Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The unions Alstom have voted for a right of alert economic on the group’s situation in France – The World

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The  employees of Alstom are called to go on strike on  Tuesday 27 September.

unions Alstom are passed to the action. Tuesday 27 September, so they have launched a strike on all of the sites and mobilization at the headquarters of the company in Saint-Ouen, the trade union organisations in the group railway have voted for a right of alert economic at the central committee of the company. This procedure will require the management of Alstom to respond to the requests of unions on the state of the company.

Read also : For the workers in Belfort, “this is a big blow”

This is the dialog between the group’s management and its unions today is very distended. The day before, during a central works council (CEC) extraordinary, Henri Poupart-Lafarge, chairman of Alstom, is officially released from his silence for the first time after the announcement, on 7 September, a project to stop the production of railway on the historic site of Belfort.

It has not clarified the future of the employees of the factory belfortaine. As the direction of Alstom discusses with the finance ministry, it will not start the transfer of the production of motor high-speed, scheduled from 2018 to the site alsatian Reichshoffen. the ” there has been no announcement “, gliding Andre Fages, of the CFE-CGC.

Read also : Alstom : the State seeks a total solution to save the group

” A meeting for nothing “

For Daniel Dreger, of the CGT, it was ” a meeting for nothing : it [M. Poupart-Lafarge] do we have learned nothing new. He waits for the decisions of the government which should take place by the end of the week or early next week. “

” When the CCE extraordinary, Henri Poupart-Lafarge recalled that the transfer process was to be initially launched on 4 October, during a european forum of trade unions of the group “, reports Philippe Pillot, FO. On 7 September, he had opened his project during a meeting with european trade unionists. In order to avoid leakage, the management had finally decided to inform directly the employees of Belfort on the same day, causing a crisis in the political-unprecedented


Read also : The announced closure of the site of Alstom in Belfort takes a turn policy

At the CEC, Mr. Poupart-Lafarge has specified the reasons underlying the decision to stop the production of locomotives and motor to Belfort. Unlike its competitors, the Bombardier or Siemens, which have a national market dynamics in Germany, Alstom is no longer sold a single locomotive since ten years in France. the ” On this account, we are no longer competitive in this market “, tells of Mr. Pillot. And the production of locomotives should be scrapped in France.

Hole of commands

On the TGV, from 2018 to 2021, the group had to face a hole of commands that will force the shutdown of the production line. In launching this process today, Henri Poupart-Lafarge wanted to give himself time to negotiate an agreement with the trade unions, and this without having recourse to a social plan.

Attached to the symbol of industrial Belfort, the government does not hear the same way. And over the last ten days, Bercy, and on the staff of Alstom multiply the meetings to develop an alternative plan to the closure of the site belfortain. The idea is to mix public commissions, and the reorganization of the workload among the twelve sites of the group and strengthening of the rail sector.

Read also : What can the State to save Alstom ?

” Henri Poupart-Lafarge did not, however, forward the negotiated solutions “, notes Philippe Pillot. He had merely to recall a few tracks that have already been known as the trading with the SNCF on the order of 6 TGV trains that connect France to Italy, or the future contract of the trains balance of the territory (TET), ex-City), etc., in Front of mps on Tuesday, he is expected to have the same speech.

Arnaud Montebourg is invited in the debate

In the meantime, the former minister of productive recovery, Arnaud Montebourg, who is in the middle of the election campaign, is invited in the debate. In a letter to Michel Sapin, the minister of economy and finance, Mr. Montebourg offers to save Alstom to relocate in Belfort, the production of locomotives to a contract of 1 600 locomotives sold to India and leave Alstom resume signaling Thales, which had recently allied with the chinese CRRC.

both of These proposals appear to be complicated to implement. the ” The contracts in India are clear and firm, said at Alstom : the locomotives must be produced on-site. “ with Regard to Thales, the French defence does not intend to dispose of its branch civil. His alliance with CRRC is purely commercial and is not capital-intensive, said the company on Monday evening in a news release.


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