Friday, August 21, 2015

Tax: the promise of Holland entered when the draft budget 2016 –

Manuel Valls said on Friday, August 21 that the tax cuts promised by Hollande for next year would be indicated on the Finance Bill 2016 “to be announced at the end of the month (September) Council of Ministers “.

” The law of 2016 Finance will hold a new tax cuts for households for the third consecutive year, “said the prime minister, the move to Bercy station to Paris to see the implementation of Macron law and in particular the opening of intercity bus lines.

“It’s not a promise, it is a commitment that we will!” Did he insisted. “We are trying to make the trade-offs for the preparation of the finance bill,” he then explained

The goal:. Restore confidence and support recovery

Manuel Valls declined to provide details on the extent of the tax cut. Just has he recalled that “more the recovery will be stronger, the decline will be strong in 2016″.

“Since 2010, taxation of households rose too sharply”,

estimated the head of government. “We have always said that, through the control of public expenditure efforts, this decrease (tax) would be continued by the end of five years,” said Mr Valls.

“We are addressing a clear message to the French. They must know that, through their efforts, the movement is engaged completely irreversibly with the further implementation of the component for companies of responsibility and solidarity pact, “insisted the prime minister.

“This message should help to restore confidence and to support the recovery,” he concluded.

(with AFP)


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