com

INSEE Photography has just unveiled its labor market in 2013, indicating an average of 9.8% unemployment on total assets, an increase of 0.4 points compared to 2012, despite a stabilization of mid-year 2013 According to the census, the position of men has deteriorated sharply since 2011 on the employment market in metropolitan their unemployment rising by 1.5 points to stand at 10%, higher than in women (9.7%). Males are also more concerned about the long-term unemployment.

By cons, “ close to 80%” of part-time jobs are held by women . Of these, nearly a third (32.5%) want more work “according to INSEE. It is clear from the study that the fairer sex would be no less than 71.7% of the 1.68 million active “underemployed” or people

employed part-time but are available and want to work more, even where those through a period of technical or partial unemployment.

The unemployed are not to be confused with the 22 million “inactive,” which in turn “ are not working and not actively looking for work or are not available to deal with a .” Fall into this category students, retirees, stay at home parents, and others unable to work

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Sources : Liberation (AFP), L’Express

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To deepen



Debt. The symbolic EUR 2.000 billion taken – The Telegram

Debt. The symbolic EUR 2.000 billion taken – The Telegram

Bad news on the eve of the budget 2015: the public debt of France crossed for the first time, the figure of 2.000 billion euros. The table is dimmed and the debate promises to be tough in the Assembly.

It is done, the debt of France spent this summer, the symbolic 2,000 billion. At 2.023 billion, the absolute record holder over 95% ratio of debt to gross domestic production (GDP). At this rate, the country approaches another symbol, that of 100%. From 2002 to 2012, the debt doubled from 930 to 1860 billion, 600 billion in the five year Sarkozy. The crisis has affected accelerator. And rising 30 points to GDP ratio is not also a French specificity. It reached 50 points in the UK, 60 points in Spain … But the crisis does not explain everything. Over time, the addiction to debt is obvious: no
balanced budget for over thirty years! France entered into crisis, weighted with a balance due to Jospin in the early 2000s and tax cuts under Sarkozy (law Tepa) in 2007 the voluntary action of the former Minister Thierry Breton, 2005-2007, was well enough to offset the structural deficit. But it was quickly abandoned. However, the recovery is a matter of policy consistency.

The country is mired

Highlighting taxes and wasteful drift, the Socialists have only increased discomfort. Zero growth and tax revenues at half-mast: the deficit will reach 4.4% this year and almost as many next year. The 3% target is dead and buried. France became the first country issuing debt in euros. Interests on loans are low but weigh heavily. At $ 48 billion, it is the second largest budget item after Education! At Budget 2015, the country is mired. 50 billion in savings promised by 2017 remain unclear. The family of the social security branch sees tax of 700 million. Communities will have to tighten their belts. The battle promises to be tough in the Assembly. And debt swells.


The debt of France passes the 2.000 billion – Le Nouvel Observateur

The debt of France passes the 2.000 billion – Le Nouvel Observateur

Paris (AFP) – France’s public debt has exceeded for the first time the symbolic EUR 2,000 billion at the end of the second quarter, and has doubled in ten years, even blackening the table for the government on the eve of the budget in 2015.

The amounts owed by the state, social security and local authorities have thus reached a new record at the end of June, to 2,023.7 billion euros, said Tuesday the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies

This amount has almost doubled in 10 years. late June 2004, the gross national debt was $ 1,081.6 billion euros.

In the second quarter alone, the gross public debt, as measured by the criteria of the Maastricht Treaty, it further increased by EUR 28.7 billion. An increase attributed to the state, whose contribution to the debt increased by EUR 35.2 billion, while that of Social Security funds decreased by $ 3.9 billion and that of local government, 1, 6 billion.

After the publication of INSEE, the Government recalled having largely inherited this growing debt. The Finance Ministry stresses that debt had doubled between 2002 and 2012 from 930 to 1.860 billion euros, 600 billion between 2007 and 2012 (ie, during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy.)

The curve of the French public debt shows a sharp acceleration from the end of 2007 due to financial and economic crisis. “Every time we lose a percentage point of GDP, the state loses 10 billion (…) in taxes, social contributions,” recalls Henry Sterdyniak economist at OFCE.

this regard, “there is no French specificity”, he points out, if the debt-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio has jumped by about 30 points in France during the crisis, the rise was 50 points in the UK, and some 60 points in Spain

-. crisis does not explain everything –

But the economist also points out that France has entered the crisis with already relatively high fiscal imbalance, because of the stimulus policies of the Jospin government and tax cuts at the beginning of the quinquennium

Sarkozy: “The crisis has exacerbated a phenomenon that already existed”

. reported to national income, public debt reached 95.1% of GDP at the end of the second quarter, 1.1 percentage point higher than the previous quarter. Germany she had dug his debt less strongly during the crisis (less than 20 percentage points of GDP), has already begun to reduce it, reducing it to 78.4% in late December against 81% in 2012.

In its latest forecast, the government expected a public debt to 95.1% of GDP only at the end of the year, and a decline from 2016, but these estimates have not been update after lowering growth estimates and raising those on the deficit, on September 10.

In a context of sluggish growth and extremely low inflation, Bercy a general government deficit 4.4% of GDP this year from 4.2% in 2013, and the 2015 budget, which will be presented Wednesday, would confirm only a slight decline of 4.3%. A deficit that the country must finance by borrowing, and therefore is more debt.

“The policy of (the current) government, which is based both on a fiscal consolidation with savings program and growth strategy with the CICE (Tax credit for competitiveness and employment, Ed) and the Covenant of responsibility, should help stop the growth of debt, “says Bercy.

But in the short term, with a numerator (gross debt) that progresses and a denominator (economic output) stagnating, the debt / GDP ratio will continue to rise mechanically.

Some economists believe even now inevitable happens 100% in 2016 and 2017, a level already achieved or exceeded by several European countries, including Greece, Cyprus and Portugal as well as Ireland, Italy and Belgium.

In this gloomy picture, a reason to rejoice, however: France still borrows at very low levels – about 1.35% for 10-year rate, which refers – which allows avoid that interest could still weigh more order.


Public debt: France among the worst performers in Europe – Paris

Public debt: France among the worst performers in Europe – Paris

<- Hard dé e: 0.023771047592163 sec -> France just entered the exclusive club, but few envied European countries groaning under a debt of more than € 2 trillion. With a slate of € 2.0237 trillion in the second quarter of 2014, the country joined Germany and Italy, the other two states to have already crossed the symbolic threshold.
<- hard dé e: 0.04531192779541 sec -> Our neighbors across the Rhine have exceeded four years ago, the Italians in 2013

By adding their debts, the three evil Students are responsible for 54% of the claims of the European Union (28 countries), 68% of the euro area (18 countries).

