Monday, August 17, 2015

Swine crisis for Le Foll, there is a “common will” to find solutions –

Paris (AFP) – The Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll Monday stressed the common will in the pig industry to “find solutions”, even if “discussions do not all resulted” in the outcome of a round table with representatives of farmers and Breton pork market (MPB).

The speakers at the roundtable agreed on the “need for a dial Market “, with” the same time need to see how to change this quotation (…) to reflect a number of practices, “said Mr Le Foll for the press, confirming that the market reopen Tuesday.

The aim of the meeting was to allow the resumption of trading, suspended since last Monday, after the decision of Bigard and Cooperl cooperative, two of the main buyers of MPB, not stand for market sessions in Plérin (Côtes d’Armor).

“I asked that the commitments of all actors who are in the market to the dial are respected, it is of course for Cooperl and Bigard, “he added.

Both of slaughter and processing companies have shunned the discussions in the ministry, and will not participate in the revival of trading Tuesday. The Minister must receive separately Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mr. Le Foll stressed several points that require the implementation of a strategy “on the issue price which is based on the value to the origin of meat,” or work on promotions.

On August 27 will be held a working meeting with professionals and distribution “to work on practical arrangements implementing promotions in September.” “The order I had made

with the Minister of Economy on promotions does not call into question in any case the ability to make promotions, for it frames against them,” he recalled.

That same day, there will also be a meeting with Plérin market players to “consider more reassuring marketing tracks” as contracting.

At European level, the minister said that it prepared the extraordinary European Council in agriculture on the farm crisis to be held on 7 September. He will meet Tuesday to phone with European Commissioner and will travel to Madrid next week for a summit of Spain, Italy, Portugal and France.

Finally on August 31 it travel to a summit of “group Weimar” in Berlin with his German and Polish colleagues, “will have this opportunity to raise the subject of the embargo Russian on which solutions must be found.”

In addition, responding to the UDI deputy Yves Jégo who said Monday on Radio South by the Minister of Agriculture “later (has) a lot to take responsibility,” Mr Le Foll has joked about the “lack of coherence “of the member who is campaigning for” a mandatory vegetarian menu in the canteen. “


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