“Are you going to miss your appointment with History?” A few weeks before the international conference on the environment, COP21, to be held in Paris, it is the subliminal message that the Elysee is seeking to push through with the environmentalists of EELV during their university of was that open Thursday in Villeneuve d’Ascq, near Lille. In other words: back in the game, made a political gesture to participate in this historic moment of defending the planet
But all this must be done in secret, because we should not rush. Activists of the movement. They are touchy and easily eruptive. So we must first launch balloons and wait for their return.
The balloons? Two government heavyweights, Laurent Fabius and Marisol Touraine, sent in the North take the pulse of the base. Will they booed as some fear to the government? Or carried in triumph? Probably neither one nor the other. It is in any case an operation the last chance that is played to mitigate the disaster announced regional elections.
Hiatus: the tandem-Cosse Duflot, which controls movement, roundly on the government of Manuel Valls. So what good these little things with friends? What could serve these maneuvers?
To bury the Plural Left, if conclusive under the government of Lionel Jospin in 1997, a team then created by Jean-Christophe Cambadélis. The first secretary of the PS, nostalgic of this blessed time, has, over the summer, attempted a last stand: to invite the Greens to co-lead the summer school of the Socialist Rochelle. A chimera? Almost a provocation. The calinothérapie proved against-productive, even a bit rough.
“We need Hollande eventually understand that
It is high time that the president decides and forget Cécile Duflot “
A morocco
In other words, Francois Hollande which seeks to green its image before it performs COP21- Thursday a trip in Isère in areas related to the defense of the environment, Ségolène Royal company – will have to decide he will benefit from the reshuffle related. replacing François Rebsamen, Minister resigned Labour and surprise Does everyone by offering a morocco with friends Jean-Vincent Place, François de Rugy and Barbara Pompili?
They have just created an alternative structure to the Greens, the draft of a new party, The Greens, war machine to fire from the electoral alongside the PS Their barely concealed goal. it alone and return the “diehard leftists” of EELV in the dustbin of history.
“The conjuring trick is a bit big,” said a relative of Cécile Duflot. “It will be experienced by the militants as the ultimate betrayal. And as President of the declaration of war against us.”
Francois Hollande can he afford such earthquake, before the fateful and important COP21, where he plays in part his political future?
Serge Raffy

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