At this stage of the crisis, what to do?
I met this Monday afternoon, the department, all market players on the clock to see how quotes can resume. The collective commitment of the actors of the pig sector and the retail on a 1.40 kilo quotation must be kept as it takes back the fluidity in the market, the time to work on structural reforms. Pennies on which you can win the battle is played by a strategy to develop the origin France and the mobilization of resources to help businesses.
Cooperl Socopa-Bigard and withdrew from the auction because ” they have difficulty maintaining their export markets, due to a price differential with Germany and Spain. The government is prepared to make the effort. It mobilized € 10 million to help operators to promote and export pigmeat, with the assistance of the inter. We must formalize the device and go fast. We released 20 million euros to help modernize abattoirs.
The agreements on the adjustment of agricultural prices are challenged by industrial …
My goal is to get out of the crisis breeders. Whatever the difficulties, I defend the collective commitments of industries to upgrade the prices and enabling farmers to cover their costs. No, there is no failure.
In milk, it has avoided the price slide, left to fall below 300 per tonne. Supermarkets play the game: there is no reason why the increases on dairy
In beef, prices are raised but not yet achieve the goal. We must develop the part of the French meat in the catering: consultations are held with the companies, we will progress. The State will play its part for what concerns the buying public.
What position France will she defend when exceptional European Council of Ministers of Agriculture, to ? Brussels, September 7
In the beginning of the meeting, France hopes to get a majority on the following matters: ways to unlock private storage, for the promotion and exports, raise the intervention prices on milk (guaranteed minimum price to the producer in case of public storage to ease the market), reopen negotiations with Russia for the lifting of the ban on pork.

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