Except that they are not on the same trend. Germany certainly has the largest amount to be repaid (2.139 trillion in the first quarter 2014). But it is the only one able to stabilize its debt for two years. The peak was reached in the second quarter of 2012 (€ 2.164 trillion).

That of France, on the contrary rose 15% in three years, according to data released by Eurostat. Italy has seen his rise by 11%.

When the debt is reported to GDP each, the situation is quite different. In

this game, Germany, Europe’s economic powerhouse, is average (77.3%) of 28 Better: its ratio improved from quarter to quarter, a sign that the country is recovering. Unlike Italy, which has a very bad report at 135.5% of GDP. In other words, the amount of its debt is much higher than the wealth produced annually by its economy. One country is worse: Greece. Its debt is equivalent to 174.1% of GDP.

And France? It has not crossed that other symbolic 100% of GDP, but it is similar dangerously. The curve continues to rise from 87.1% in early 2011 to 95.1% in the second quarter of this year. In its latest forecast, the government expected a decline from 2016, but these forecasts have not been updated after lowering growth estimates and raising those on the deficit, on September 10.

Across Europe, the debt / GDP ratio has exploded with the crisis. On average, public debt in the EU increased from 82.5% to 88% in three years. Now, six countries are over 100%. If proof were needed that the situation continues to deteriorate. Only five countries in the euro area meet the criteria of the Stability Pact which imposes a debt below 60% of GDP


French debt: an inexorable rise! – Boursorama

French debt: an inexorable rise! – Boursorama

France's debt exceeded 95% of GDP.

Debt of France exceeded 95% of GDP.

The lack of growth leads to mechanically an increase in public debt. More than 2.000 billion euros, the French debt exceeded 95% of GDP

The news came Tuesday morning. French public debt has officially surpassed the 2,000 billion euros. A 2.023 billion, it now stands at 95.1% of GDP . The 60% Maastricht is a distant memory. Reduced to the level of each French, this equates to a debt of around 30,000 euros per person. During the second quarter of 2014, the public debt increased by € 28.7 billion, or 1.1 percent of GDP.

However, components of this debt will follow not the same growth path . The national debt, which represents 80% of the total public debt increased by 2% in the last quarter as the debt of Social Security (11% of the debt) fell by 2% and the local authorities (9% of total) also fell by 1%.

Every second

the interests of the public debt reached 1.500 euros or 45 billion euros over an entire year. With a deficit expected to reach 4.4% of GDP this year and deferring the target of 3% in 2017, the curve of public debt is not ready to reverse. The government has set a target of reducing public spending by € 50 billion by 2017 but probably not enough to prevent an increase in the tax burden, which already reach 45% of GDP, in a sluggish economy. “The tax increase stifles economic actors when planing does not allow a straightforward spending cuts” says Charles-Antoine Schwerer cabinet Asterès.

The other European countries are not necessarily better off even if situations are very different … The debt / GDP ratio reached 100% for Spain, 135% for Italy, without even mentioning the 175% of Greece. Germany fared better with a ratio of 76%. If the rate at which France borrows on the markets remains very low ( 10-year OAT 1.2% ), the debt increases mechanically because the dynamics of the French economy is not strong enough cover the cost of government borrowing (with inflation at 0.4% and 0.4%).



Holland: there is “no savings plan that is painless” – Le Parisien

Holland: there is "no savings plan that is painless" – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.01827597618103 sec -> Faced with the challenge to the reform of regulated professions and the rising discontent caused by the movement of the plane announced by the government on family benefits, the Head of State inflexible.
<- hard dé e: 0.019775152206421 sec -> There is “no savings plan that is painless” replied François Hollande who presented Tuesday at the Elysee price of creative audacity to an audience of patrons.

In order to control deficits and debt of France, “we need to save money. That’s what we’ll do in 2015 and this inevitably has consequences, “said the president while the 2015 budget includes a plan of 21 billion euros in savings to the state, Social Security and local communities.

“If you do not hear screaming, is that we are not saving”

“If you do not hear screaming, is that we are not

saving. So you see, you hear, “said he recognized as independent professionals (pharmacists, bailiffs, notaries, doctors …) went on strike on Tuesday to protest against reforms affecting their professions.

“There is no conservation plan that is painless. Otherwise it would have already been done. The savings are necessarily painful, there is no sector that can accept seeing a number of his habits, sometimes its financing be questioned, “said the Head of State, while stressing the need to these economies’ fairly, effectively, innovatively. “

to refer to the record of his predecessor. “During the five years before I took responsibility, public debt increased by $ 600 billion, we are 2 trillion. So our role it must be to control the deficits that we can avoid further increase the absolute level of debt even if it is financed at very low interest rates. “


Wall Street: eBay takes off, the market increased timidly – Boursier.com

Wall Street: eBay takes off, the market increased timidly – Boursier.com

(Boursier.com) – Wall Street rose slightly on Tuesday, supported in particular by the great increase of eBay , which takes advantage of the announcement of its plans to split. Apple is facing the green at the moment, with the Chinese approval for marketing the iPhone 6, despite the attacks of the European Commission regarding its tax arrangements in Ireland … The DJIA is taking 0.19% to 17,104 points, while the Nasdaq gaining 0.16% to 4513 points. The S & amp; P500 wins 0.23% to 1,982 points

S & amp index;. P Case-Shiller American house prices for the month of July 2014 decreased by 0.5 % (index -City ’20 ‘) compared to the previous month and after seasonal adjustment, against a consensus of +0.1% and a 0.3% decline a month earlier. Excluding seasonal adjustments, the index -City ’20 ‘on 20 major metropolitan areas rose 0.6% from the previous month, against 1.3% consensus and 1% a month earlier. YoY and excluding adjustments, the index rose 6.7%, against 7.5% consensus.

The index of Consumer Confidence for the month of September 2014, as measured by The Conference Board, sank to 86 against 92.5 of consensus and the 92.4 the prior month.

The Chicago PMI manufacturing index stood at 60.5 for September , against 64.3 the previous month and a level of 62 expected by the consensus. The report of the day thus reflects a slowdown in manufacturing activity in the region.

