Thursday, August 20, 2015

Alexis Tsipras announced his resignation, paving the way for early elections in Greece – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has presented his resignation to President Prokopis Pavlopoulos in Athens, Thursday, August 20th.

The rumor swelled for several weeks in Greece. In a televised address Thursday, August 20, the Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, has announced his resignation, and called for the holding of early parliamentary elections, set to 20 September. A transitional government should be set up in anticipation of the vote.

Around 20 h 40 (19 h 40 in France), the head of government spoke during an intervention television. “The mandate that I received on January 25 has reached its limits” , he said, adding that he wanted to “submit to the Greek people everything [he ] done, so he decides to new “. “You decide with your vote if you approve the agreement or not, and can carry out the necessary reforms,” ​​ said Alexis Tsipras, before applying again the confidence of voters to implement its program. “In these difficult hours, what matters most to our country is democracy. “.

Calendar Acceleration

This decision was expected since the Prime Minister took office in January, lost its majority in the adoption, in stormy conditions, third country assistance plan. According to the Greek political rules, a minority government must in fact always ensure at least 120 votes in his coalition. However, only 118 members of the Syriza and ANEL (Independent Greeks), the sovereigntist right training associated with Syriza in the government coalition, voted in favor of the plan.

Read: The race against Alexis Tsipras

“Syriza is an obvious problem, it can not federate internally,” Georges Contogeorgis analysis, science teacher policies Panteion

University in Athens. “For some, Alexis Tsipras capitulated by signing this memorandum third. It is now necessary that he governs with a majority and hopes to get there with these elections “, he says, recalling that Alexis Tsipras still enjoys an important popularity.

According Georges Contogeorgis, “the Prime Minister chooses to call elections immediately, because he knows that in six months it does not necessarily benefit from a high popularity rating. “ This accelerated schedule will indeed hold a ballot before voters will feel the effects of the new austerity measures.

” In September, Syriza is likely to arrive by election head, even if it is not sure that he receives a majority and that the party will have to find allies. “

Read also the portrait: Alexis Tsipras, the meteor

The schedule had to be rushed

Greek Constitution provides a relatively complex procedure for the organization of early elections when they should be held less than twelve months after the previous election. Once the Prime Minister resigns, the head of state, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, can not immediately call a new election but must first consult with the leaders of other parties to see if they are able to form a government. Only in case of failure of these consultations that elections will be announced and organized.

The Greek President will meet Friday morning the leader of New Democracy (ND, right), Senior Training Opposition to give him the mandate to form a new government. But the task ahead Vangelis Meimarakis seems doomed to failure given the balance of power in parliament following the elections on January 25. Of the 300 seats in the Vouli, SYRIZA, Tsipras’s party, holds 149 and its allies Independent Greeks (ANEL) 13. New Democracy has 76 elected centrists of To Potami (The River) have 17, as the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn training. Follow the Communist Party (KKE) with 15 elected and Pasok (left) with 13 members.

At the announcement of future elections, Martin Selmayr, Chief of Staff of the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that early elections in Greece “could lead to a broader program of support to the ESM (European Stability Mechanism), Alexis Tsipras recently signed” .

Read also the story in Athens in Greece, “early elections are a disaster for the population”


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