Monday, August 10, 2015

Pig industry: two industrial refuse to buy animals at prices revalued – L’Express

After the breeders, intermediate bristle. Two major industrial processing of meat, and Cooperl Bigard / Socopa boycotted Monday Breton Pork Market (MPB), judging too high over the pork. “Cooperl and Bigard / Socopa announced that they would not participate in the market on Monday,” said AFP Jean-Pierre Joly, MPB director of Plérin in the Cotes d’Armor, the set course twice a week as reference nationally. Paul Auffray, the president of the swine National Federation (NPF), denounced “blackmail and hostage breeders” by Bigard and the Cooperl who “would like to see prices fall by 15 cents per kilogram.”

Germany dropped its price

The current price of pork is approximately 1.40 euros per kilo, an objective set by the government In mid-June with industry stakeholders to try to resolve the crisis in the French breeders. Industrial slaughter deem too high compared to European competitors. According to a statement of the union of industrial meat (SNIV-SNCP) production, “supported by the government (…) gets the highest prices in Europe, without worrying too much about the fate of slaughterhouses” when in face “the charcuterie-salting industry considers that the European meat are better than the French meats (they are actually cheaper)” and that the retail “has not given up its war policy price. ”

In a letter dated August 6, sent to its members, of which AFP has obtained a copy, says that during the Cooperl that “a will” political “short term has managed to bring to the course 1.40 “,” Germany sharply lowered its purchase price “and” to date, 25 cents separate the French during the German course. ” “Capital Cooperl are owned by its members, they are not intended to finance a political course to take the head out of the water to a part of French production,” said the cooperative. “Our effort will go entirely to the slaughter and exploitation of pigs of our members” adds Cooperl, however announcing the suspension of its external purchases on the clock from Monday.


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