The confidence of investors, “State Street Investor Confidence Index” increased by 3.8 points in September to 123, 9. The index was 120.1 (adjusted data) in August. Investors in North America and Asia showed lower risk appetite, the North American regional index falling by 5.1 points to 103.0 while the Asian regional index marks a decline of 4 5 points to 97.1. However, the improvement seen recently in Europe trust continues, with an increase of 12.6 points in the regional index, which stood at 140.0.


Apple (+ 1%). The obstacles have now been removed to the sale of its youngest, iPhone 6, China. Chinese telecom authorities have thus given night the green light to the sale of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 More on the Chinese market, now the second largest market for the firm at the apple after the United States.

The new phones have received their sesame as an ‘authorized access to telecom networks, “paving the way for their sale in China. The iPhone 6 was launched in September 19 in a dozen countries or regions (including Hong Kong, which enjoys a certain autonomy vis-à-vis Beijing). But the Cupertino company had not ventured to set a date for commercialization in China, as this crucial authorization “network access” had not been granted.

Apple suffers as planned today attacks the European Commission’s view that the fiscal arrangements of the Californian group with Ireland, which would have saved billions over several years, would be illegal and constitute unlawful aid state. Apple, meanwhile, told American media be proud of its history in Ireland and employed 4,000 people in Cork. Apple denies having received preferential treatment from the Irish authorities. The group also emphasizes the apple is subject to the same tax laws as countless other companies operating in Ireland.

The Commission believes that the rules enacted by the Irish authorities confer a benefit to Apple, advantage continues. At this point the preliminary opinion of the Commission is that the tax rules for 1991 and 2007 in favor of Apple constitute state aid. These charges stem from an OECD survey on Irish tax agreements in 1991 and 2007.

In addition, Ireland is now ordered to provide details on its fiscal arrangements with Apple and other companies, including Fiat and Starbucks . The OECD will also consider the case of Luxembourg and the Netherlands, as part of a wider investigation on the tax practices of countries vis-à-vis some large multinationals.

D According to an Apple spokesman, quoted by ‘Business Insider’, the group of Cupertino says that since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, Apple payments in Ireland and around the world have increased taxes ten! Tax agreements with Steve Jobs Ireland date from the 80s CNBC says that Apple would pay 2% tax in some years since these agreements. In addition, CNBC says the group would have relocated 102 billion dollars of cash offshore to shield the cash and cash equivalents to tax. The group would have saved up to $ 9 billion by these methods, yet says CNBC.

eBay (+ 7%) jumped on Wall Street. The giant online auction, which had previously rejected proposals to split the activist investor Carl Icahn, has finally opted for this solution “value creation.” Thus, the group announced today the planned separation of PayPal. Two independent entities will be listed, eBay and PayPal.

eBay has announced that its Board of Directors, following a “strategic review growth strategies and structure,” had approved a plan for separation of eBay and PayPal activities into two independent and publicly traded in 2015, subject to customary conditions companies. The creation of two independent entities best positioned eBay and PayPal to capitalize on their respective growth opportunities in a global trading environment and payments to rapidly changing. It would also best to create significant value for shareholders, the company said.

“For over a decade, eBay and PayPal have mutually benefited from being part of the same company, creating substantial value for shareholders. However, a thorough strategic review with our board showed that retain

all eBay and PayPal beyond 2015 would clearly less favorable for both activities, strategically and a competitive point of view, “said John Donahoe, eBay CEO. Indeed, the officer found that the landscape of the industry is changing, and that both activities face different opportunities and challenges.

The company plans to complete the transaction in the form of a split tax-free in the second half 2015, subject to market conditions, regulatory agreements and certain other conditions.

John Donahoe, president and CEO of eBay, and CFO Bob Swan, will be responsible to carry out the separation of activities, under the supervision of the board. This will include determining appropriate management structures and capital for eBay and PayPal. Donahoe and Swan will have no role in executive management in the new entities, but each of the two sit, to ensure continuity, one or two boards.

Devin Wenig, currently president of eBay Marketplaces, will become CEO of the new eBay. In this position, so it will lead the eBay Marketplaces eBay and Enterprise business, which represents revenue growth of about 10% to $ 9.9 billion in the last 12 months (including 8.7 billion dollars for eBay Marketplaces.)

eBay also announced on the sidelines of the proposed demerger, effective immediately appointment of Dan Schulman as President of PayPal. It is the future CEO of the entity PayPal post-split. Schulman has just American Express , where he was president of the Enterprise Growth Group. PayPal posted on the 12 months to the end of August, revenues up 19% to 7.2 billion dollars approximately. Accounts grew 15% yoy in the last quarter. PayPal should be managed, in 2014, one billion mobile transactions

Ford Motor (-2%) secured 7.5% at the close on Wall Street last night on 15 $ consolidates and yet so far. The costs of vehicle recalls in North America and losses in Russia or in the area of ​​South America have weighed on financial forecasts automaker Michigan. For example, Ford now expects for the year, profit before tax of approximately $ 6 billion, against a previous range of 7 to $ 8 billion. This was said yesterday leaders of the group to investors instead. For 2015, the group expects a profit before tax from 8.5 to 9.5 billion dollars, against $ 10.5 billion consensus.

General Motors (stable) . According to the comments of its leader Mary Barra to ‘Wall Street Journal’ General Motors will unveil tomorrow Wednesday its financial strategy in the medium term to strengthen its profits and launch vehicles leaders. Deadlines and targets are expected by investors. Barra took control of the group earlier this year.

Moody’s (stable) announced today its new 2014 annual financial guidance The 2014 annual non-GAAP earnings per action is now expected between 3.95 and $ 4.05, which excludes a gain of 36 cents per share resulting from the acquisition of a controlling stake in ICRA Ltd in the second quarter 2014 EPS guidance of the non-GAAP Moody’s includes costs related to acquisitions of WebEquity and a majority stake in ICRA. Total stock repurchases for the year 2014 are now expected to 1.25 billion USD, subject to available cash, market conditions and other decisions regarding the ongoing capital allocation.

Moody’s also announced it has agreed to acquire the remaining outstanding shares of Copal Amba. Moody’s is now a majority owner of Amba Copal, which was formed through the acquisition of Copal Partners in 2011 and Amba Investments Services in 2013 Copal Amba, a leader in outsourcing knowledge processes, provides offshore services research, analysis and business intelligence to the financial and corporate sectors. Its portfolio of clients ranging from global financial institutions and Fortune 100 companies to personalized investment banks and asset managers.

