Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hollande promises to lower taxes if growth is increasing in 2016 – Le Figaro

On the eve of a trip in Isère and Savoie, the head of state said that the movement of tax cuts will be continued next year in case of good news on growth . It excludes any additional tax to finance the energy transition.

On the move in Isère and Savoie Thursday Hollande gave an interview to newspapers Ebra the regional daily press group to appear tomorrow. The Head of State promised new tax cuts for French “if growth is increasing in 2016″. “We will continue this movement (of tax cuts) because the French must be the first beneficiaries of the results,” said the head of state. After rising 0.7% in the first quarter of this year, France saw growth return to a zero level between April and June. Despite this, the government maintained its target of 1% growth this year or 1.5% according to the Prime Minister Manuel Valls. As for 2016, as the European Commission, Paris is an increase of 1.7% GDP.

These tax cuts could then intervene in the vicinity of the presidential election of 2017, likely to see François Holland represent. “I measure the efforts that have been requested from the French in 2012 and 2013,” he says again, recalling that “first tax cuts in 2014 (…) involved over three million households” and a second “more important” benefited “nine million tax households” this year.

“It is not about creating a tax or additional tax “for the energy transition

Asked whether a new

environmental tax, a surtax or diesel rising electricity taxes to finance the transition energy François Hollande assured: “It is not about creating a tax or additional tax.” “The energy transition must not be a pretext to raise levies,” he said, insisting: “I refuse.” For President Hollande, “there is no question that taxpayers pay for waste and pollution which are not of their making.” “We created the carbon tax that applies to all fossil fuels (gas, gasoline and coal)” to “spread the load over each of consumer choice,” he recalls, however.

The president also reaffirmed that expenses 41 billion euros of cuts under his responsibility pact for companies will be maintained, thus pushing a claim of slingers PS wishing that some of these cuts go to households. “This is the condition to enable businesses to invest and hire,” he argued. However, the elements may change within this envelope. “This will be discussed with the social partners,” he says. Hollande calls in this regard for “stability in the policies for businesses and households have confidence.” “Therefore, the principles of responsibility pact will be preserved,” he insists.


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