Anti-austerity Speech, Europe and Bresse chicken are Sunday, August 23 menu, the Feast of the Rose Frangy-en-Bresse (Saône-et-Loire) with guest star the bubbling Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, alongside another troublemaker, Arnaud Montebourg. Syriza government of former star Alexis Tsipras, courted by European radical left, Yanis Varoufakis economist strong temperament, had advocated a hard line against their creditors of Greece. He resigned on July 6 of the Greek government, after the victory of the “no” in the referendum on the savings requested in Athens.
After the resignation of Alexis Tsipras and the convening of legislative elections in September he is the guest of honor for this socialist appointment initiated in 1973 by Pierre Joxe in this Burgundian village of 600 souls, former electoral stronghold Arnaud Montebourg.
Frangy 2015 “which will be a Frangy discuss the future of Europe. It is important to mention the great witnesses to history but also the future of Europe. (Varoufakis) was present in the negotiations and has seen and heard ” told AFP Arnaud Montebourg, explaining the invitation.
No regrets for Montebourg
“A fairly common path” with the former Minister of Productive Recovery, Denis slips Lamard, president of Friends of the Rose. In 2014, the gathering was an opportunity for Arnaud Montebourg and guest Benoît Hamon, then Minister of Education, denouncing the austerity policies in Europe and strongly criticize the policy of Francois Hollande. The next day, Manuel Valls presented the resignation of his government, and composed a new team. Without Arnaud Montebourg, Benoît Hamon nor Aurélie Filippetti (Culture).
Arnaud Montebourg no regrets. “My position, I not only do not regret it, but a year later, (my) predictions are verified,” he says, adding: “I wanted to be wrong!”
meeting of these two troublemakers cringe at the PS and the government? The Socialist Member of Parliament Cecilia Untermaier calls for calm: “It’s not an insult to call someone who has worked with the Eurogroup”
An appointment publicized
The two men, who were strangers, met in late July with their partners in Greece, in the Varoufakis couple.
Frangy, “80 news teams are expected, against a thirty last year, “according to Denis Lamard, citing” the German media, Belgian, Swiss, Japanese “…
Varoufakis will speak in English at the podium in the afternoon after Montebourg, with simultaneous translation. “At Frangy, I will launch a European network of progressive (…) The problems which France faces are the same as elsewhere (…) We must revive dialogue and restore what has been lost completely: democracy “said Anise Varoufakis in the Sunday Journal .
A media coup for Arnaud Montebourg, who no longer has any political mandate and decided to turn to the company He has mounted “Teams of Made in France”, which he is president shareholder and is also vice president of the furnishing teaches Habitat
Frangy is the “rendezvous. forgotten, “quipped Senator Luc PS Carvounas, near Manuel Valls: Montebourg,” who wants to show he still weighs within the socialist family while saying out of the fray “and Varoufakis,” which in full election Greece must show that it still exists. “
A rare word
Since his ouster, the third man of the Socialist primary of 2011, who are always ready ambitions 2017, has the rare word. His last outing – a forum with
This year, the organizers decided to label “European wine” bottles offered for sale for the party after the “cuvée recovery” of August 2014. The images of Arnaud Montebourg s ‘esclaffant – “I’ll send him a bottle of + cuvée recovery + to the president.” – had turned repeatedly and largely contributed to his ouster the next day
Meeting with Mélenchon
Before leaving for Frangy-en-Bresse, Yanis Varoufais met Jean-Luc Mélenchon, co-founder of the Left Party (PG). They discussed the organization of a European conference “Plan B”, that is to say a euro exit for an anti-austerity.
After the interview about twenty minutes, Yanis Varoufakis told the press talking with Jean-Luc Mélenchon “the importance of democratizing Europe again.” “This is the number one priority for all Europeans,” said former government minister Syriza Alexis Tsipras.
John Muc Mélenchon, “the idea is to do a European conference of + Plan B +. Since the Germans have a plan A, file off anyone who does not agree with them, well, we’ll have a plan B, this is done in that case. ” “Everyone has ideas on the subject. We must confront and must quickly coordinate is to organize the European resistance,” he said.
“already good news, he (Yanis Varoufakis ) agrees with the European Conference of Plan B. So there we are going to participate and agree on how it is done. And I threw him an invitation to come to our booth at the party Humanity (11, 12, 13 September), “added the leader of the Left Party.
” Everyone would agree, we do not agree with German politics, that follows the government Holland, but after how we do it … Not everyone will not agree on what we do in case of Plan B, “a-t- he said.
“The trick is to not give up. If you start to give up and spend our time or whining, or denouncing our respective governments, while it does take us anywhere First, it must make a positive proposal, something that shows the people can we do otherwise, we are not condemned to undergo Mr Schäuble Policy “, the German Finance Minister.
Holland “stuck”
In an interview with the Journal du Dimanche (JDD), Yanis Varoufakis also attacks Wolfgang Schäuble and to “the simple logic: discipline is imposed to deficit nations.” And if Greece served as a “laboratory of austerity”, “the aim is obviously to then impose on France, its social model, with its labor laws,” he warns.
For the Greek economist, “Francois Hollande is deeply basically stuck” after the adoption of the plan of austerity measures which he said they were going to “save Greece”. “Nicolas Sarkozy had already said in 2010 that Greece was saved. In 2012, Greece has been saved. Now we are even saved! It is a technique to hide the dust under the carpet (…) The only thing conducted July 12 was a huge slap inflicted on European democracy “.
(With AFP)