Walgreen (-1%), the American pharmacy chain, has unveiled quarterly results in line with analysts’ expectations. Over the three months ended in late August, the group suffered a net loss of $ 239 million or 25 cents per share, against $ 657 million or 69 cents per share a year earlier. Adjusted EPS totaled 74 cents against 73 cents in the same period last year. Revenues increased 6.2% to 19.1 billion dollars (+5.4% like for like.)

News Corp (-1%) will offer Move, an operator of real estate sites for about $ 950 million in cash. The giant Australian-American media will pay 21 dollars per share Move, embodying a premium of 37% over the closing price of the target of Monday night. REA Group, an Australian subsidiary of News Corp to the tune of 61.6% thereafter redeem 20% Move to its parent company for about $ 200 million. Move network sites attract about 35 million people per month, says the buyer. The transaction, unanimously approved by the board of directors of Move, expected to close by the end of the year.

DreamWorks Animation (-3 %) falls on Wall Street, having soared yesterday on rumors of interest from Japanese SoftBank. Citing sources close to the negotiations, the ‘Wall Street Journal’ understands that discussions between the two sides have stalled, although they could still restart. It is also possible that both groups consider something other than a merger, as a partnership in the content, says the WSJ.

  – © 2014 Boursier.com


The wildlife population has been divided by 2 in 40 years – The Tribune.fr

The wildlife population has been divided by 2 in 40 years – The Tribune.fr

The NGO WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has issued a damning report in its latest report “Living Planet” published Monday, September 29. The action of the man would have led to the loss in 40 years, more than half the population of vertebrate species.

Between 1970 and 2010, according to the Living Planet Index, which measures the changes in populations of 10,380 3,038 mammal species, the number of birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish dropped by 52%.

The Latin America, the most affected area

The freshwater species have paid full price (-76%) while the terrestrial and marine species fell by 39%, same for populations of terrestrial wild animals.

Two areas are particularly affected: Latin America (-83%) and Asia-Pacific (-67%). The reported drop of 52% is much greater than in previous reports. This is due to the change in the method of calculation. The new method provides a more accurate representation of the global distribution of vertebrate species, according to the NGO.

In its latest biennial report, dating from 2012, the WWF reported a 28% drop wildlife between 1970 and 2008 The index then covered only 2,699 species.


and habitat degradation

According to

the NGO, the causes of this decline are loss and habitat degradation (involved: agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, …), hunting and overfishing, and climate change

Among the prominent examples is the city. African elephants. The distribution of the elephant forest no longer represented in 1984 approximately 7% of its historical range. And in this bare minimum, due to poaching, elephant numbers plummeted by 60% between 2002 and 2011.

Overconsumption of man

According to NGOs, humanity consumes more natural resources than the planet can replenish, more fish than it is born, more CO2 as forests and oceans can absorb. Thus, the “biocapacity” or the area available to provide these goods and services, continues to contract with the explosion of the world population, according to the NGO.

“This trend heavy shows no signs of slowing down “ says the 10th edition of the report. But the NGO does not sink into pessimism: “It is still possible to take action to reverse this decline and combine development and environmental protection.”


Public debt: France has crossed the threshold of EUR 2 000 000 000 000 – Le Parisien

Public debt: France has crossed the threshold of EUR 2 000 000 000 000 – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.043338060379028 sec -> The public debt of France for the first time exceed the symbolic threshold of 2,000 billion. According to figures released Wednesday by INSEE, it stood at EUR 2,023.7 billion at the end of the second quarter against the end of March 1985.9 billion, an increase of € 28.7 billion .

In relation to the national wealth, the debt of France, as measured by the Maastricht criteria, according to Insee reached 95.1% of gross domestic product (GDP), 1.1 points from the same quarter precedent.
<- hard dé e: 0.027307033538818 sec -> She approaches the 100%, the United States in particular have already crossed. This increase is attributable to the State, whose contribution to the debt increased by € 35.2 billion, while that of social security funds and local government decreased.

Bercy ensures keeping “investor confidence”

In its latest forecast, the government expected a public debt to 95.1% of GDP only at the end of the year but these estimates have not

been updated after lowering growth estimates and raising those on the deficit, on September 10.

After the publication of INSEE, the Government recalled having largely inherited this growing debt. The Ministry of Finance, it was noted that the debt has doubled between 2002 and 2012 from 930 to 1.860 billion euros, 600 billion between 2007 and 2012.

“The policy of (the current) government, which is based both on a fiscal consolidation with a savings program and growth strategy with the IECC and the Covenant of responsibility, should help stop the growth of debt, “says Bercy. “France and enjoys the confidence of investors, which allows the state but also to businesses and individuals to borrow at very low rates,” argues the ministry.

Despite his efforts economy, France recorded actually worsening its fiscal deficits, which requires him to borrow to balance its budgets, and therefore heavier debt. Such that Ci limits its negotiating capacity at European level. France has indeed convince its partners to close their eyes after having postponed for the third time, this time to 2017, its goal of a public deficit respecting European limit of 3% of GDP.


Deregulation: the professions on strike against the … – Le Parisien

Deregulation: the professions on strike against the … – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.014778137207031 sec -> Doctors, dentists, pharmacists but also notaries and lawyers … Liberal professionals are called on Tuesday by their unions to lower the curtain to protest against the government project that aims to deregulate their professions.
<- hard dé e: 0.0082480907440186 sec -> The day strike looks particularly followed.

rallies are planned across France. In Paris, several health professional organizations call for a reunion at 12:30 before the Senate before joining the Ministry of Economy.

90% of pharmacies closed

It will be difficult today to find an open pharmacy. On average, 90% of pharmacies will be closed, except for duty pharmacies listed on the websites of the regional health agency. Medical offices will close, sometimes for a few hours, depending on the local situation.

VIDEO. Pharmacies closed: how to find drugs

In the sights of the strikers: Bill “for growth” announced in early July by the government. It includes a section on regulated professions and challenges their tariffs and monopolies. Among the measures concern in particular, these professionals are protesting against the opening of the capital of private practice (SEL) companies to non-professionals. The medical profession

also fear a possible removal of the restricted intake , which limits the number of students in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and physiotherapy, among others.

To restore the purchasing power

This bill, which was announced in early July by the former Minister of Economy, Arnaud Montebourg, is to “restore the equivalent of 6 billion in purchasing power to the French. ” It is based in part on a report by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), kept secret since March 2013 and released last week.

