After several days of blur on a possible resumption of trading, the Plérin market will reopen on Tuesday. But the absence of key buyers fears of a plunge in quotes.
The Breton pork market will reopen on Tuesday after more than a week suspension of his quotes, but without the Cooperl Bigard and buyers that will be received on Tuesday and Wednesday by the Minister of Agriculture, raising fears of a fall in prices below the target of 1.40 euros per kilo. Highly sought by breeders who are struggling to manage their animal unsold stocks, the resumption will be held at 11 am at MPB (Breton Pig Market) in Plérin (Côtes d’Armor), which represents only 15% of sales weekly pigs but fixed the reference price at national level
This exceptional session. – Usually, the market opens on Monday and Thursday – was announced Monday by the chairman of the MPB, Daniel Picart at After a crisis meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture, while the quotations had been suspended since 10 August. Both slaughter and processing companies, who have shunned Monday’s meeting will be received each of their side by the Minister of Agriculture. Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday for Cooperl for Bigard
Monday evening, Minister Stéphane Le Foll said that representatives of farmers and Brazilian officials at the crisis meeting, had expressed “the need to have a dial-market” with “the same time need how to change this listing (…) to reflect a number of practices. ” “I asked that the commitments of all players who are in the market to the dial are respected, it is of course for the Cooperl and Bigard,” he added. “We will assign quotas and Cooperl Bigard and we will see,” said Picart Daniel for his part, finding that the market was “the best protection for all farmers:
It remains unknown: the price, the main element of contention between industry players, Cooperl Bigard and refusing to pay the price recommended by the government for farmers, 1.40 Euro per kilo. A level that it may pass down, because of their persistent withdrawal. Incidentally, Daniel Picart has just admitted that “the mechanics of the market can lower the price below 1.40″. “We would of course get the best price the market tomorrow, obviously, 1.40 not more nor less than the average cost price of French today,” said for his part Paul Auffray, President National Federation of swine.
Beyond the resumption of trade in Plérin, the question of reforming the fixing of pork price is now officially asked. For William Roue of INAPORC (swine inter national), “a number of discussions will engage, next week for the establishment of an evolution of the pricing system, including the partial adaptation the operation of the Breton pork market. “
The Minister also stressed several points that require the implementation of a strategy” on the issue price, based on the valuation of the origin of the meat ‘, or working on promotions. August 27 will be held a working meeting with professionals and distribution “to work on the practical modalities of implementation of promotions in September.” That same day, there will also be a meeting with Plérin market players to “consider more reassuring marketing tracks,” as contracting.

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