Monday, August 17, 2015

Pork crisis: the farmers heard, a market will be Tuesday – Le Parisien

August 17, 2015, 6:02 p.m. | Updated: August 17, 2015, 7:18 p.m.

In the Output of the Ministry, the actors said they had been heard by the Minister several structural issues will be opened and in the short term, the pork market will be held in Plérin (Finistère) from Tuesday after a week of cancellation.

A Tuesday market, but still without the Cooperl Bigard and

Daniel Picart, the President of the Breton Pork Market (MPB) Plérin , confirmed that a market would be held well tomorrow, Tuesday, in accordance with the requirements of agricultural unions. “The market will be held at the normal time, 11 hours, without one is fully satisfied since Cooperl Bigard and do not return. We allocate their quotas Cooperl and Bigard and we’ll see. “

Regarding the price that will sell pork Tuesday, Daniel Picart is reassuring. “The mechanics of the market can lower the price below 1.40 (euro per kilo). But this is the wish of anyone so I think we will not go down “

” A number of discussions will engage, next week for the establishment of a changes in the pricing system, including the partial adaptation of the operation of Brittany pork market, “said William Roue his side of the INAPORC, inter swine occupation as well hope for” a little more intercourse serene between the different links in the chain “

Open Folder structural

 Paul Auffray, the President of pork producers, described the discussions on the muscular load file. , “No one knows why, government and were reluctant Minister on this issue. But our unity forced the Minister to question these

claims. “

The question of the cost of wages and social costs is indeed one of the important points for breeders who feel inadequate to deal only with the question the price per kilo. According to William Roue INAPORC “the agriculture minister had his eye on the market price, but it did not cure the evil by the root.”

And to cure the evil by root, three crucial points are installed by professionals received during this round table: “We will not give up on labeling, the Russian embargo and social costs,” warns William Roue. The minister would be committed to discuss the issue of the Russian embargo with its European counterparts.

Another issue that could be discussed at the European menu on September 7: the issue of posted workers paid less and particular employees in Germany. William Roue calls for the repeal of the Bolkestein directive authorizing such posted workers, with less share price contract in one country but working in another. “We convinced the minister to set up a discussion at European level to harmonize fiscal and social rules,” he said.

At the exit of the ministry, the actors of the crisis Pork say they have had “for the first time an open ear,” but now expect results. Stéphane Le Foll must receive on Tuesday the two industrialists, Cooperl and Bigard, who were absent discussions

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