Given the sling professions, Emmanuel Macron, the new host Bercy, rejected the reform 2015 and assured that it would be limited to “small unlocks.” “We will not solve the problems of sacrificing French notaries and pharmacists. Do not tell stories. I will not say we will make 6 billion in purchasing power to the French, it is not true, it is an illusion, “he said in mid-September.

This shift from its predecessor did not mean appeased liberal professionals. The National Union of Professions (UNAPL), who called for a “day without liberal professionals” expects participation “very strong”.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Budget Social Security: families urged to shake … – Les Echos

Budget Social Security: families urged to shake … – Les Echos

+ DOCUMENT – To reduce the deficit of Social Security, the government plans to reduce benefits for the birth, child care, youth. Parental leave will be reduced for mothers

. <- /data/www/lesechos/import/prod/archives/fluxxml//2014/0929/flux_import/info_flux/0203815648390.xml ->

Families will again be leveraged to reduce the deficit in Social Security. This (general scheme and Old Age Solidarity Fund) will not melt this year, but stabilize at 15.4 billion euros. To the refluxing 13.4 billion next year, the government include developing economies Family branch, to the tune of 700 million euros. This will reduce the deficit of the industry 2.9 billion euros to 2.3 billion, according to the bill funding the Social Security (PLFSS) presented Monday. If the savings in Medicare are more important (see page 3), 3.2 billion, are the shots of the plane on domestic policy that are most react.

In April, the Prime Minister announced savings of 800 million euros over three years in the family branch, without going into detail. Finally, there will be no freeze on family benefits in 2015, as decided this summer, because the measure was not sufficiently “profitable.”

Parental leave: the portion reserved for fathers increases

However, parental leave is back on the job barely reformed. From the second child, mothers will no longer be entitled to two and a half years off like today. The Equality Act Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, passed in July, had already planned to introduce six months off dedicated to fathers on the envelope taken three years so far is attributed equally to both parents – but 96% is consumed by mothers. As he is no longer permitted to surrender parental leave to the mother, most men should give it up. And it is this portion reserved for men who will again be raised to a level set by decree and not yet determined. This will allow to save several hundred million euros. But the government presents it as a way to help women return to the workforce. “Three years is too long for the return to work” says it within the executive. Moreover, these restrictions appear to him all the more bearable it is

committed to creating 275,000 places for childcare by 2017 While this is theoretical, since this program has been delayed. The reform of parental leave, which was due to 1 st October will probably effective in January.

In addition, a number of services will be revised down, without breaking the taboo of universal child benefit. The additional type of care offered to households employing a childminder or a nanny at home is going to depend a little more income. The management of social security contributions by the family allowance does not change. However, the monthly allowance paid to families will be more gradual, with the creation of a fourth installment that will cover 20% of families with a child under six years (they will receive half before). For the government, it is to redirect aid towards the poorest households.

This modulation is subject to regulatory action, as the end of the increase allocations to 14 years. Today, when one of the children this age, the family receives 64 euros more each month, compared to a basic benefit amounts to 129 euros for two children or 295 euros for three. This increase will gradually be shifted to 16.

Changing the baby bonus, it requires a law. The amount is 923 euros per child today. It will be divided by three from the second child, because on the one hand, other benefits are triggered at this stage and, on the other hand, families have already bought stroller and crib, it is argued the government. This should generate savings of € 250 million. A set of measures complained virulently Monday by family associations, which are called “stunned” and the opposition. The leader of the UMP, Christian Jacob, denounced “an unprecedented onslaught of the family” . For him, these measures are “reveal a complete lack of courage to carry out structural reforms. “


DOCUMENT Bill funding Social Security in 2015

<- / sdvenc ->


Social Security: the government lends a plane to … – Le Parisien

Social Security: the government lends a plane to … – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.017493963241577 sec -> Without new savings measures, the Audit Board of Social Security said on Monday that the deficit of the general scheme is expected to increase to 14.7 billion euros in 2015
<- hard dé e: 0.038043975830078 sec -> By unveiling Monday Bill Financing Social Security for 2015, Marisol Touraine and Christian Eckert, ministers of health and budget have therefore announced several benefits would suffer a large movement of the plane.

Now, the projected deficit in the General Plan and the Old Age Solidarity Fund of Social Security is expected to be $ 13.4 billion in 2015, instead of 15.4 billion in 2014 The government has no plans to return to balance before 2019

 A total of € 700 million in savings will be realized on the family branch

A birth grant divided by three from the second child .

 Today the premium is paid 923 euros in the seventh month of pregnancy to 85% of new parents, ie families whose annual income does not exceed EUR 46 888 for a couple with two incomes. Now, starting second child this premium is more than about 308 euros. This should generate € 250 million from 2015 écononmies also the home of child-rearing allowance (ELP) will not be paid until the month after birth and not from the first month . According to the government, parents have already bought most of the equipment at the birth of the first baby. So shopping for the arrival of the second child is more limited.

A parental leave shared

 If the period of three years from the second child of parental leave does not change, the government hopes that lying can take the father. This leave is for parents to care for their child will be divided between the two parents. A single parent may not take all of this leave. The father and mother can take 18 months each, for example. Today, 96% of women use the paid between EUR 145.63 and EUR 390.52 which is not the case for men leave. By reducing the length of leave for women, the government will save money in the hope that people do not use it.

20% reduction in aid for child care

 Today, the additional type

of care paid by the family allowance to assist parents who employ a nanny will be reduced by 20% for the wealthiest families. Currently this support varies from 87.19 euros to 460 euros.

 There are currently three income levels that determine the amount of such aid. The government will create one fourth to reduce the amount paid to the wealthiest families. The ceilings will be defined later by decree.

A very small increase in child benefit of 88 cents for a family three children

 Marisol Touraine has already announced that it had waived freeze all family benefits in 2015, however, the thaw is very symbolic. If the new inflation forecasts hold true, the increase should be only 0.3% in the April 1, 2015, or 88 cents more per child for families with three children … If the government maintained a freeze, this would have meant a saving of just € 100 million (1% increase in child allowances cost € 300 million).

An increase in child benefit reduced
 Today, all families receive family benefits from two children. When one of them reached the age of 14, there is a surcharge of 64.67 euros. Now this increase will be paid only from 16 years of the child.

460,000 retirees now subject to the standard rate of CSG

 The draft budget for Social Security states that 460,000 retirees covered by the general social contribution (CSG) will increase the reduced rate to the standard rate. This measure, introduced as “fairer” is based on a new income threshold. It applies to retirees who previously benefited from the reduced rate of 3.8% “solely through tax cuts.” They will spend the normal rate of 6.6%.

A plan to save 3.2 billion euros on the health branch

 Marisol Touraine and Christian Eckert predict a savings of $ 3.2 billion plan for the health branch. it should limit the increase to 2.1% of health spending in 2015

Several tracks are known: Closer to the requirements of some very expensive drugs control, as Solvadi, a new treatment against hepatitis C. In addition, the government wants to encourage the development of ambulatory surgery in hospitals to reduce the length of stay for patients.

The bill funding the 2015 Social Security



Apple faces a record fine for its tax practices … – Boursier.com

Apple faces a record fine for its tax practices … – Boursier.com

(Boursier.com) – The European Commission has decided to strike hard against Apple’s tax practices! Brussels tomorrow to unveil the details of its investigation, and it is preparing to indict the firm at the apple to have benefited for more than 20 years of illegal tax agreements with the Irish government says the Financial Times of the Day .

Brussels suspect these agreements to be equivalent to an illegal state aid, which could be fined billions of dollars to the inventor of the iPhone, according to sources cited by the British financial daily.

Apple is also covered by the United States Senate

The first findings of the investigation by the European Commission denounced specific agreements concluded in 1991 between the State Irish and Apple, which resulted in a tax rate of only 2% on profits of US-based rates. This rate is much lower than that of 12.5% ​​applied to other companies based in Ireland, which, however, is already the most advantageous rates in Europe …

The European authorities have opened the year last a full investigation into Apple’s tax practices, following the

publication in May 2013 of a damning report from the Senate on tax evasion American groups. Apple was then alleged to have siphoned billions of dollars out of the United States to take advantage of more favorable tax regimes in other lands.

Fiat Starbucks and also in the sights of Brussels

Apple has so far denied everything all the charges, claiming to have paid all the taxes he owed. Asked by the Financial Times, CFO Luca Maestri Apple said that “there was never any special agreements (between Apple and Dublin), there has never been anything that can be treated as state aid. “

Note that the momentum, Brussels also investigating whether specific Similar agreements have been made between the American coffee chain Starbucks and the Dutch government, and between Luxembourg and Fiat Finance and Trade, the financial subsidiary of Fiat …

  – © 2014 Boursier.com


End of strike at Air France: a conflict that only losers – The World

End of strike at Air France: a conflict that only losers – The World

In this fiasco, everyone loses. Air France, first, that the expected recovery of accounts is seriously compromised by the conflict. To 280 million deadweight due to flight cancellations will be added the substantial compensation for passengers and operators. As for the image of the company, it is severely damaged, for the tens of thousands of French and foreign travelers were left stranded for two weeks.

For drivers, too, is disaster. Buttressed their priviliégié status – 20% to 25% of flight hours less than their European counterparts higher, at a minimum, as in the low-cost airlines hourly cost 40% – they do not have understood that their movement in form and in substance, was not justifiable. Of course, they got the direction renounces the development of Europe Transavia, a low cost subsidiary that would have resulted in the relocation of jobs

See also:. Air France: the end of the strike five questions


But they thought possible to push their advantage by claiming a single employment contract for Air France and Transavia those drivers. This amounted to remove the very interest of the low cost activity, which is the only growing sector of air transport in general and Air France in particular. The refusal ultimately the direction leading to the impasse.

Management itself

as the state which owns 17% of Air France were not brilliant in this case, think it possible to push through before procrastinate, to step back and not stop at a farm stand at the end of a conflict that will leave deep scars internally: between management and labor, between Air France and Transavia those between pilots and other staff, aircrew and ground pilots, who, themselves, made serious sacrifices in recent years to achieve the productivity improvements that were required of them.

Rest now out of this crisis. It is far from certain, as demonstrated by the lack of protocol end of conflict and the damage to all its stakeholders: the management of the company and its CEO, Alexander Juniac, weakened; aristocracy pilot is humiliated by his failure so that the words employed extremely severe for him by the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, who called the strike “corporatist” and “selfish” ; other personal finally, who do not intend to be the turkey this conflict.

But it is in the very future of Air France. To stay in the race against competitors at low cost, who cut him cruppers on French and European markets, the French company is bound to be successful reorganization. Everyone should understand that.


Social Security deficit would worsen to € -14.7 billion in … – The Tribune.fr

Social Security deficit would worsen to € -14.7 billion in … – The Tribune.fr

The Minister of Social Affairs Marisol Touraine announced Sunday night on France Inter that the social security deficit was higher than expected in 2014, but “ that it is not worse compared to last year “. It should not be able to say the same in 2015.

€ 19 billion including the Old Age Solidarity Fund

For the Public Accounts Committee, the deficit is expected to widen the Next year compared to 2014 and we should not expect a return to balance until at least 2017 Taking into account the deficit of Old Age Solidarity Fund (FSV) that would reach -4.3 billion of euros, the forecast balance would be € 19 million, against 15.3 in 2014.

This is shown a summary of the organization of which AFP has obtained copy on Monday, before the presentation at 17:30 of the social security budget in 2015 and possible deficit reduction envisaged.

An “improvement”

Sunday night, Marisol Touraine explained the deficit of Social Security in 2014 would amount to 11.7 billion euros against 9.6 billion included in the initial budget.

In June, however, the Audit Board of Social Security had revised up the deficit to 9.9 billion euros. The Minister of Social Affairs has nevertheless found an “improvement” in the deficit was down compared to 2013 In this year, it had risen to 12.5 billion euros.

“Despite a very challenging economic environment”, “less than premium revenues” and “significant expenses”, “the deficit does not worsen compared to last year” s’ welcomed Marisol Touraine.


actually said that the deficit of the general scheme more than the Old Age Solidarity Fund would amount to € 15.4 billion this year and not therefore not degraded.

No delisting

On the eve of the presentation of cost-saving measures for health and family planned for 2015, Marisol Touraine assured that n ‘There would “no delisting” of drugs. She also announced that ‘there would be no freezing family benefits “ in 2015, adding that ” other measures will be considered “ to “control spending of family policy” .

The Minister explained want “controlling expenditure growth” of family policy. She recalled principles: “universality, support for low-income families and encouraging life balance work / family life”

Rejected doctors …

On. the latter, Marisol Touraine emphasized “the government’s commitment to build nurseries” .

“Family policy This is not just benefits, but also the establishment of nurseries. In two years we have opened 25,000 new childcare places “, has she said.

For physicians who require a revaluation of the consultation, Ms Touraine suggested than they would get it. She explained that physician compensation increased due to the establishment of remuneration meet the objectives of public health (prevention, teamwork …), adding that this was that “favored” .


Marisol Touraine: the deficit higher than expected Social Security – The Tribune.fr

Marisol Touraine: the deficit higher than expected Social Security – The Tribune.fr

The Social Security deficit will be higher than expected in 2014 Marisol Touraine announced Sunday night on the show All policies France Inter and The Paris that the deficit of the general scheme is expected to be 11.7 billion euros against 9.6 billion included in the initial budget.

An “improvement”

In June, however, the Audit Board of Social Security had revised up the deficit to 9.9 billion euros. The Minister of Social Affairs has nevertheless found an “improvement” in the deficit was down compared to 2013 In this year, it had risen to 12.5 billion euros.

“Despite a very challenging economic environment”, “less than premium revenues” and “significant expenses”, “the deficit does not worsen compared to last year” s’ welcomed Marisol Touraine.

She actually said that the deficit of the general scheme more than the Old Age Solidarity Fund would amount to € 15.4 billion this year and not therefore not degraded.

No delisting

On the eve of the presentation of cost-saving measures for health and family planned for 2015, Marisol Touraine assured that n ‘There would “no delisting” of drugs. She also

announced that ‘there would be no freezing family benefits “ in 2015, adding that ” other measures will be considered “ to “control spending of family policy” .

The Minister explained want “controlling expenditure growth” of family policy. She recalled principles: “universality, support for low-income families and encouraging life balance work / family life”

Rejected doctors …

On. the latter, Marisol Touraine emphasized “the government’s commitment to build nurseries” .

“Family policy This is not just benefits, but also the establishment of nurseries. In two years we have opened 25,000 new childcare places “, has she said.

For physicians who require a revaluation of the consultation, Ms Touraine suggested than they would get it. She explained that physician compensation increased due to the establishment of remuneration meet the objectives of public health (prevention, teamwork …), adding that this was that “favored” .


Air France: Back to normal scheduled Wednesday – 20minutes.fr

Air France: Back to normal scheduled Wednesday – 20minutes.fr

TRANSPORT – The time to make some checks and redeploy crews …

Travelers breathe: a historic strike after fourteen days, the Air France pilots decided that Sunday to resume work. However, passengers will have to wait until Tuesday for an early return to normal: “It takes about 48 hours to get the program started, says Air France group 20 Minutes . Much of the flights will resume from tomorrow and will be back to normal on Wednesday. “

Reset engines en route

Traffic is disrupted on Monday, Air France planning to ensure “nearly 60%” of its flights. “The planes have been detained several days, mandatory checks are required before a recovery in activity,” said the company. “We need to put the engines

road, do some checks to ensure that the aircraft can leave without worries,” the company said. “These checks began yesterday and will continue today in the day Tuesday.”

“The most complex will re-route schedules of crew rotations to be able to deploy across world, “says the press service of Air France. “Especially for the crew to be transported so that they are there to make the return flight to France.” Crews will therefore resume their case, even if the minority pilots union, the SPAF, maintained its notice strike until Tuesday. “This will have no impact on the flight schedule,” says Air France.



The “hole Safely” will be bigger than expected in 2014 (-11.7 MdsE)! – Boursier.com

The "hole Safely" will be bigger than expected in 2014 (-11.7 MdsE)! – Boursier.com

(Boursier.com) – Despite the efforts, the “hole Safely” is increasingly difficult to be filled … The Minister of Social Affairs, Marisol Touraine, admitted yesterday that the 2014 deficit general scheme of Social Security this year will reach 11.7 billion euros, an amount exceeding the government forecasts. The latter initially expected a deficit of 9.6 billion, an amount that was revalued at $ 9.8 billion for the general scheme in the amending budget this summer.

Economic conditions difficult

Invited to “All policies,” the issue of ‘France Inter’ and ‘Le Parisien’, the minister played down the new skid, stressing that “despite a very challenging economic environment”, “less than premium revenues” and “significant expenditure”, “the deficit does not worsen compared to last year,” where he had settled at 12.5 MdsE …

Marisol Touraine, which must have Monday’s budget for 2015 Social Security (PLFSS) added qu”il would not freeze family benefits “in 2015, adding that” other measures will be considered “to” control spending

family policy. “

According to ‘Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France’, the government is considering a reduction in the maximum duration of parental leave from three years to 18 months, with a decline in baby bonus.

“The main effort remains to be done” to the Court of Auditors

In 2010, when the “hole Safely” was widened to 23.9 MdsE, the deficit has declined each year. But the pace of improvement has slowed since 2013 mainly because of the deteriorating economic situation, said the Court of Auditors’ report on Social Security released on September 16.

Magistrates considered unlikely the expected return to balance in 2017, saying that “the bulk of the effort to return to the actual equilibrium of social financing remains to be done” …

  – © 2014 Boursier.com


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Social Security deficit will amount to 11.7 billion euros in 2014 – TF1

Social Security deficit will amount to 11.7 billion euros in 2014 – TF1

The deficit of the general scheme will be higher than expected this year. The Minister of Social Affairs, Marisol Touraine , made the announcement Sunday night on the eve of the presentation of the social security budget, saying it would amount to 2014-11700000000 euros.

In June, the Audit Board of the Social Security announced a slightly degraded from the original forecast deficit (9.9 billion against 9.6 enrolled in the 2014 budget). This deficit was subsequently revalued at 9.8 billion for the general scheme in the amending budget this summer.

“Despite a very challenging economic environment”, “less than premium revenues” and “significant expenses”, “the deficit does not worsen compared to last year , “was at all pleased Ms. Touraine, invited Case” All policies, “the issue of inter France and Le Parisien.

She actually said that the deficit of the general scheme more than the Old Age Solidarity Fund would amount to € 15.4 billion this year and therefore does not degrade.

“No frost family benefits”

She also compared the expected deficit of the general plan with that of last year ($ 12.5 billion),

finding an” improvement “.

On the eve of the presentation of cost-saving measures for the Health and the family planned for 2015, Marisol Touraine assured that there would have “no delisting” of drugs.

qu”il also announced there would be no freeze on family benefits “in 2015, adding that” other measures will be considered “to” control spending policy family. “explained the Minister want to” control spending growth “of family policy She recalled the principles.” universality, support for low-income families and encouraging life balance work / family life “


On this last point, the minister stressed “the commitment of the government for the construction of day.” “Domestic politics are not just benefits, but also the creation of crèches. In two years we have opened 25,000 new childcare places, “she has said. For physicians who require a revaluation of the consultation, Ms Touraine suggested they would get it not. She explained that compensation doctors had increased due to the establishment of remuneration meet the objectives of public health (prevention, teamwork …), adding that this was what she “favored.”


Touraine: The Social Security deficit will be greater than … – 20minutes.fr

Touraine: The Social Security deficit will be greater than … – 20minutes.fr

HEALTH – Minister of Health and Social Affairs Marisol Touraine said Sunday night that the deficit of the general plan would be higher than expected …

The plan deficit General Social Security would be established in 2014 to 11.7 billion euros, said Marisol Touraine on France Inter, On the eve of the budget of the social security . However, she assured that there would be no freeze next year family benefits .

“The deficit does not worsen over the year last “

In June, the Audit Board of Social Security announced a slightly degraded from the original forecast deficit (9.9 billion against 9.6 registered in the 2014 budget). This deficit was subsequently revalued at € 9.8 billion for the general arrangements in the amending budget this summer.

“Despite a very challenging economic environment,” “less than premium revenues” and “significant expenditure”, “the deficit does not worsen compared to last year,” is it anyway welcomed. Indeed, it has said that the

deficit of the general plan plus the Old Age Solidarity Fund, would amount to € 15.4 billion this year and therefore does not degrade. She also compared the expected deficit of the general plan with that of last year ($ 12.5 billion), finding an “improvement.”

Ni delisting or freeze benefits

On the eve of the presentation of cost-saving measures for health and family planned for 2015, Marisol Touraine assured that there would be “no delisting” of drugs.

It also announced there would be no freezing of family benefits in 2015, adding that “other measures will be considered to control spending of family policy.”

The Minister explained want to “control the spending growth “of family policy and reiterated the principles.” universality, support for low-income families and encouraging life balance work / family life “

20 minutes with AFP


End of strike at Air France: the forecast for the next 48 … – TF1

End of strike at Air France: the forecast for the next 48 … – TF1

Although strike is finished, it will take a while for traffic to return to normal. Cancelled flights listed for Sunday, September 28th in the evening and on Monday, September 29 remain, due to “technical and regulatory constraints.” In addition, the SPAF, minority representative union of Air France (12%) drivers, announced Sunday night that it was maintaining its strike notice, which runs until 30 September.

After the failure of talks with management, while the main union, the SNPL, it has announced the end of the strike, the SPAF refuses to return to work: “We have provided management written against-proposals “for the low cost subsidiary Transavia France document, writing the SPAF in a statement. The union said the wait “written response” from management before returning to work.

“Demonstrate understanding for the next 36 hours”

For all these reasons, it is therefore only Tuesday that the situation should be back to normal. According to the CEO of the French company, Frederic GAGEY the “immediate priority is to restore normal traffic.” He asked the passengers to show “understanding for the next 36 hours,” time required to rearrange flights. Angered by the delays and cancellations of flights, many passengers showing their discontent on social networks, with the main target of their anger drivers. see our video above)

Even emergency regain control of had , according to Alexandre Juniac, CEO of Air France KLM group , who called all staff to get back “to work quickly to fly (the) aircraft and dream (the) passenger.” From a practical point of view, the company advises its passengers to “check” if their flight

is operated before traveling to the airport.

Valls welcomes the “strength of the government”

Pressure also came from the government, including the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, who branded “selfish attitude” drivers and asked them to waive the “single contract” inconsistent with the model of low cost. Sunday, he praised the “strength of the government” in this case, after the announcement of the end of the conflict. Saturday night, the main pilot union Transavia France claimed that Air France pilots were negotiating with the direction of the new seniority likely to cause a “serious harm” to their interests rules, then threatening to disconnect. The movement of the pilots especially sparked an outcry among other staff. Professionals in the sector (airports, tour operators, etc.), they stressed that the strike was “a catastrophe for the French aviation industry.” With 54% of its pilots still on strike, the company planned to deliver Sunday just under half (45%) of its flights. The return to normal at airports should not be done for two or three days.

The Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on France 2 that the results of this “long war” was “very bad”. “For the company, 280 million euros loss, 110,000 tourists were forced to cancel their flights is 30,000 travel business,” he commented. Curly without any agreement, the pilots’ strike has caused 14 days of complete paralysis and cost around € 20 million per day to Air France excluding costs related to the gradual recovery in traffic. Air France, whose accounts were back to green in 2013 may well back into deficit in 2014 for the dream, it will have to wait …


EDF succession: the executive postpones decision – Echoes

EDF succession: the executive postpones decision – Echoes

<- /data/www/lesechos/import/prod/archives/fluxxml//2014/0928/flux_import/info_flux/0203810637051.xml ->

The government has decided to give time to decide on the name of EDF’s future CEO. According to “JDD” Bercy is expected to announce tomorrow that it will defer the extraordinary general meeting held on November 14, around November 20. The board, which was previously called Monday night should be between 15 and 17 October. All in order to make a decision on EDF governance after the passage of the law on the energy transition, scheduled for 14 October.

The list of twelve directors endorsed by the Board include the name of the future EDF CEO Henri Proglio candidate to succeed him, or another. This list will then be submitted to a vote of EDF shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting. The names of six future directors representing employees are themselves already known: they were elected in May

The regulation provides for the publication, the Bulletin of mandatory legal notices (BALO. ), a “notice of meeting” no later than 35 days before the general meeting. The

meeting notice must state the agenda and the resolutions to be submitted to a vote of shareholders, each administrator name subject to a resolution. The government, which is slow to display his choice, however, could change after this list, within twenty days of publication of the notice of meeting or during the General Assembly itself. The state, which owns 84.5% of EDF shares could thus, in theory at least, to reconsider its initial decision until the day of the meeting. But it would be addicted to good governance.

In the race to succeed Henri Proglio, gave many starting in 2012 because of his political affiliation, remains for now favorite by default. First, because its balance sheet is solid. But also because the alternatives are slow to emerge. “If they had a pearl, they replace Proglio, but when you look at the French leaders who know the energy, the search field is narrow” judge an administrator. Names Thierry Breton (Atos), Jean-Pierre Clamadieu (Solvay), Guillaume Pepy (SNCF) were regularly cited.
